Scare (17)

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Lyla P.O.V.
It feels like someone hit me in the head with a rock. I stumble forward grabbing a tree with one hand and holding my head with the other.


A pack member steps forward concerned but I quickly stand straight out a hand up.

"I'm fine, continue organizing the-"

I stumble forward, the pack member barely catches me before I hit the ground. He lowers me down into the leaf covered ground. I hold my head in both hands.

It's pounding.

"Wes..." I say, reaching out to the pack member.

"What? Luna tell me what I can do to help!"

"Find your beta." I command.

"I shouldn't leave y-"

"Go!" I yell, leaving no room for argument.

I'm on my hands and knees on the forest floor.

I can't feel anything. Wes isn't reachable, no matter how hard I'm reaching out for him in my head. It's just making the pounding worse.

I feel around with one of my hands until I find the rough bark of a tree. I grip it tightly with my hand and pull myself towards it. I get close enough to wrap my arms around the trunk and pull myself up. My vision is unclear and flashes in and out of complete darkness.

My pack members move forward helping me up. I see Jason racing through the forest towards me.


"Help me get back to the pack house please." I say with as much authority as I can muster.

He nods and gives me a moves forwards me. He shoots me a questioning look and I nod. In one swift movement he picks me up and begins running.

I feel my head lolling to the side as he runs. I struggle to stay awake and present. I have to stay awake, for Weston. I need to find out what happened. He has to be okay right?

"Jason..." I mumble.

"Yes Luna?" His pace doesn't slow.

"Are the borders secure?"

"Yes Luna."

I sigh in relief but I don't relax. My muscles are rigid and tense, my head is throbbing and I can't see straight.

I finally see the trees thinning and the pack house come into view. I allow Jason to set me down and I try walking myself. I take a few hesitating steps, making sure I won't fall before maneuvering quickly into the house. I can smell his blood before I see him. I race towards my father's office and take in the scene before me.

A pool of blood stains the floor and the corner of a desk. The pack doctors works frantically, shifting through their bag in search of their equipment. Guards stand around, worry written on their faces. And finally my eyes land on Wes. He sits propped up against the same bloody desk with a red stained hand pressed over his forehead.

I rush into the room and next to him, checking for any other injuries. I can't see any except for his obvious head wound.


"What happened?" I ask trying to stay calm.


"Who did this?" I growl out, gently touching his forehead.


"Will you-"

"I'm fine. Lyla. Please calm down, I'm okay. I just hit my head."

I let out a laugh but it sounds forced. He must have passed out, I couldn't feel him and my body went into over drive. My laughter soon turns into sobbing. Wes pulls me close and wraps his arms around me, allowing me to cry into his chest. I hear the doctors and guards excuse themselves after a moment and close the officer door behind them.

"Don't do that to me again Weston." I say hoarsely.

"I promise."

We sit in silence for a moment.

"You really scared me." I whisper.

"I'm sorry Lyla."

He rubs soothing circles on my back and I rest my head on his shoulder as we sit on the floor in the officer. The tears have begun to slow to a stop and I breathe deeply. I look up to him and stare at his features. He leans his head back against the desk, his eyes squeezed shut.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah just a heahache," he responds opening his eyes and looking down at me. His head dips lower and his lips capture mine. I lift one of my arms and loop it around his shoulder pulling myself more upright without breaking the kiss. He pulls away after a moment, a smile gracing his lips.

"As much as I would love to stay with you all day your mind is all over the place and this isn't helping. We have a situation to deal with."

I sigh, reality coming back to me and I stand. I offer him a hand and he unsteadily gets to his feet.

"Go get some sleep Wes I'll handle this."

"No I can tough it out," he takes and insistent step forward and stumbles.

I catch him by the shoulders and help him stand upright. We walks together down the hall, my arms wrapped around his waist as a precaution. He doesn't argue when I lead him to his room and then to his bed.

I make sure he is lying down and unable to fall before turning to leave. I feel his hand wrap around my wrist and he pulls me back to him. Our lips connect for a blissful second before I pull away and hurry from the room. There's an million things to take care of and I just want to run back to Wes. I know I can't. That wouldn't be responsible. That wouldn't be in the packs best interest. That won't keep them safe. I have rogues that need to be dealt with and they need to be dealt with now.

A nice long chapter for you and written the night before my world history honors exam and finished writing the night before my Spanish exam... I can't give up any of my "writer's-block-free" moments. They are too valuable. I hope you like it. I know it's sort of dramatic but what's a book without an emotional roller coaster. The answer my friends is: boring. A book without an emotional roller coaster is boring. So here you go and I'll be writing again probably either next week or the week after. Or sooner who knows. Love you all lots. Remember to vote and comment. Thanks so much for reading!!!!💙✨💕💙✨💕💙✨💕

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