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This is inspired by a one shot by the name of Pretty, by IWrteFicNotTragedies. (Go read it.) Thank you so much for writing such moving and captivating stories. I love reading them, and hope you update more. (P.S, IWrteFicNotTragedies, I'm sorry is this is really similar to yours, I just aspire to be able to write like you do, and yeah.) But anyways, enjoy!

WARNING: Slightly kinky. . . ?

Nico POV

He saw. Will saw me. He knows. He saw, he's mad, he's going to hate me. I should just leave. I'm a disappointment. Will won't love me now that he knows.

"Nico!" Another pound on the door followed my name. "Nico, please!" Will's voice had already passed sounding desperate. It was so much more. "Nico, open the door!"
I didn't move, only twisted my hands into my obsidian hair, and squeezed my dark eyes shut.
"Nico, I'm your boyfriend, let me in! Unlock the door!" He shouted, once against slamming his fist onto the wood.
I opened my eyes, staring at the denim that hugged tightly to my thighs, the light shade of purple suddenly appalling.
"Nico, open the fucking door!" I jolted, eyes widening as I turned and looked at the door. Will never swore. A shiver of fear raced through me, and I swallowed around the lump in my throat.
"I'll find a way to get in Nico! I swear it!"
I didn't reply, but a sob escaped my throat. I heard a gently thud, and knew Will was resting his forehead against the thin wood.
"I'll go and get a blacksmith to make a key!" He threatened, but his voice was hollow.
I still didn't move, but my hands fisted into my blouse's loose bottom.
"Fine! If you won't open the door, I'll break it down!" I heard him step back, and gasped as I watched the wood shake on its hinges, hearing Will's grunt of pain.
I sat frozen, watching as Will slammed into it three more times. On the fourth hit, he stayed against the door, pressing his cheek to it. I heard him slide down the grainy oak door, and lean against it.
"Please." I heard him whisper, and more tears fell down my face. But I didn't get up.

"Nico, open the damn door this instant." I tensed at his voice. It was strong, not like the begging tone from before, but demanding, direct and instructive. I had to bite my lip to stop the whimper from escaping.
"Nico, I said open the door." I heard him stand back up, and the doorknob jiggled.
"You've been so good baby, why stop now? Do I need to punish you?" His voice had taken on a seductive, alluring tone, as well as a warning edge.
I froze. How. How'd he know about that? I'd never even talked to him about it.
"C'mon baby-boy. I know you wouldn't want that."
I shuddered, shifting in the suddenly even tighter skinny jeans.
"Baby, now." He snapped, and before I could stop myself, I was on the other side of the room. I unlocked the door, and was going to run back, away from Will, when I felt muscled arms wrap around me, pulling me into a sturdy chest, and I squeaked as my back hit his shirt covered abdomen.

"There you are, baby. Let me see you."
He pulled back slightly, turning me around. I blushed under his gaze, looking at my feet. And then it hit me. Again. I looked down at myself, the blush fading immediately, a frown replacing my timid smile, tears once again filling my eyes.

I was wearing pastel purple skinny jeans, with a white blouse. Blouse above - but without the breasts 😇 The blouse had half sleeves that barely covered my shoulders, and hugged my body until my waist, where it flared a bit.

I felt Will's warm hand on my chin, tilting my face back up. His smirk fell, replaced by a worried frown. "Hey, what's wrong? Nico?"
I shrugged, pulling my face away from his hand, and looking back at the floor, my bare feet shifting on the carpet.
Will's frown deepened, and he pulled me to him. I gripped his shirt, closing my eyes. As my nose brushed his neck, Will shivered, and held me tighter.

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