Halloween! 🎃

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Sorry it's short
AU, no demigods etc.

"Will!" Nico shrieked, jumping backwards and almost falling down the steps to their apartment building, hand over his heart, because Will had suddenly twirled around, scaring the already pale boy. His boyfriend responded by laughing, he himself almost falling down the stairs, as he laughed at the expression on the raven haired boy's face.
"I hate you." Nico mumbled, lip pushed forward in a pout, arms crossed over his black button down shirt.
"You love me!" Will exclaimed, throwing his arms around Nico's waist pulling Nico to his chest, nuzzling his way to Nico's neck, through the shaggy locks of black hair. Will opened his eyes, jumping away from Nico with a yelp, momentarily forgetting that Nico had dressed up as a vampire, putting on his usual attire of black skinny jeans, but now a collared shirt, and he'd used his artistic talent to paint incredibly detailed and realistic teeth marks on his neck, no other makeup needed due to his already pale complexion, and Nico already had scarily sharp canines. Nico laughed, pulling Will's face down so Nico could kiss him, before pushing the blonde away, a dopey grin on both their faces, butterflies still erupting in their stomachs, even after three years of dating.

Nico looked at Will, who'd dressed up as himself; a gay af guy.
Will was wearing skinny jeans, the flirtatious smirk on his lips drawing attention, (unwanted in Nico's opinion), his already flamboyant personality multiplied by 5.

Nico grabbed the boy's hand, pulling him into the lobby. It was midnight, and trick-or-treating had finally trickled to an end, but Will wasn't even close to being ready to fall asleep. When the two boys finally reached their apartment, Will locked the door behind them, before grabbing the bags full of candy and tossing them on the kitchen counter.
"'Common Nico. Let me show you some real bite marks."

And with that, Will dragged a blushing Nico into their bedroom, and slammed the door behind them.

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