The basketball king and queen

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  *Mary Star*

  I get into the girls locker room and I get a locker and change into my gym clothes. I listen to the chatty locker room talking non stop about Sonic. Why is Sonic so important here? That was the only thing on my mind until we got out into the gym. Only one P.E. teacher had a first period the rest of them had planning this period.

  "All right then. My name is Mr. Pain and I'm your gym teacher. For our first activity you all will be paired up into a group of one boy and one girl. Since this class only has 18 kids this will be easy. We are going to play 2 on 2 basketball." Mr. Pain is shouting in the gym and no one knows why. Maybe its because of kids in the past or something. "First off we have...Sonic Eternal."


  That voice! It can't be!

  I look to the owner of that voice and sure enough its the same Sonic I met this morning and bumped into.

  "Your partner will be...Mary Star." Oh god why me!? "Mary? Mary are you here!?"

  "" I say softly but loud enough for Mr. Pain to hear me but not Sonic.

  "Both of you go to that hoop." Mr. Pain points at the hoop to the right of the entire class. Sonic walks over there without a care in the world and I hold my head down and walk over to him until he stops me by grabbing my arms softly.

  "Hey you almost bumped into me Mary. Well can't blame you after all I bumped into you two times by accident." He laughs.

  "You only bumped into me once though Sonic. I bumped into you this morning at the bus stop."

  "No I bumped into you I wasn't paying attention and I walked right into you."

  "No that's what I did Sonic." I get in his face without thinking and I do something even worse. When I brought my head up to look him in the eyes I accidentally kissed him!

  Both of us stand there for a second processing what had just happened before we both got out of each others faces. "I'm sorry." We both apologize in unison. That causing us both to laugh and forget all about it. Luckily no one else saw what just happened.

  "So you were a little distracted this morning to? Huh Mary?"

  "Yes. Those girls caught me off guard and I had no clue at what or who they were giggling at. What about you Sonic?"

  "Same deal. Except for me they were annoying me. They've been doing that since the six of us went to the same school and were on the same bus route. Its just annoying to me now." He rubs his head and is gritting his perfectly straight and white teath. I can't help but giggle myself at the sight I just saw. "Hey what's so funny? Miss. Star." He grins happily.

  "Nothing Mr. Eternal....wait...Sonic Eternal huh? Damn that's a cool name."

  "My full name is Sonic Ass Eternal." He laughs trying to make a joke and I laugh as well. "However your name is cute Mary Star."

  "Why thank you Sonic!" I can't help but smile now and after that it was time for us to begin basketball.

  Sonic insisted he was up against the boy so I had to go against the girl. After the other boy got the ball Sonic instantly stole it and went around everyone and before we knew what happened...slam dunk! We were all left speechless until Sonic spoke up. "What? I've been playing Football, Basketball, Baseball, and Soccer since I was three." He walked towards the boy and gave him the ball.

  This time the girl started off and I almost did the same thing except I did a three pointer shot with nothin but net. "What? I'm the same as Sonic."

  For the rest of the period it was basically me and Sonic doing trick shots to see who is better. Needless to one knows who won it.

  The next two periods went by pretty fast then it was time for lunch. I spotted Sonic and was thinking about sitting with him when I over heard him and his friends talking

  "So tell us how badly did you destroy those two in basketball Sonic?" Nope not me.

  "It wasn't even me mostly." Wait what? "It was my partner." The boys looked at each other confused then they looked back at Sonic and he said, "She was on fire. You all know how I can add up the scores by myself well. If you take apart how many points I scored and how many points Mary scored then she would have easily been doubled my score meaning me scoring 38 Marry scoring 84."

  "That's not like you...are you feeling ok?"

  "I'm great and I know it wasn't because...I kinda...goofed off after a little while hehe."

  I'm left speechless after P.E. I heard about how popular Sonic is and here he  is making me sound like a pro athlete! To say the least...I've started to fall for this boy.

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