I Was Tagged!

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The first tag of this book! That didn't last long. *playful smile* Tagged by mylena1501, thx bro.

13 facts about me:
- I have a younger brother, no other siblings
- I'm pansexual, but lean more towards asexual at the moment (update; I'm panromantic asexual, but focus more towards boys/male gender)
- I'm 17, and in 12th grade (does that count as two things? Oh well)
- I'm taking ASL (American Sign Language) in school, and am loving it, (but need more practice)
- My brother and I were born in the US, but I have duel citizenship with Canada because both my parents were born in Canada (Montrèal and Toronto)
- I go by female pronouns, and was born female
- I'm Jewish
- I had my Bat-Mitzvah when I was 12
- I love to play cards, and board games (NOT Monopoly! It takes to long)
- I have ADHD
- I'm 50000% tomboy
- Most of my friends are guys, but only my closest friends are female
- I'm a ginger
I hope that was 13. . .
I tag:

Have fun!

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