Final battle

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*Sonic Eternal*

The next day when I get up Mary is clinging to me with a death grip. I get worried as I sit she won't let go. Thats when I start to feel her cry. I tilt my head in wonder. However all I do is pet the back of her head.

"Sonic don't go outside today..." Mary says to me in a really shaky voice. I get a bit more worried about her and confused.

"Why Mary? Is there something wrong?" I ask her while pulling her away a bit while I am holding onto her arms with my hands she grabs her own arms in the same way a scared person would.

"Nothing I.....its just a very bad dre....nightmare.....and its very vivid too..."

"What is it about Mary?"

"Its dying Sonic..." She looks away with tears coming down her cheeks.

I bring her close to me and embrace her. I kiss her forehead as I pet her hair. She is so fragile right now I am afraid of breaking her. Mary looks up at me confused.

"Why aren't you sad babe? Does my nightmare not mean anything to you?"

"It means a lot since you are so afraid of it Mary. Its just that....well.....vampires can't cry." I do a bad impersonation of Count Dracula as I do that. Causing her to laugh. I'm happy. I don't want her to be sad.

"Still.....Sonic please.....don't go.....for me ok?" She asks again looking up with eyes that are drenched from her tears.

"Mary nothings gonna-" is what I start saying when out of nowhere I am in the middle of a canyon. I look at my surroundings not knowing how or why I am here. Then I start looking for Mary seeing no sign of her.

As the thunder cracked and the lightning caused an ominous silhouette to appear I give it an angry look my eyes going crimson.

I crack my knuckles and get ready for the brawl that is surely about to happen. My eyes narrowed at the ominous figure. A sinister smile creeps across his face. That's when I see the lighting flash again showing his black eyes.

"Anubis? Why are you here? Why have you brought me here?"

"Oh dear Sonic. I am here to do my job." He disappears in the blink of an eye.

I look around furiously trying to figure out where he is. That's when I'm sent flying from a punch right behind me. As I am in the air I see Mary hiding being a rock pillar. I'm glad she is safe but I need to go all out in this fight.

I grab onto the ground as big chunks of rock are sent flying from my grasp. I look back to him he shaking his head as if he is disappointed. Thats when I mouth I'm sorry to Mary. She is surprised I can feel it. Thats when my body starts to change.

My bones crack and rearrange. I am a bit taller in my vamperic form. My nails turn into claws. My eyes go pitch black just like Anubis's eyes. Giant wings pop out from my back and my ears go sharp. My face sharpens on the edges and wards a bit making me look fierce. Even my fangs are sharper. In my true form I can really go all out.

Anubis chuckles at me. Then is gone in an instant again. However this time I can see him perfectly. I run towards him and throw a punch at his jaw. He smirks and catches my punch. He then throws one at me which I catch. We are interlocked with our fists. Each of us with a determined look spread across our faces. However Anubis is smiling.

"Now this is more like it!" He shouts letting go of my hand and punching me across the cheek.

A bit of blood is sent flying when his punch lands. I counter attack with an uppercut. I even let go of his hand as my punch lands and he is sent flying. I smirk satisfied with the fact I sent him flying.

He somehow is able to grab ahold of the air itself and lunges straight at me. Of course the laws of nature don't apply to him. He's a fucking god after all. He comes at me at an impressive speed. I can see he doesnt plan on dragging this out any longer. He is starting to get bored. I lure him in close and I shove my claws through his chest. I believe that I have bested the god of the dead. However...

I hear screaming and things start to turn red. I cough up large amounts of blood as my stomach is no longer attached to my body. Neither is Anubis's heart attached to his though. I slam onto the ground as Mary rushes to me.

Mary rests my head on her lap as she cries. My hand weakly holds her cheek. She grabs ahold of my hand and cries even harder.

"Mary...I love you...and I will do what I see you....a..." My hand drops. My life ends. The last thing I Mary screaming in sorrow...

Hey guys and gals. Now don't be hattin. I'll do something next book. However I'll talk about when its out in another book in the comments at the end of the chapter with its name. I don't remember if I have said it yet but if I have I may change it. So if you wanna know when the next book of this comes out read my book, "The Two Worlds Book One: The Wolves Awakening." Trust me I don't think you will regret it. Thanks for reading guys. I hope you liked it. Also next books I make will be longer. This one was short. Sorry about that. Thanks and see you guys later. Also....who knows what Sonics final wish is or will be? Also who's to say the bat is even dead yet? Find out in the next book. Ill say as soon as its done with the first chapter to answer all questions about this ending. See you guys around! PS first chapter of the two worlds is already done. Just lettin ya know! Peace out!

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