Three Days

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Dedicated to lambs_zo and Elizabeth051503, for their quick thumbs voting on my chapters ;-) Thanks!

Nico sat up, looking quickly around. Breathing a sigh of relief, he got up, creeping over to the door as quiet as he could. He peaked out, and when he didn't see anyone, he snuck out of the room. He was halfway to the infirmary door, when he was caught.

"And where, exactly, do you think you're going?"
Nico froze, leaving him in a position with one foot forwards, knees bent, back slightly hunched. Nico cursed in Italian, before straightening up, clearing his throat.
"To my cabin."
The blonde snorted, rolling his brilliant blue eyes, muscular-tanned arms bent, with his hands on his hip. "I don't think so. We had a deal. Three days, remember?"
Nico groaned, letting his head fall back, scowling at the ceiling. "Why?" He mumbled, "Why did I agree to this?"
The blonde acted as if he didn't hear, walking up to the shorter boy, and wrapping an arm around his waist. "C'mon. Back to your room."
Nico escaped from his grasp, walking back on his own.

The blonde took the time to study the boy, who refused to wear the infirmary gown, and continued to where his black ripped skinny jeans, and black tank-top. The tank was what he had worn under the floral print Hawaiian shirt, and because he hadn't been allowed back to his cabin, so it was all that was available to him. Not that it looked like he cared, sauntering around the place, oblivious to what he was doing to Will.

Will shook himself from his reverie, and followed the younger male, standing in the doorway with crossed arms, watching as Nico sat on the edge of the bed, his signature scowl on his face.
"Look, you only have another day left. There's tonight, and all of tomorrow. Then, you can go." Will had to fight to keep the tint of disappointment out of his voice, and Nico sighed, picking at the strands in his ripped jeans.

"Thanks." He mumbled, and Will looked surprised. The blonde stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him.
"For what?"
"For, for caring. For forcing me to stay and heal." Nico let out a humorless laugh, still not looking at the blonde.
"Nico, people care about you! You're just to stubborn to notice."
Nico looked at Will, a disbelieving look on his face. "Oh?"
"Yeah." Will nodded. "Piper, Jason, Percy, Leo, Annabeth, Hazel, Reyna, me! I want to get to know you Nico."
Nico blinked, looking at him uncertainly.
Will sighed, shaking his head. "Nevermind." He turned to go, but he was stopped by a pale hand, the cold temperature going through his lab coat, and his t-shirt.
"Do you mean that?"
"Yes, of-"
"No," Nico shook his head, then noticed he hadn't let go of Will's shoulder, and promptly dropped his hand. "I mean, what you said about you, caring for me, actually wanting to be near me, is that, is that true?"
Will stared at him, before giving him a gentle smile. "I'm the son of Apollo. We know when someone lies, and we can't lie."

And with that, he disappeared from the room, leaving the son of Hades to decipher what the healer meant.

Hmm. I think I'll leave it here. . . Unless, someone wants more?

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