Zaripher (22)

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Warning: this chapter gets very negatively intense! If it makes you upset please feel free to skip the second half of chapter and just read the last three sections/little paragraphs/dialogues/sentences

Lyla P.O.V.

"Let him go."

A smirk appears on the rogue's face and he shoves Wes forward, flat onto the ground. I rush to him, falling on my knees and pulling him upright.

"Lyla you can't-"

"Yes I can, I won't let them hurt you but you have to promise me something," I plead to him, begging that he listen to what I'm telling him.

"Lyla please don't do-"

I'm yanked roughly away from Wes by my hair. I hear pack warriors growl, Wes jumps to his feet. One of my warriors is already lounging to the Rogue-leader behind me.

"NO!" I scream frantically,"don't, please!"

It's too late, a rogue leaps for him, taking the warrior's neck in his powerful jaws and snapping it like a twig. Another agonizing scream escapes my mouth as a searing pain flashes through me. Wes doubles over, clutching his chest

"Let's go," I leader growls. I feel my hair being yanked again and I stumble towards to woods, away from my pack, my mate, and my family.

"Wes keep them safe!" I sob just before I'm too deep in the forest to see them any longer.

I love you


It doesn't take long for us to pass the pack borders. The large group of rogues is organized and moves quickly for its size. The rogue leader has given up on me it seems and handed me off to one of his men. Right, rough ropes hold my hand behind my back, the man's hand clasped tightly on my shoulder.

I stumble through the forest where he pushes me, trying to keep my balance without using my arms. The pace doesn't slow or have any mercy. The expression on the rogues' faces is stoic and unmoving.

Long hours pass as we pass trees and undergrowth that appears to be a green infinity. The air is damp and it's hard to breath through the thick humidity.

It's well into the night time hours when we finally stop for a break. The man uses his grip on my shoulder to shove me onto the ground. My knees give easily and I collapse, exhausted.

Wes? Weston?

I call out to him desperately in my mind but the only response is the echo of my own voice in my head. A tear slips past my emotional defense before I can right myself. I suck in a deep breath and observe the people around me.  All men, no females is sight. The age range is probably between 15 and 60. Their ranks are unknown to me, no one is familiar with rogues. What we did know about rogues, they seem to be defying.

"We'll camp here tonight. I want half of you in one form the half in the other," the rogue leader announces.

Murmurs of acceptance come up through the large group of men. The Rogue who led me through the woods mumbles a "Yes Alpha Zaripher."

Finally, a name to go with the mangled man.

Every other man shifts, tearing their clothes in the process. The Rogue next to me takes a step away and shifts as a new guard steps forward. A sneer seems permanently etched into this man face. A glint in his eye makes me wary and I assess the situation. He continues walking towards me until he is directly beside me. He looms over me, staring down at the top of my head. I keep my gaze to the ground.

I feel a rough hand against my cheek, sliding slowly down towards my chin. The thumb and pointer finger of the hand roughly, yanking my gaze to his face. His sneer slowly turns into an ugly grin.

"I wonder what plans the alpha has for you pretty lady?" He says in a low, scratchy voice.

"Leave me alone, rogue," I growl. He ignores me, bringing his face closer to mine, still trapped in his grasp.

"The alpha wouldn't mind... as long as I returned you alive..." he says, speaking to himself.

Before I can find a way to defend myself, he moves. He is in front of me now, one hand squeezing my hip, the other still holding my chin. I spit at him and kick my legs, struggling to get away. It's clear now where his thoughts lie.

"Calm down little lady," he growls, after I knee him in his stomach.

I scream out. I know someone will hear but I wonder if anyone will care. Fear grips me, it's cold fingers wrapping around my heart and sending shutters through my mind.

I kick and scream and try to scoot my body away from the rogue. He reaches for the hem of my shirt and I scream again, frantic to get away. A low, angry growl stops him in his tracks.

I watch his Alpha stride towards us. The angry glint in his eye is the only sign of emotion in his other wise calm expression and demeanor.

"What do you think you're doing Alexander?" He growls. The rogue, Alexander, removes his hands from me to stand.

"Alpha I-" that all he can say before his head is ripped from his body. Blood sprays on me as his body falls to the ground. I turn away from the scene. There is the distinct thump as the sound of another object hits the ground. The Rogue's decapitated head. I gag but nothing comes up.

"Let's get this straight. That is the only thing I will not stand for. That wasn't a kindness to you, it was a choice to benefit me. That would have killed your mate. It would have ruined my fun when I attack. A beta, desperately trying to fill in the Alpha position, trying to avenge his mates last wish. It will be a good show. Maybe he will give me a good fight, until I kill him," I growl at this,"But I can't kill him if he is already dead, now can I?"

There is a moment of silence before he appears in front of me. Our gazes are fixed on one another, glaring with hatred.

"Yes, I'll keep you alive and healthy as long as it's convenient. But before you know it, I will have gained everything I need and you will have fulfilled your purpose. Then of course you will be..... well I suppose you know, don't you?"

"You will kill me," I answer; there is no sense of question in my voice. I know what will happen if he gets what he wants.

He grins at me,"Yes, I will kill you."

So what do you think? I was being begged for an update by my amazing readers and friends so here it is. Thanks for the wonderful ratings on the last chapter I'll try and keep up the good work! Check out The Rogue War if you haven't yet it's the book that will come after this, I have the character reveal up too, see who will be returning from Luna for my next werewolf tale! Remember to vote and comment! Thanks sooooo much for reading!✨💜💙✨💜💙✨💜💙✨💜💙✨

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