Its who I am

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*Sonic Eternal*

  "Ok what does she mean to you?" My friend Ash asks me bluntly.

  "What are you talking about Ash?"

  "We both know you never goof off unless something or someone makes you feel extremely at ease or peace so answer me. What the fuck does this girl mean to you?"

*Mary Star*

  He's joking about Sonic right now. Right?

*Sonic Eternal*

  She is just a friend. I mean come on. She has bright green eyes; smooth black hair that's as black as the night sky; she is kind hearted but she is also extremely sassy and I like that; and her voice is like an angles whisper. "Yup nothing going on with her and me!"

  All of them burst into laughter. I'm left there confused.

  "Sonic I think you meant to say that in your head not out loud!" They all burst into laughter again. Leaving me bright red. "Don't worry I won't tell you know who about her. None of us will."

  "Thanks. I mean she is my childhood friend and all but she has to learn that it's never going to work with me and her."

  "Truer words were never spoken."

  After all I know all to fucking well that no girl can be with a vampire like me. I mean sure now a days there are more male than female creatures so creatures have to start getting human companions now. For me I never cared if a girl was human or creature. I just didn't like any of them in a more... intimate way than being friends. That's how I still feel now...right?

  I'm left to wonder about this for a short while until I hear the bell ring. Back to class. Back to more of a boring day then ever. I don't know anyone at school who is a creature so I haven't told anyone I'm a vampire. This is becoming so much of a struggle to keep it a secret.

  The rest of the school day goes by fast and I get on the bus. I sit down in an empty seat. Or so I thought.

  "Ouch! Hey do you mind not sitting on my legs!"

  "Oops. Sorry Mary I didn't see you there." I laugh a little while rubbing the back of my neck. Damn she is small I couldn't see her laying down until I was looking straight at the seat.

  "Yeah. Whatever just don't sit next to me." She turns her head and is clearly disgusted.

  "Fine sorry again."

  I sit in the back of the bus this time and I try my best to lay down as well. Clearly not working but I didn't care. I looked out the window as we went by each stop until we were at my stop. I got out and saw the girls from this morning surrounding Marry. I wonder what's happening?

  "Do you not speak English bitch? I told you never talk to Sonic like that again or else you will get a lot more than a black eye!" One of the girls shouted at Mary. eye? Black eye!

  I run over to the girls and get in between them and Mary holding my arms out protecting Mary.

  "Sonic get away from that bitch she needs to be taught a lesson!"

  "No." I say that proudly and confident.

  "Go Sonic I don't want you to get caught up in this..." Mary is shaken up. She obviously has never been punched before and she is scared but she has to much pride to admit it. It's then I saw claw marks and looked at one of the girls hands. Yup she was a creature no doubt about it.

  "I'm not leaving you Mary. I'm going to stay here and protect you because that's what I do!" That sure made everyone shut up.

  "Sonic go now." The monster girl said. This time I recognize her as Hanna. She is clearly loosing it and is having a hard time controlling her monster instincts.

  "Mary go home now. You four go home. Hurry before things get ugly." That's all I say before shifting my attention back to Hanna.

  The girls nod and go home except for Mary she just goes back a bit to safety. I pop my neck twice as well as pop my knuckles like I do every time I'm about to be in a fight. I show my fangs at Hanna to try and shock her out of it but she doesn't flinch. Instead she stares me in the eyes and waits.

  When I blinked she tried to pounce on me like a cat would on a mouse. Well I was no mouse. I moved out of her way and grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me. Its then I see Marry and I tell her to run one last time and she does this time. Its then that I sink my fangs into Hanna's neck. Unlike other vampires I can suck more than just blood. I suck the evil out of her blood and give her my good blood but not corrupting our blood permanently. I let go of her neck and push her away while I wipe the blood off my face with my hand. She's dazed until she gets normal then she looks at me confused.

  "Sonic? Is that you? What are we doing here?"

  "Don't worry about it Hanna just go home and get some sleep we can talk later I have to go check on the new girl Mary. See ya latter Hanna!" With that I was off.

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