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lambs_zo requested soul mate AU. Blame them. (Don't actually blame them, they said do a soul mate AU, I came up with the rest. Lol).
Soul mates can;
-Feel every every emotion the other person does
-'share' pain (Kinda like Reyna)
-Talk to each other in head
-Cut off the connection
-Will's a senior in HS, Nico's a junior


Will gasped, holding his wrist carefully. His friends look at him, as he backed away feeling panicked. No, he wants feeling panicked. His soul mate was.
Will yelped, crumpling into the green grass, curling in on himself. He whimpered as he felt an unseen force slam into his side, and again on his back, and another on his shin.
His friends gathered around him, asking if he was OK, and what was going on, but he couldn't answer.

Will's vision swam, and when he blinked he saw people he didn't know, standing around him the same way his friends were. Will could make out words, words he never wanted anyone to hear.
Gay trash
You should kill yourself
It's your fault your mom and sister are dead!"
They started to say something else, but Will blinked again, and the ring of people around him were his friends once again. Will continued to scream, as the invisible assault continued, his breath hitching. He was dimly aware of his friends debating on how to help, his mind overwhelmed by pain.

But this wasn't the first time this has happened, and it terrified Will.
Please, make them stop! He told his soul mate.
His soul mate sobbed in reply, and then disappeared.
No! Will internally shrieked. I can take some of the pain! Let me help you. . . His thoughts quieted, much like they would if he was talking out loud.
But the connection was gone, just like the pain. Gone as fast as it came.

Will's vision refocused, and already knew the pattern on the ceiling. He managed to calm his breathing. He was no longer outside, but laying in the nurse's office. Will sat up, and immediately Natasha bustled in. Elizabeth051503, thanks for the name!
Will and Nurse Cole were on first name basis, because he spent most of his free time helping out. She was a middle aged lady, and as sweet as you could get. Kind of like Madam Pomfrey. Strict, but kind.

"Will! Glad you're awake. It was longer than last time."
Will just nodded, unable to do anything though no longer in pain.
"It's the end of your free period, you have about five minutes hon, but you can relax. No else is here but you."
"Thanks Natasha."
She hummed, bustling out of the room.

Time skip

Will made his way to his anatomy class, and slid into his seat. Not ten minutes into the period, he felt an itch on his arm. It was so soft he knew it wasn't his arm, but his soul mates.
You OK? Will whispered, and the only reply he got was a hiss of breath. Will sighed, wishing he could talk to his soul mate more, maybe get to know him.
All Will knew, was that he was bullied, depressed, and moved to the US recently from Italy.
Will took notes, following closely to what his teacher was explaining.
Suddenly, he dropped the pencil to grip his left wrist, a quiet gasp escaping him. The pain was sharp, digging into his skin. He half expected to see blood, but knew that he wasn't going to. Because it was his soul mate cutting, not him.
What he was looking at changed for the second time that day, and in front of him was a bloodied arm, slices and white scars running up and down the forearm. Will watched a drop of blood slip off the pale wrist, and fall to the bathroom floor. The image was gone as soon as the drop splattered the stained tile, but the pain stayed.

"Will! William!"
Will startled, and he looked up, to see his teacher in front of him looking at him with concern. The pain had dulled to a throb, but he could still almost feel the warm trickle of blood gliding down his wrist.
"Sorry, my, um, soul mate is having an, a breakdown. . . ?" Will's voice trailed away, unsure how to explain.
Oh, so, I'm having a breakdown?
Will startled, a small smile flitting across his face as the cutting stopped, a melodious voice with an intense Italian accent, that at the moment was slightly sarcastic, flowed into his head.
Well, what else would you like me to call it? Will's voice became serious, losing the teasing edge. And, I could have helped you, before. I just, wasn't ready for that amount of pain. It was more than the usual.
Will was met with silence, but he could still feel his soul mate lurking in the back of his head. How he didn't notice before, he didn't know.

"Sorry, Ms. Johnson. Um, I'm OK." He gave her his signature grin, and she blinked, nodding slowly. Thanks to Elizabeth051503 for the teacher's name!
Will picked up his pencil, and continued making notes, trying not to laugh as his soul mate makes sarcastic comments in response to some things the teacher says.

When the bell rang, Will gathered his things and rushed out the door. He twisted and ducked his way to his locker, the halls crowded as usual. Once he reached his locker, he put the things he didn't need to take home, away. Slamming the locker shut, he made his way to volleyball practice.

He groaned once he reached the gym. Conditioning. He changed quickly, and got to work.
It was mostly running, but then coach changed it, and made them do stairs. Do you do this? I don't do volleyball, used to play hockey, and we did this, but idk for other sports.
Will huffed, keeping track of the stairs in his mind:
Jump one, run up two,
Jump one-
Keep going Sunshine!
Will almost fell down the stairs. The person behind him grunted, and Will proceed up his pace again, muttering an apology.
Don't do that to me! Will said, his feet still moving quickly on the bleacher steps, now doing every step, but going from one side to the other in zigzags.
There was quiet laughter, and Will smiled.
Sorry, Sunshine. But you didn't fall did you? I'd know.
It was Will's turn to laugh, though he kept it quiet.
What's your name? He ventured, and he could practically feel his soul mate smirk.
Against the rules Sunshine. You know this.
Will sighed dramatically, their conversation dropped. But it wasn't an awkward silence, he could still feel the other man in his head, and it relaxed him.

"Alright Cupcakes!" Coach yelled, "weights!"
Everyone groaned, exaggerated complaints being heard, but no one actually cared. It was better than stairs.

Time skip, next day

Will moaned, failing as he to ignore his aching muscles. He'd pushed himself pretty hard yesterday during dry land, and now his entire body was yelling at him.
He trudged his way to the bus, the warm breeze ruffling his golden hair. Clamoring onto the bus, he paid, and sat next to an elderly lady, who smiled kindly at him. He smiled back, before zoning out the rest of the way to school.

Another time skip, lunch

As Will made his way to lunch, he remembered Percy and Jason, two of his friends, saying something about their cousin coming to the school.

Pushing open the lunchroom doors with a sigh, he made his way to his, as usual, loud group of friends. It was nothing good new.

Was was new, was the boy wedged between Percy and Jason, looking highly uncomfortable. Will couldn't help but bite back a laugh at the hunched shoulders and annoyed vibe the, obviously younger, boy was giving off, as he sat opposite to the mysterious cousin.
The boy wore all black, contrasting sharply to his pale, yet slightly olive tinted, skin. His black leather jacket was not too tight, and not to loose, showing his toned muscles, but still allowed breathing room.
Will couldn't see what pants he was wearing, and continued to take his time studying the boy.
His ears had black gauges in them, small, fitting his petite frame. The gauges were black too, and his black hair was in an undercut, the fringe hanging limply as he kept his head down.
When he looked up, Will's breathing hitched. His eyes were almost black, liquid pools of enticing dark chocolate. The boy looked at Will through long thick dark eyelashes, blushing as he noticed Will's stare.
The boys head lifted the rest of the way, the blush that splattered his cheeks fading. His pale pink lips twitched into a smirk, the silver lip ring glinting in the cafeteria light.
The boy's jaw was sharp, sloping in a delicate 'v', his angled cheekbones somehow softening his sharp angles, though his cold eyes made up for it.
But his eyes softened as he saw Will, surprise flitting across his face, though it was quickly replaced by a smirk.

To Will, one thing was for sure; the boy was hot.

"Will?" Jason asked.
Will's mind jerked back, and he hummed, not taking his eyes off the raven haired boy across from him.
"Um, this is Nico, our cousin." Percy said, a small smile on his face, as he looked at the boy to his right. "Nico, this is Will."
Nico gave a nod, and Will grinned brightly.
"Hi! It's nice to meet you."
The other boy froze at the sound of Will's voice, his smirk sliding off his face. He looked straight into Will's eyes, a gentle smile on his face, which looked unnatural on his usually brooding face.
"Hi Will. I think you're my soul mate."
Will's jaw dropped, the Italian accent strong, the melodious tone familiar. Then, his face stretched into a grin. "I couldn't agree more."

And there we go! So, what'd you think? I love hearing your feedback.

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