You're A What?!

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HELLOOO I AM BACK PEOPLE - For now. Sorry. I'm trying to update, I swear! I have another request started, and so many more that need to be written, but I've been wanting to write this AU since like, forever and finally found the time. So, without further ado, please, enjoy.


When Nico didn't see Will during Thursday evening, but after hanging out with him all day, he thought nothing of it. But when he didn't see him all day Friday, and he still wasn't back by dinner, he grew worried.

"Kayla, have you seen Will?"

"Huh? Oh, he's fine. Don't worry about it."

Nico frowned, but nodded, pushing open the door, and gloomily walking out of the infirmary's back room. He slipped out of the bustling infirmary, and stormed his way to his cabin.

When Will still wasn't back Saturday night, Nico was officially nervous. Kayla had already kicked him out of the infirmary, Chiron had brushed his worry off, and Lou Ellen and Cecil were either avoiding him, or just not around.

Nico stayed in his cabin Sunday, ignoring Percy, who'd walked in to try and drag him to breakfast that morning. So when the door creaked open around noon, he didn't even bother to twist around. Why would he? He'd just get tangled in his comforter. His door locked shut, before quiet, sock covered feet padded over to him, his bed dipping, and a hand landed on his shoulder. He furrowed his brow, turning his head to see gold hair, and bright blue eyes, which shone even in the dark of is cabin.

"Will," He breathed, and the blond smiled.

"Hey, Sunshine," Will murmured, laying down as Nico scooted closer to the wall, as to make room. He didn't bother turning around, Will lying on top of the covers as he spooned the smaller boy, arm lazilly tossed over the younger boy's waist.

"Where were you? Why didn't you tell me you were leaving?" Nico's voice came out muffled, clearly upset.

There was a pause. "I was visiting my mom."

Nico turned slightly at this. "What?"

Will shrugged, snuggling closer as Nico turned back around. "Visiting family."

Nico frowned, but let it go. If Will didn't want to tell him, then fine. Will held his boyfriend of a year (and a half!) closer, burying his nose in his dark-chocolate and pomegranate smelling hair.

The next morning, Will wasn't at breakfast. But he was at all his other normal activities, so Nico wasn't too worried. That is, until he saw how sluggish Will was after lunch - which Will hadn't been at either.

"Are you not eating? Why are you tiring so quickly?" Nico fired off questions at the blond as soon as Will took a break, the blond yanking off his sweat soaked shirt after putting down his bow beside the bench. "Are you not- uh," Nico lost his trail of thought, swallowing thickly as his eyes followed after a droplet of sweat, which glided down the tan, chiseled chest of Will Solace, sliding smoothly down the middle of his six pack, and behind the button of his jeans - which Nico really wanted off at the moment.

"What was that, Sunshine?"

Oh sweet Jesus, Nico thought. That smirk needs to be illegal. The raven-haired boy shook his head, train of thought long gone. "Hmm? What?"

Will chuckled, running a hand through his sweat damp hair, causing his pectorals and biceps to contract, and Nico was lost again. Will let out a laugh, and Nico jolted back to reality, face slightly more flushed then before. Will reached out, sliding his fingers under Nico's belt loops, and tugging him closer by his hips. Nico rested his hands on Will's bare shoulders, as he stood between his legs. Uncaring of the people around them, Will tugged Nico down into a kiss, hands sliding into the eighteen year old's black hair. Nico sighed, melting into his boyfriend, tongues sliding against each other as they slid into the other's mouth.

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