Rest (18)

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Lyla P.O.V.

"I said twenty guards on the southern border Jason. If I say twenty that's what I mean!"

He nods his head and looks to the ground.

"But Luna if we place that many on each border than some will have to take double shifts, they can't stand out there all day and night."

I sigh and shake my head, yanking a hand through my messy hair.

"Alternate days then, I don't know just.... just give me a sec please Jason. Thank you, you're dismissed."

Jason stands from his chair across from me and quickly removes himself from the room. It's a small office that usually remains unused. My father is in a frenzy over the lost pack members so I made sure to stay out of his way. I feel it tearing me apart inside but I know I have to keep it together. We having pressing matters to deal with that can't be put off.

I lay my forehead on the desk's polished wood surface and squeeze my eyes shut. I breathe deeply try to release some of my stress with every exhale. That's how those yoga people do it right? I feel myself drifting off and my mind begins to cloud, blocking out the outside world. When was the last time I actually slept? Two days ago.... or maybe three? The last time I slept was before Wes got hurt. The night before the rogues appeared and then disappeared, leaving a mess behind them.

I try to will myself to stay awake but the needs for sleep washes over me in waves. I begin to feel myself losing the battle when the door of the small office opens. I pull my head up off the desk in a flash, nearly falling from my chair.

Weston strides through the door and leaves it open behind him.

"You need to rest, Lyla," He says grabbing my hand from where it rest on the desk.

I pull my hand from his grasp and shake my head,"No I have to-"

"You have to stay alive and healthy. This pack isn't going to have a future leader if you run yourself into the ground like this. Come on let's get you to bed," He takes my hand again and this time I don't pull away.

I stand, my hand wrapped in his and begin following him from the office. My feet don't seem to be cooperating as I stumble every few feet. Wes' grip on my hand gets firmer every time I lurch forward and he keeps me from hitting the floor... or any walls. We barely make it down the first hallway before I feel myself being lifted off the ground and into Wes' arms. I grumble in annoyance at him and his smirks down at me.

"I can walk Wes!"

"That's debatable," he retorts.

I groan and give in, letting him carry me to my room without any more debate. He sits me on my bed with my feet over the edge. I can't even bring myself to sit up straight, I slouch forward and try to stifle a yawn.

Wes leaves the room but he is back before I can blink twice. He places one of his old faded shirts on the bed next to me before grabbing the hem of my shirt and beginning to lift it. My hand grabs his before it gets past my waist.

"W-what are you doing?"

"We're mates Lyla I'm not trying to-"

"Exactly Weston we're mates. That means your pull to me is strong, maybe too strong to resist. I don't...... I'm just not ready..... I-"

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