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Mortal AU

"Is this a joke? It's a joke, right? A dare. Where's the rest of the gang, huh?"
"Nico, what-?"
"No. Get out."

Nico yanked himself out of the blonde's grasp, swallowing thickly.

"No! You're pranking me! I, I know you are! You can't have feelings for me!" Nico tried shoving Will out of the room, but the taller boy didn't budge.
"Nico, it's not a prank. It's not a joke, or a dare. I do, I have feelings for you. But if you don't feel the same way, that's fine." Will spoke in a quiet whisper, Nico straining to hear.

But he heard.

"How, how do I know you're not lying? I've been hurt before Will. And, and when you walk in here, telling me you're interested me, and I, I've like you for so long, and I just, I let myself believe, and then you kissed me, and I was happy, and then I thought about it, and how people don't just, just," Nico struggled with how to explain, but Will knew what he meant.

People don't crush on Nico Di Angelo.

"I do." Will murmured, looking at the ground, his confident act dropping, showing the honesty and nervousness underneath the layer of bravado.
Nico fell silent, his expression guarded, but hopeful.
"I do, I'm not joking, I promise you." Will inched closer, Nico shying away, until Will managed to corner Nico.
Nico stood with his back to the wall, glancing frantically around for an escape. He found none.

"Nico, look at me, please."
Nico's gaze slid back to Will's before flitting away again. Will asked him again, and he finally made eye contact with the clear, cyan blue irises. Dark brown on light blue. Nico's gaze was still bleary, fuzzy with unshed tears, while Will's were sincere.
"Nico, look me in the eyes, and tell me you don't want to be with me."
Nico stuttered, but under the intense gaze of the older blonde, he couldn't lie.
"Exactly." Will said, as he pressed his chest against the shorter boy's.
Nico stayed silent, dropping his gaze, before taking a deep breath. "Sorry."
Will didn't reply, only wrapped his arms around the black haired boy's petite frame, pulling him into a warm hug.
Nico sighed, relaxing into Will's hold, as the blonde held him tighter. Nico's arms wound their way around Will's neck, as he leaned his temple against the blonde's collarbone.

Will felt the shift, and at the same time, the two boys released the hug. But Will's arms stayed looped around Nico's waist, just looser than before.
Nico looked up at Will, his breath hitching when he realized Will's piercing blue eyes were looking back at him.

"Can I kiss you?" Will whispered, his gaze focused on Nico's partially parted lips.
"Please?" Nico tried not to sound desperate, but now that he knew Will wasn't joking, he wanted this. He's wanted this so bad, it hurt, and now, well, now he wasn't going to lose this chance.
Will rested his palm on Nico's jaw, his other arm still around Nico's waist. Will tilted his head down, as Nico tilted his up, their lips meeting gently, savoring the moment. Their lips moved softly together, lips barely parting. There was no tongue involved, just a sweet, gentle, loving and innocent kiss.
Nico pulled away first, his lungs aching for air, and he panted quietly, resting his head against Will. Will buried his head in Nico's hair, inhaling the smell of chocolate.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Will kept his voice quiet, as if not to ruin the moment.
After a brief hesitation, Nico nodded. "Yes."

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