Wererhino and the truth revealed

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*Sonic Eternal*

  Mary was so upset it seemed like she was just about to cry. I hug her tight and make sure she knows that this means I'm never going to leave you ever. The bus comes by to pick all of us up. Mary sat in the very back where no one sits. I got a ton of people motioning for me to sit with them but I don't. I go to the back and sit next to Mary.

  "You know just because we are a couple now doesn't mean that you always have to be next to me." She states blankly.

  "Just don't think you should be alone babe." I grab her and pull her to me. "Besides if your actually worried about how others will think don't worry I'll protect you."

  She let's her guard down and she smiles. She rests her head in my chest. I rub Mary's arm softly. I swear if she was a monster she would be a neko.... also known as a werecat. Half human half cat more commonly known as neko so yeah. That being said I check her ass out to see if there's a tail. Nekos can hide their ears in there hair. Their cat like ears I mean. So only way I would know for sure is by seeing if she has a tail and Mary is tail free.

  "Pervert." Mary says while pouting and pushes me softly.

  "Look who's talking. Have you even noticed what your doing?"

  "Yes I have and I will punch it if you look at my ass again without my permission." She has an evil smile on her face. It gives me the creeps and sends shivers down my spine making my entire body shake.

  "Sorry. From how you are right now you can't blame me for being to careful."

  "Careful of what?"

  "Of..." I stop and turn to the side. I look out the window and see something charging straight at us. "Everyone brace for impact!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

  Everyone sees what I saw coming for us. After I make sure that Mary is safe and secure in my arms I look back at the attacker. I see a giant rhino charging at us. A rhino? Wait....that's a monster! Its a wererhino! A werehino like other werebeasts are half human half animal. The werebeasts are classified as the different animal half. Most common werebeast is a werewolf but there are others.

  The monster crashes into the bus. It causes the bus to go flying and almost causing most people to pass out. Once the bus stops rolling over I get out after checking on Mary real quick. I use my speed and stand in front of him/ her. Wererhinos are hard to tell what gender they are when there in the beast form.

  "Who are you?"

  "Must....kill.....guardian..." The beast is talking in a very deep voice.

  If I was a human the voice would have been enough to make me piss my pants. But I'm no human.

  "Why do you need to kill me?"


  This creature speaks slow but it sounds altered. As well as it sounding like this beast has a hard time speaking.

  "I can help you just tell me about your family." I tell him.


  "Don't make me hurt you." I curl my hand into a fist ready for it to charge.

  On cue the beast starts to charge right at me. I can tell some people are watching me to frightened to say or lift a finger. I even look back with my speed and see Mary smiling at me. I smirk at this sight and turn back to the beast coming at me. Once it gets close enough to me I just let it have an uppercut to the face. That made it start to stand on two legs and turn back into human form. It slowly changes and once the rhino like skin was turning into regular human skin I realized that this person was naked. Once some girl features started forming I used my speed and got a blanket from my house and wrapped her in it as fast as possible. Without taking a peek. I'm a dick but if I'll do that I'll do it with Mary. Eh I might do it right when she is changing for PE.

  "Wh....where am I? Who are you?" The girl asks me. Something fell off of her neck. It was a collar of some sort.

  "I'm Sonic the guardian of this area."

  "Well Sonic I hate to break it to you but the guardian of this area is the great and powerful Hung Shoe." She smirks at me finding me amusing.

  "If I'm not mistaken Hung Shoe is the new transfer guardian of Florida. He transfered from China right?"

  "That's correct. That is also where we are right now Florida." She smirks.

  "Wow guess this is a mind control collar."

  "Mind control? Don't be rediculus there's no such thing as mind control!" She starts laughing.

  "Your in California, and I am the guardian here. My full name is Sonic Blood Eternal."

  She gasps at the sound of my name and gets down on her knees with the blanket still around her.

  "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to affend someone like you your..."

  I cut her off and everyone on my bus now knows I'm a vampire. Just fucking great!

Hey guys sorry but I think I'll change the update quota. Instead I'll update it every Saturday and Monday and Thursday. Thanks and see y'all later!

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