Claws (21)

202 9 7

Lyla P.O.V.

"I want to introduce you to the pack as my mate Lyla," he says, taking my hand in his.

"Hasn't every body figured it out by now?" I ask running a hand over my mark.

"I want it to be official. I want them all to know you are mine and I am yours," he pulls me closer to him and wraps his arms around me.

"That's the way it should be," I say smiling. He smiles back and me before kissing me on my lips. I kiss him back quickly and for a moment it's just us. I'm the first to pull away but it's only because my mind is swirling with a million things about the near future.

"Goodness... Wes the minute everyone finds out about this our moms will be planning the fanciest, most elaborate wedding the pack has ever seen!" I say giggling at the thought of our mother's crazy ideas.

"Only the best for my Luna..."

Wes' voice fades and so does he and so does everything around us. I reach for him but my hand goes straight through him. I'm standing in darkness, alone. The last word he said echoes like I am standing in a cavern, until it becomes precise and clear.

Light floods back into my world and I sit up in bed.

"Luna!" Jason says his hand still shaking my shoulder. I break out of my sleepy stupor and bring my attention towards my third-in-command.

"What is it?" I ask feeling my anxiety rise. He face says it all. Fear, desperation, and anger.

"Rogues. Hundreds of them. They're everywhere and... they're leader is asking for you," he says, his voice wavering.

"Leader?" I question. It's strange for rogues to follow anyone, independence is what makes them rogue.

"Yes, he asked for the Luna but, when your mother came to meet him... he said she wasn't the Luna he was talking about. He wants to speak with the alpha female."

"Yes, thank you Jason. Please inform him I'm on my way."

"Yes Ma'am," he says nodding to me and hurrying towards my door.

"Oh and Jason-"


"Inform him that if any of my pack members are hurt there will be consequences."

"Of course Luna."

"Thank you Jason," I say. He nods and rushes from my room shutting the door behind him.

This rogue "leader" has another thing coming if he thinks I'm going to let him walk into my pack with his little savage friends, uninvited, and get away with it.

I swing my legs over the side of my bed and quickly strip out of the pajamas I am in. I throw on a black dress and dark green cardigan with some flats and rush outside. Pack members stand anxiously around living room and on the front porch, parting to let me through.

I take in the scene before me. Rogues form a barrier between the pack house yard and the forest. The stale air around them reeks of blood. Jason stands in the yard glaring at the bulky dark haired man a few feet away from him. The man's hair is pitch black and matted. He looks at the ground, relaxed, like he hasn't a care in this world. Weston stands next to Jason, watching me intently.

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