Kids These Days Pt. 2

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Idk if I said this, but, mortal AU (as usual 😂) (also, the picture isn't exactly how I'd like her to look, but it's the closest I could find)
(also also, Like my new cover? I made it! (- not the art tho; can't do graphic art to save a life 😂
Graphite works just fine, thanks.))

(UPDATE: I like the new title better. I JUST thought of it, and was like; that's a great title if I was gonna turn this into a book (which I probably WON'T), but I don't want to forget it, cause you know, so I changed the title.
Anyways, sorry for the many interpretations. Enjoy.)

Nico shook hands with the surggo- Katie, still slightly unnerved at how similar she looked to himself - though her features were more rounded than his. She was obviously Italian, or somewhere similar, with warm, tan-olive skin, just slightly darker than his own (- that's what happens when you start spending more time indoors, and less in your home country -), and dark brown eyes, almond in shape, but large, and beautiful. He was relieved they were brown, seeing as Italians normally had hazel, or green eyes. Her black hair was long and straight, going until a couple inches above her waist. Nico's hair had more tones - raven-like in the way blues (and even some red) would appear, depending on the lighting - but overall, their similarities were astounding; they could be twins.

Nico was suddenly glad they'd gone through an agency, instead of accepting Reyna's offer - it would just of been to weird. Though, she too looked a lot like Nico. That would of kinda  gone against the best friend code tho, wouldn't it? "Don't 'sleep' with your best friend's boyfriend". . .? 😂

Katie turned to Will, her glowing face lighting up. They shook hands, before Will shifted so he was once more standing behind Nico, wrapping his arms around his husband's feminine waist.

"This is weird." Nico blurted, looking the woman up and down. She giggled.

"I agree," She mused, watching as Nico leaned into Will, wishing that she had someone like that, but with her job. . .

Will only nodded - he was too busy being embarrassed. The fact that she was impregnated by him, well, he didn't want to think about it.

It had been three months since the procedure, which means they could have an ultrasound done, to determine the due date.

Nico reached up, running his fingers through Will's hair as he talked with Katie, thanking her (again) for doing this. She only shrugged.

They moved over to the seats, waiting for the doctor to call Katie back. This wasn't the first time they'd talked, though it was the first time in person. They sat in the uncomfortable chairs, Nico facing her, Will's face still buried in Nico's hair.

"So, how long have you been doing this?" Will asked, finally having his blush under control again, rested his chin on Nico's shoulder, back to being himself.

"Not long," She flushed. "I've only carried for one other couple before."

Nico nodded, "This is our first time. . ."

Katie blinked, before laughing lightly. "Using a surrogate? I can tell."

"Um, yeah. Or even, er, "having" a child," Nico snickered, while Will huffed, not moving his face from where it rested on Nico's shoulder.

"Sorry about him," Nico rolled his eyes, hand gently playing with Will's blond curls. "My joke-of-a-top husband is embarrassed easily."

Katie laughed, as Will blew out a breath, nipping lightly at Nico's neck, head turned in a way so that Katie wouldn't be able to see what he had done. Nico scowled, tugging slightly at Will's hair in response, and Will gasped, pulling on Nico's earlobe with his teeth, not listening as Nico continued to talk with Katie. He went back to resting his cheek on Nico's shoulder, arms still encircling the shorter boy.

"Caterina Moretti?"

"That's me," Katie said, standing up. She turned to the couple, "Would you like to know when your baby will be born?"

Nico nodded, pulling Will up with him. Though he showed no sign of fear on his face, the tight grip on Will's hand told the blond all he needed to know.

Nico, was terrified.

It's 11:30pm at the moment, and I have a 6 hour car ride tomorrow.

I leave for camp tomorrow! Yay!
I'll be at camp for 6 weeks, but I plan to be doing a lot of writing while I'm there, so hopefully I'll get in an update or two.

(Sorry in advance if that doesn't happen.)

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this awkwardness! Don't forget to (subscribe and (😂)) comment!

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