What's Up, Doc?

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Smut? Maybe? (Lol, idk the difference between a lemon, smut, or lime (whatever the flip that means) - if you do, feel free to share 😂) This was a request from Stellibellistar1124: Nico is going to hospital with his niece and during his niece getting checked up he left with Will - another doctor - and went to make out in a closet like teens and when he takes his niece home she start screaming to her mom and dad (Hazel and Frank) that they needed to go back to hospital 'cause Nico had a purple bite mark on his neck from a 'raccoon', and Hazel, Frank, and Jason, are like really - was your doctor a raccoon or something?

Mortal AU

"Common Jem," Nico sighed, gently prying the young girl's hands off of his pant leg. He didn't understand why he was the one who had to bring her to the doctor - Frank was just as capable (if not more so). But no. He got to stay home with Hazel, who was eight months pregnant, and even through they already had Jem, he was still acting like an over-protective, flustered, first-time father.

"No." The girl pushed out her bottom lip, looking up at him with dark, caramel eyes - the perfect blend between Frank's coffee color, and Hazel's shimmering gold.

"Yes," Nico said, and finally having enough, he bent down, and lifted her onto the bed. She frowned, and made grabby-hands at him as he stepped away. "Now common, take off your clothes- Wait!" He said, hands flying over his eyes. Oh hell, he thought to himself, images of diaper changes flying through his head. The seven-year-old looked up at him in confusion, and he looked away. "Just, leave your underwear on, and don't start until I'm out of the room," His blush deepened. "I'll wait outside the door, is that OK?"

She nodded, black waves bouncing slightly as her head moved. Nico breathed a sigh of relief, slipping out the door. He rested his back against the wall next to the door, nodding, and exchanging pleasantries with the female doctor who walked into Jem's room. He leaned his head back, before gasping as he felt a yank on his wrist.

He laughed, watching the back of a blond head, as he was dragged into a large, but dim, closet.

"Hi," The blond breathed, sliding his arms around Nico's waist.

"Hey," Nico murmured, hands resting on a broad chest. His head tilted up, eyes searching the tan face of his boyfriend in the dusky glow.

"What're you going here?" The blond asked, hands sliding lower on Nico's back, the tips of his fingers sliding under the waistband of Nico's tight jeans.

"Jem has a check up; Hazel is on bed rest, and Frank is frantic."

"Ah," The blond murmured, pulling Nico closer, the raven-haired boy sliding his arms around the taller male's neck. The blond leaned down, as Nico leaned up, their lips meeting gently.

"Will," I wanted to make angst, and have Nico be like; Will, And the guy looks up and goes; Who? And Nico's like, shit. Nico groaned, eyes fluttering shut as his head tilts. The blond hums, tugging Nico's hips so they press flush to his.

Nico moans quietly, mouth opening up just enough for Will to slide his tongue in, Nico's hands getting lost in the golden waves of Will's hair. Will pushed Nico back, pressing him against the closed, locked, closet door, kissing the shorter boy harder. Eventually, they have to pull away to breath, and Nico is left gasping, one hand still locked onto the back of the blond's head, the other resting on the curve of Will's neck.

Nico's head tips back, mouth dropping open as Will moves kisses down his pale neck, occasionally scraping his teeth. Nico groans, feeling teeth slide against his adam's apple, before moving the side of his neck.

"Will, please," Nico practically, begs, though he isn't sure what for. Will only hums, the vibrations from his lips - which are suctioned to the side of Nico's neck - causes the shorter man to moan. At this point, Nico could care less about leaving marks, his head spinning, knees weak. He's to far gone.

"Will," He whines, but then something beeps twice, and Will pulls away, a quiet smacking sound ew sounding. Will smirks, running his hands through his hair to make it look more reasonable, before glancing at his pager.

"Damn. Sorry Neeks. We'll just have to continue this tonight," With a lick to the neck, a peck on the lips, and a wink of his twinkling blue eye, Will slips out the closet as it nothing happened. And so what if his pants were that much tighter?

Nico sighed, adjusting his own pants, before he too made his way out of the room, making sure the coast was clear, and heading back towards the room where his niece was just finishing her exam.

They walk out together, Nico turning his coat collar up, glad the weather was chillier, so it didn't look so out of place. The drive home was quiet, though filled with music from the radio. Nico glanced at Jem through the review mirror, but seeing as her eyes were already half shut, he didn't ask her.

Of course, as soon as he pulled in to her driveway, she had all the energy in the world. She rushed into the house as soon as Nico let her out of the car, running into her parent's room, where Frank and Hazel were.

"Dad! Mom! Look!" She pointed to Nico, who'd followed her. They're eyes trailing to him curiously, before Jem realized who else was in the room. "Oh! Uncle Jason! Look!"

Wonderful, Nico thought to himself. Now he'll never hear the end of it, even if it's nothing.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" Hazel asked, from where she lay on the bed.

"Uncle Nico's neck! Look! He has a hue purple bite! I'm guessing raccoon!"

All eyes immediately went to Nico's neck, and he turned bright red, hand slapping over the mark.

"Um," Nico stuttered, unsure where the hell she got a raccoon of all things from. Vampire would make more sense.

"Please don't tell me you made out in front of her-" Hazel began, but Nico was already shaking his head, blush deepening.

"No! No-"

"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend, Nico," Jason pouted.

Nico just stood there, sputtering and keeping his hand over his neck, face bright red. When he finally got composed, he excused himself, ignoring Jason's shout of; "What, got plans with your raccoon boyfriend?"

Nico walked into Will's apartment with his head down, collar up. Will poked his head out of the kitchen as Nico locked the door, immediately cooing over the still pouting face of his boyfriend when he turned around. "I take it they found out?"

"Yeah," Nico nodded, pouting deeper.

Will grinned, walking over to kiss Nico's pout away. "Well, at least we don't have to hide in closets anymore."

Nico rolled his eyes, but a smile was tugging on his lips. "Yeah, I guess."

They walked into the living room once Nico took his jacket and shoes off, falling onto the couch with a sigh. Nico turned to look at Will, flushing as he realized the blond was already watching him.

"What?" He blushed, and Will grinned. He reached out, and grabbed Nico, drawing him closer, as he lay down, the black haired boy on top of his chest.

"Now, where were we?" Will asked, kissing him passionately, his fingers lightly running across the hickey on Nico's neck.

Nico could only laugh, pulling back to say; "Right about here," before it was his turn to lean down, placing his lips against Will's warm neck, both boy's lips turning up in smiles.

At least raccoons were nocturnal.

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