Am I in love?

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*Sonic Eternal*

  After I kissed Mary by accident I felt my face getting hot. I was turning bright red and my heart was racing. I was about to pull away and apologize when I felt Mary's arms wrap around my neck. She wanted this kiss. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want it either. I decided to just let my heart tell me what to do and I grab her hips and hold her so she can't run away yet. I feel her hands start to run through my hair. I don't know what to do next so I just let her do her thing while I enjoy this kiss. When we finally do sperate our long kiss I am breathing a bit heavily and so is she. Guess we both really liked it. I am about to kiss her one last time so I can taste her cherry lips again when I herd my dad clear his throat making both of us practically jump while in each others arms.

  "Sonic that's enough for tonight. Come on its almost time for dinner."

  "Alright I'll be inside in a sec dad!" I wait until I hear an alright and the door shut behind me before I turn back to Mary. Who is still in my arms and she still has her arms around my neck. "Sorry about my dad spoiling the moment Mary." I'm about to rub my neck when I rember where her arms are so I just smile sheepishly.

  "Its fine Sonic."

  "What is it Mary?"

  " listen....on Friday.....would you mind if..." She let's out a heavy sigh. "No never mind its a stupid idea."

  She starts to let go of me when I grab her arms taking her by surprise. "Mary can we hang out some more this weekend?"

  She's obviously shocked. It took her a moment to gather her thoughts. Then she nodded slowly and I swear she blushed a little. I smirk at her. I look at her eyes again and she is just stunning. Wait am I falling in love with Mary? I don't know yet but if I am...things might get really complicated. I can't tell her what I do. If I do she will be worried. Worst of all if I am in love with her she will be targeted relentlessly by those who want to take my place as guardian.

  "I'll see you tomorrow Mary. Good night."

  "Good night Sonic." Mary caught me off guard and kissed me again before she spun around escaping my weak grasp because I didn't want to hurt her and sprinting off.

  "Damn that girl..."

  "Sonic you can finish your thought later come in and eat now!" My dad screams behind me and this time I do jump in the air. I run in after my dad and sit down at the table.

  "What's for dinner dad?"

  "Your favorite meat lovers pizza."

  "Hope you didn't make it from scratch."

  My dad has been cooking for about two years now. Until now he's always relied on maids to do it. He thinks that he is good but every time I eat one of his home made meals I end up missing school the next day and no one causes ruckus because they know I'm sick. I don't mean to sound meen but my dad just can't cook. About two minutes later he comes out of the kitchen with a large pizza.

  "I got it from...dominos I think that's what its called? I have no clue maybe it was Pappa Murphy's I don't remember."

  "Well let's hope it tastes good."

  "True about that son."

  We eat for awhile then out of no where my dad asks me something causing me to choke on my pizza.

  "What did you just say dad?"

  "You heard me. Was that cute girl your first girlfriend?" My dad is looking me straight in the eyes.

  "Fuck no dad! You know better than anyone why I haven't dated anyone and I still am not!"

  "I know I know. However you need to experience it while your still young Sonic so please. I can tell how you feel about her even if you don't yourself. Just ask her out."

  What my dad said is kinda true. I should experience dating while I'm still young but I don't want her to get hurt or worse by monsters. Also I do know that I'm starting to fall for her but I am to proud and not...well...I've never dated anyone so I doubt that this will go well with me. I can tell she is the first girl who makes my heart race but is there something blocking me from asking? Fuck it I'll ask her this weekend.

  "This weekend I'll ask her out." That's what I told my dad but I don't know if I will go through with it.

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