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Dedicated to mylena1501

Stop putting words in my mouth! Nico screamed, face scrunched in anger and frustration, as he stormed out the doors of his high school, not caring that his detention will be extended, due to him ditching the last fifteen minutes just now.
Will blinked, and frowned, feeling guilty for no reason.
No, Nico, I, I wasn't- Will's hands moved hesitantly, his signing choppy as he struggled with what to say.
Nico ignored him, turning away, knowing that without a visual on his boyfriend, he'd be oblivious to anything Will tried to say.
Will wrapped his arms around the younger boy, and the said boy struggled against the strong arms holding him capture.
Nico, Will signed in front of the shorter boy, though it was backwards. Um,
Will struggled to sign, needing to use signs that required facial expressions, and movements near his blonde hair.
Nico turned in his boyfriend's arms, taking one step back to allow Will to sign.
I wasn't trying to translate something other than what you said. I was trying to think of the best way to communicate the message with the teacher.
Nico's frown lightened, and he let out a sigh, stepping forwards, to Will. He buried his head in Will's chest, wrapping his arms around the blonde's chest, the said blonde looping his arms around the raven haired boy's waist.
Pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of Nico's head, Will gently swayed, keeping his face buried in the unruly undercut, breathing in the scent of pomegranate and dark chocolate.
Nico sighed happily, pulling Will closer, holding up his hand to where he knew Will would see, his pinky and pointer finger extended up, his thumb out to the side, while his middle and ring finger were curled down, in the sign that meant I love you.
He didn't have to look up to know that Will signed it back.

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