Cheating leads to. . . Happiness?

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Trigger - anorexia (eating, or lack there of, disorder)

Nico froze, his eyes filling with tears of hurt and anger.


But he was already gone, tearing through the halls and running back to his dorm. The crowds of people managed to slow down the other boy, and give Nico enough time to lock the door behind him.

Tears streamed down his face, sobs racking his body as he leaned his head against the heavy door. How could he?

The said boy tensed, holding his breath as tears continued to pour down his face.
"Nico." The voice said again, from behind him. He turned to see his roommate. He held a shaking hand to his mouth, and shook his head. A smack on the door made the two males jump.

"Nico! Let me in! I know you're in there! Please, just, let me explain! It, it wasn't what it looked like!" The newcomer's  voice was choked with emotion, and a rush of fury swirled through Nico. He threw open the door, onyx eyes dark, glimmering with anger.
"Wasn't what it looked like? Wasn't what it looked like!?" He screeched, "So, I didn't see you pinning down some girl, and sucking her face off?!!"
The boy flinched, and he tried to reach out towards Nico, who recoiled. The other boy's gaze slid to behind Nico, and he bit his lip, seeing as they had a witness.

"Nico, please-"
"No. I should have known." Nico let out a humorless laugh, his voice hollow, tears still rolling down his cheeks. "Late nights, cancellations, all the signs." Nico took a shaking breath. "We're over."
"Wait! Ni-" The door closed, and the lock turned with a soft click. With a strangled scream, Nico turned, and slammed his fist into the plaster wall, before yanking his wrist from the hole. He held his bloody knuckles to his chest, and the flow of tears increased. Immediately, Nico was wrapped in warmth, and he sobbed even harder. The two boys fell to the floor, Nico in the older boy's lap.

"Shhh, Nico. You're OK. You're so brave,"
Another round of anger flowed through him, and he wanted to punch something again. "Why me? Why can't I be happy!?" He gripped the older boy's shirt, and was hugged tighter in reply.

The older male stood up, Nico limp on his arms bridal style. He walked into Nico's room, and lay him down.
"Stay?" Nico murmured, gripping his roommate's arm. The boy nodded, climbing into bed, and wrapping Nico in his arms.
"Night Will." Nico mumbled.
The boy's eyes widened. Nico thought he was Will! Before he could correct Nico, the said boy fell asleep. His roommate sighed, but fell asleep next to the college senior.

Time skip, 1 week or so

The door opened, the male sighing as he did so. He stepped in, and frowned, the apartment unusually quiet.

"Nico?" When he got no reply, he walked into the the dorm with a little more urgency. He froze, seeing the black haired boy passed out on the floor a few feet from the bed.
"Nico! Shit!" He rushed over, kneeling. He turned Nico onto his back, and made sure he was breathing. He was, so that was good.
"Nico?" The said boy stirred, blinking.
Nico's roommate frowned. This was the second time Nico had mistaken him for the blond.
Before Nico could be corrected, his eyes slid shut. His roommate sighed. "I think it's time you see the real Will." He slid his arms under Nico, and lifted, gasping at how light the boy was. It was obvious he hadn't been eating.

He rushed Nico out to his car, and slid him into the passenger seat, buckling him. He ran to the driver's side, and after buckling, he took off.
He easily ran up the stairs - the elevator was out of order, and it would take too long anyways - even with Nico in his arms. He used his foot to knock in the apartment door, and after a moment, was greeted by a smiling blond.
"Joseph! What're you doing here?"
"Will! Help him!"
The blond's smile fell as he caught sight of the limp body, and he gathered Nico in his arms. "What-"
"He hasn't been eating."
"You promised!"
"I know!" There was so much anguish in Joseph's voice, that Will stopped pestering him. He had laid the pale boy on the couch, and ran to get some orange juice, which would be gently on Nico's empty stomach. He grabbed a cup, filled it, and topped it off with a bendy straw.

He ran back to the living room, and gently managed to wake Nico.
"Will," The blond's name escaped in a sigh of relief, and the alumni gave a small smile.

Will had graduated last school year, and was going to another school looking get his doctorate in pediatrics, leaving Nico to adjust to a new roommate for his senior year - Joseph, another senior, who was older than Nico by a couple months, and Will's younger half brother on his father's side.

"I'm here. You're OK."
Nico burst into tears, startling the other two men.
"Nico?" Will said, stroking his ink-black hair.
"I'm sorr - I just, I thought, I was happy, you know?"
Will swallowed, hugging the black haired boy close. "I know, I know darling. I know."

*        *        *

Will closed the door to the guest room, biting his lip guiltily. Joseph enveloped the taller blond in a hug, the said male collapsing. He'd spent over an hour trying to console the younger boy. The guilt only built when Joseph told him how Nico mistook Joseph for the first year med school student. Will collapsed on the couch, head in his hands. Joseph sat next to his half-brother and they sat in silence for a couple minutes, Will changing his position - resting his chin on his knuckles, his elbows on his knees. Will leaned back on the couch, letting out a loud breath, clasping his hands in front of him, jaw working as if he wanted to speak.

"I, I just feel, if I had invited him to live with me, here, off campus, I could have prevented this!" Will looked up at Joseph, his face contorted with pain. "I could of had a chance." His voice broke, and he leaned forwards again, hands still clasped, head turned towards the younger blond.

Joseph smiles sadly, pulling Will into him. "He really loves you, you know. He felt guilty even while dating him. I think half the pain right now, is that he went out with the douche, and made himself believe he was happy, instead of going for you."

Will searched his half-brother's face. "Really?"

Joseph's eyes crinkled as he smiled. "You know as well as I do we can't lie." Will let out a quiet laugh, his eyes sliding back to the hall that lead to the guest room. Joseph chuckled, nudging Will. "Go! Make him yours Will,"

Will sent a harmless glare towards Joseph, before the two of them stood up. Will hugged him again. "I'll let you know if something changes."

Joseph nodded, patting Will on the back before walking out the door.

*          *        *

"It's just," Joseph gave Nico's ex a pointed look. "being cheated on is one of his greatest fears. And you have to go and do it." Joseph's voice went cold, "If you had broken up with him before, he would be OK with it. Yeah, he would have been hurt, but the fact that he had to walk in on you, making out with a girl, when you told him you were gay! That kills him. So no, Dave, you can't see him."

The other boy sputtered, looking helpless. "Please-"
"No." Joseph turned away. "Go to your girlfriend. He's safe, that's all you need to know."
He regretted saying it as soon as he said it, because when his phone rang, he got very different information.

This was getting too long, so I'm cutting it off. 😉 But you didn't learn what makes it happy, did you? 😇😈

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