Sonic Eternal

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*Sonic Eternal*

  Hey my names Sonic. Yes its the same as a video game hedgehog so just shut the fuck up about it please. I live California for my entire life. The up side I know everyone. The down side I'm a vampire. Not just any vampire I'm a guardian. That means that I have to protect humans from creatures like me but unlike me have given into their animal and true nature. Savage ferocious monsters. Being a guardian and fighting a lot it's no wonder why I'm strong as fuck. I'm also really smart and extremely kind. Except when I'm in battle.

  "Sonic come down here and get ready for school!"

  "You got it dad!" I shout back and get out of bed. Being a guardian creature means I don't have the same weaknesses as normal creatures for example unlike normal vampires I'm not weak to water. I step in the shower and take a long time to get out. I get back in my room and pick out anything that would look ok and will help me be able to move around a lot. In the end I choose a black T-shirt with skulls on it and jeans that look like they've been torn to shreds. Just the way I like my jeans.

  I run downstairs and grab what u would expect a vampire to drink...psych I grab some soda and drink it before I am out the door. It's only a block until I get to my bus stop so I just take my time. When I get there I notice the same group of girls giggling their asses off because they think I'm hot. Damn I hate that giggling. I bump into someone. While no one was looking I used my vampire powers to reach down and grab her hand. Then using my normal speed I pull her up into my arms. I don't talk for a second to study this girl. She is obviously new but she is cute. Her long black hair is brushing against my hands its really soft. Her T-shirt is my favorite color and her shorts are the same design as my jeans.

  "Are you ok?" I ask a little nervously hopping she doesn't hear my nervousness.

  "Y...yes I'm fine.....sorry..." Her voice is clear while she is stuttering I can hear her perfectly. She sounds so innocent and so cute. Damn I think I'm about to melt.

  "Good I was afraid that you hit the ground before I caught you." I sigh while I lie to her. It hurts a little to lie to her but I can't tell anyone who's not a creature about me being a vampire and I don't know anything about this girl.

  Its then that the school bus shows up. I let her go in first for two reasons. One I'm nice and two I wanted to check out her ass. Ok I admit it I like to check girls out and this one is cute so can you blame me? She sits down in the front of the bus while I sit a few seats behind her. Girls try to get between me and this new girl but I keep my eyes on her. I don't know why but I can't stop looking at her.

  When the bus arrives at the school and let's everyone out I try to find the girl. I fail though and my friends find me first then they start to make me walk with them when I bump into someone again and this time I can't use my vampire speed. I hear someone hit the ground then I get down close to her.

  "Damn I'm sorry I didn't...hey its you!" I'm happy to say the least that I've found the girl from this morning.

  "Um...hey again...and I do have a name its Mary." She sounds sassy this time. To say the least I like it when a girl is sassy.

  "Well your sassy Mary. I like that. My names Sonic." I'd tell her don't refer to me as a blue super fast hedgehog but for once I forget to say it I'm just taken back by how cute she is. All I do is offer a hand to help her up.

  "Your pretty damn strong Sonic."

  "Thanks sorry again for bumping into you twice now." That's all I was able to say because of a friend of mine who has had a crush on me since we were in fifth grade takes me into the cafeteria by my hand hopefully Mary either doesn't see her or get the wrong idea.

  "What's your problem Angel?" I ask my childhood friend.

  "You know how I feel about you and I see you flirting with that bitch in front of everyone! What the hell was that about Sonic!?" Yup she's furious.

  "Calm down Angel calm down. I wasn't flirting with her she's a transfer student. I was trying to be nice and friendly and stuff until you pulled me in here against my will." She's lost her fire now. She just opens and closes her mouth multiple times. I leave her and go out to where Mary was trying to find her again but there's no sign of her. Guess I better go to first period P.E. now.

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