Happy Birthday

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Nico POV

I hid in my cabin, staring up at the black, navy blue, and silver sky I'd painted. Sighing, I closed my eyes, turning onto my side and curled inwards, shifting the blanket higher onto my neck.

January 28th. I was officially ninety-three years old. But I still looked fifteen.

I wonder what Will would do if he knew how old I actually was. Probably be disgusted. I mean, I'd be seventy-seven years older than him!

I shifted onto my other side, to lost in thoughts to notice that someone with the key to my cabin, had entered. The click of the automatic lock, as the door closed, caught my attention, and I twisted around, yelping as I fell over the edge of the bed, tangled in the sheets. There was a laugh that sounded like bells, and I immediately knew who it was. I heard my boyfriend of six months put something down, but the wall of comforter blocked my view of what. He walked over, and in one swoop, picked the blankets off the floor - with me still inside. Will chuckled, sitting on the bed cross legged, with me in his lap. I glared at him, failing to free my limbs.
"Help." Was all I needed to say, and Will broke, laughing as he clutched me to his chest. I scowled as he calmed down, gasping for breath.
"Sorry," He managed, "I know, not funny." He snorted, trying not to burst back into laughter, as he put me on the bed, and helped to free me. I grumbled at him, before plopping back into his, once again, crossed legs. One of Will's arms slid around my back, and the other around my waist, hugging me closer. I buried my face in his collarbone, my arms around his neck.

"Hey Nico?"
I hummed in reply, and his hesitated.
"Happy birthday."
"Thanks." I replied, but it was stiff, and that made Will pause before he spoke again.
"How, how old are you?"
I tensed, not looking at him. "fifteen."
I knew he shook his head without having to look at him. "No, how old are you actually?" His voice had gone soft, hesitant.
I sighed, finally raising my head. I looked at Will sadly, before answering. "ninety-three."
"Oh few." Will let out a relieved chuckle, as I stared at him incredulously.
I looked at him in confusion, and Will kissed my forehead, before explaining, "I was afraid that I'd put the wrong age on the cake!"
"Cake?" I mumbled, still stuck on the fact he hadn't reacted to my age - that he knew my age!
"Yeah! I mean, it's small, just for us because I know you don't like parties, but-"
"Wait wait wait!" I interrupted. "Hold up. You, you don't care that I'm like, seventy-seven years older than you?"
Will shook his head, smiling. "Nah. We're demigods! Dating is all messed up with us anyway."
I chuckled, nodding. "True. Now, you said something about cake?"
Will laughed, getting up and grabbing the two person cake. On top, in looping white letters, which contrasted with the black body of the cake, it said; Happy 93rd Neeks!
I laughed, kissing Will's cheek as he set it down, and Will grinned at me.
"Thank you."
Will just flashed me a blinding smile, saying, "Eat your cake!" and took a bit of frosting, smearing it on my nose. I gasped, before smirking at him, and doing the same to him, but from his eyebrow to his chin.

It turned into a cake war. I grinned at Will, taking a chunk out of the cake itself, and pushing it onto his face. He just laughed, and tried to reach for me. I escaped his grasp with a squeak, and ran to the bathroom. Will followed, his blonde hair sticking up, as if the frosting was gel*.
Once in the bathroom, he grabbed me, and yanked me into a hug, nuzzling his cheek against mine, smearing the sugary paste all over me, as I squealed. Will laughed, and grabbed a towel, handing it to me, before getting one for himself. I smirked at him over the threads of the black towel, and Will laughed.

"I love you." I said, before smacking my hand over my mouth, eyes widening as I dropped the towel. Will's towel slid from his grasp, landing in a heap at his feet. I tried to stutter an apology, when Will's lips crashed into mine. I melted, kissing back, our lips moving in sync. He pulled away, eyes dancing, and I raised a hand to my smiling lips, that tasted of sugary frosting.
"I love you too. And happy ninety-third birthday."
I rolled my eyes, pulling him into another kiss, my heart still doing flips in my chest.

Hi! I know Nico's birthday was yesterday, but when I finished writing, I had stuff to do, so I couldn't update, and then when I got home, it was really late, so I had to go to bed since I had work the next morning - today. But, yeah!
Hope you enjoyed!

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