Cheating Leads to. . . Happiness? Pt. 2

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Trigger - mentions of cutting, hospitalization

FYI, below is italicized, because I changed the previous chapter to be more of a cliffhanger

"It's just," Joseph gave Nico's ex a pointed look. "being cheated on is one of his greatest fears. And you have to go and do it." Joseph's voice went cold, "If you had broken up with him before, he would be OK with it. Yeah, he would have been hurt, but the fact that he had to walk in on you, making out with a girl, when you told him you were gay! That kills him. So no, Dave, you can't see him."

The other boy sputtered, looking helpless. "Please-"

"No." Joseph turned away. "Go to your girlfriend. He's safe, that's all you need to know."

He regretted saying it as soon as he said it, because when his phone rang, he got very different information. 

His phone rang, and he tugged it out of his pocket. "Will?"

"Will Solace? That's who he's with!?" Dave snapped, irrational envy rolling off of him.

Joseph turned and glared, phone still to his ear. "You don't have the right to be jealous," He hissed, before turning away again.

"Joseph, please, help me!" Will's voice came through brokenly, desperate.

"Yeah, I'm here, what-"

"He, Nico, ho-hospital, in an ambulance, Joseph please!" Will sobbed.

Joseph took off towards his car. "Tell me how to get there."

He did so, and Joseph pushed the speed limit as much as he dared to, until finally reaching the hospital. Joseph ran in, and Will met him in the lobby. He grabbed Joseph's hand, and opted against the elevator, yanking him up the stairs. 

"Will!" The younger boy gasped, "I can't keep up!" He let go of Joseph's wrist, and disappeared out the door. With a sigh, Joseph ran after him, catching his breath outside of the room Will slipped into. He walked in, sending a meaningless glare at the blond, before turning to his motionless roommate. He sighed, looking at the tube that slipped under the skin on his stomach. Feeding tube Nutrients.

Guilt crushed him - he should have noticed that Nico wasn't eating. The said boy stirred, blinking. He frowned, realizing there was an IV in the back of his hand, and made a face. He reached over to tug it out from his right hand, but a larger, tanned hand closed around his before he could remove the IV. Nico's head snapped over, and a blush enveloped his cheeks as he saw who it was.


Will smiled sadly, his right hand brushing the black locks from Nico's face, his left still holding Nico's pale hand. Joseph cleared his throat, and excused himself, leaving the two boys alone, going back to school once he knew Nico was OK.

Will looked at the black haired boy, who was looking at their clasped hands. "Why?"

Nico was silent. He knew Will was asking about his lack of eating. Will squeezed his left hand, and Nico interlocked their fingers. "I'm sorry."

Will didn't push him, only ran his thumb over the back of Nico's hand. Nico tugged on Will's hand, pulling him out of the chair, and closer to the gurney. With another tug, Will understood what Nico wanted, and climbed onto the bed. Will enveloped the younger demigod, his natural warmth surrounding the son of Hades like a natural blanket.

Nico snuggled closer, letting Will wrap his arms around him. Resting his ear against Will's chest, he hears the blond's heart rate increase, and looks up with a frown. A pink flush spread across his cheeks, and he avoided Nico's eyes.

"Will? What's going on?"

Will took a deep breath, running his fingers through Nico's soft hair. "Nico, I, I'm sorry. I should of had you live with me, even if it's off campus, and I, I just, I, Nico, I," Will was stumbling over his words, his hands gently tightening in Nico's hair, the other resting on his sharp cheekbones. Nico raised the hand with the IV up, and wrapped his cold fingers Will's wrist, leaning more into his warm palm.

"Nico, I'm I,"

"Will?" Nico reached up the the hand that didn't have the needle in it, and brushed the tears off of Will's cheeks.

"I love you."

Nico froze, his hands shaking. His lips parted slightly, trying to decide what to say. "You, you love me?" His voice was so full of disbelief that Will had to smile, as he leaned his forehead against Nico's.

"Yes you. You don't know how much it killed me when you started dating. . . him. I missed my chance. And I know this isn't the best time to tell you, but I do, I really do love you." Nico's face was full of admiration, and amazement.

"I, I, Will, wow, you're serious." Nico let out a single laugh, closing his eyes, and keeping his head against Will's.

Will only nodded, a mash of emotions flowing through him as he waited for Nico's response. What he didn't expect, was for cold lips to be pressed against his own warm ones. Will let out a sigh, sliding his eyes closed, and tugging Nico closer. Nico kept his hand with the IV on Will's chest, the other sliding into his blond curls, deepening the kiss.

Nico whined as Will pulled back, but the blond didn't move far, moving his lips down Nico's jaw, light enough not to leave marks, the black haired boy tilting his head back, cheeks flushed. Will kissed the corner of Nico's mouth, and the younger boy turned his head, pressing their lips together once again.

They were interrupted by a knock on the door, and just managed to pull away, and look as though Will was hugging Nico, before the door opened.

A nurse walked in, and glided over to the bed. "Mr. Di Angelo."

Nico looked up.

"We're concerned for you. You will have to stay here for a while, because your body is struggling to take in nutrients, but we can exchange the feeding tube for one in your elbow." Nico nodded.

"Now, Mr. Solace,"

Will blushed,

"I need to talk to you. Outside."

Will got up, and walked out the door. The nurse sighed, looking up at the tall man. "Will, we found cuts on his wrist."

Will nodded. "I know, they're from a while ago."

The nurse nods, "Alright. We'll be back to change the tube in about half an hour."

Will walked back into the room, going over to Nico. He lay next to the black haired boy, playing with his hair.

"I love you." Will murmured, looking at Nico. "And it's OK if you don't feel the same, it's early, I know."

Nico shook his head, a small smile playing at his lips. "I love you too." Will's face lit up, and he gently held Nico's head as he mashed their lips together, kissing Nico passionately. Nico laughed against Will's lips, grinning as he slid his hands into the soft blond curls.

Will pulled back slightly. "Live with me?" He breathed, and Nico nodded breathlessly.

"Of course."

Nico relaxed into Will's chest, closing his eyes. He felt comforted by the sound of Will's heart, the gentle ba-bum, ba-bum, lulling him into a peaceful rest. He let out a quiet hum as he felt Will press a kiss to his forehead, and smiled, before sleep won his attention, and he slipped away, knowing when he awoke, he would be with someone he loved.

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