A new day. A new bruise.

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*Sonic Eternal*

  Mary came down after she changed clothes. I have no clue if she liked them or not but hey I tried. Anyways I am not going to dwell on it to long. I grab some juice out of the fridge. Mary looks at me with a little worry in her eyes. Being a bad boy I decide to have a little fun with my new girlfriend.

  "Want to taste it Mary? Its some tasty blood." I tell her joking but with a sinister look in my eyes.

  She walks back a bit with a look of horror on her face. Yup I am a dick. She gulps while looking at the cup of juice I poured. She stares at it then takes the cup from me.

  "Nice try dummy but I'm not that gullible." She spouts while putting her hand on her hip. She flips me off then drinks the juice. She shakes her head and I laugh.

  "It wasn't blood but it was still deadly Mary. Its expired." I say laughing a little before feeling sorry for her.

  "Fuck you Sonic!"

  "Easy now Mary. I'll take full responsibility now give me your arm or neck and I'll take the sickness. Its another old vampire trick."

  "Fine just don't leave a mark dumbass." Damn she is bitchy.

  Oh well if anything this bitch is a bad boys bitch and not just any bad boy but me. I go behind her with her giving me full access to her neck. I sink my fangs into her soft smooth skin. She moans a little when I start to bite her then that turns into a quick ouch when my fangs pierce her skin. I use my fangs little antibodies to go into Mary and grab the expired juice in her system and transfer it into mine. She starts to get really red.


  I mumble "Yes Mary?" While I am still trying to get the juice.

  "Um.....c......c.....could you p......please um......" She stutters a lot making my eyebrows furrel in confusion.

  She then grabs my hand and I don't think anything of it. Only when she puts pressure on my hand and I squeeze something do I realize what's happening. Yup I was grabbing Mary's breast. If you don't know what I mean its simple. I am talking about how I am grabbing her boobs without even noticing. After I realize it I get off of her completely with my face beat red.

  "Oh god I'm so sorry Mary!"

  "...it.....its fine Sonic I know you didn't mean to...."

  Me and her just stand there in an awkward silence. I am about to speak up when there is a knock at the door.

  "Why hello there Angel its been a long time." My dad says to someone at the door.

  Wait Angel? Oh god somemonster that's insanely strong help me!

  On that thought Angel walks into the kitchen and sees me and Mary.

  "Sonic..." She says my name annoyed as hell.

  "Hey there Angel..."

  "Ummm hi?" Fuck that's right Mary hasn't met Angel.

  "Mary this is Angel my oldest friend. Angel this is Mary."

  Angel shakes Mary's hand and pulls her in close and whispers something to her.

  "Very funny Angel but I'm his not you." Mary giggles. Oh god did Angel just tell Mary that I'm hers and hers alone?

  "I'm not joking Mary that boy is my boyfriend end of story."

  Mary looks at me after she realizes that Angel is dead serious. I shake my head no.

  "Angel shut the fuck up." I spit out scaring Angel. I've never cursed in front of her so this is a first. "Angel when will you realize that I don't feel the same way as you. I'm sorry but that is how it is."

  Angel has a blank expression then she walks up to me and whispers in my ear. "Don't want to say the truth in front of her do you baby?"

  I push her away. "Angel that is the truth. I'm sorry but I've never once been in love with you."

  She looks sad now. She is about to shed a tear when she turns around with a fist. I realize what's about to happen so I use my speed. I switch places with Mary so that when Angel releases her full force punch it would be on me not Mary. Angel lands her punch on my chest and that sends me flying and crashing into the wall.

  "Fuck Sonic why did you get in the way!?"

  I spit out some blood. "Because I won't let you hurt Mary. She isn't a monster so I was the only one here who could survive your punch demon princess." I beraly look up at her. Mary runs to my side to check on me. My dad comes in to.

  "What the hell happened here!? God damn it people this is bedrock mixed with several types of other stones! This is really strong but expensive as fuck!"

  "Sorry dad. Just a little dispute." I say chuckling trying to make him not worry about me.

  "Finally told the demon the truth son?"


  "It hurt?"

  "No fucking duh dad."

  "Angel go home before you do anything you will regret."

  "Yes Mr. Eternal." With that Angel ran out the house.

  Mary helped me to my room. When I got on my bed I couldn't pretend anymore. I was grabbing my cheast almost screaming in pain. Only thing stopping me was my pillow that I was biting into and the fact that my girlfriend was here and my dad was downstairs.

Hey there. So this one is coming two days early but I've got other books I want to write on some more before I just work on this and this alone. So next chapter will be in a week. Please tell me how you like this book thanks and see ya later!

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