Why did I just do that!?

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*Sonic Eternal*

  I lead Mary to my uncle's ice cream shop. He is actually something special to me. I get ice cream here and he also gives me info about monsters who have given into their instincts. She gets mint chocolate chip and I get my favorite. Blood red velvet. The name says why its my favorite after all I do drink blood. However dear blood tastes the best for me that's why when I do feed I always get dear blood. Otherwise I'm like a normal human being with red eyes and is extremely strong and fast.

  We eat and chat for a bit my uncle even blesses us with his presence. After he leaves I turn to Mary.


  "Yes Mary?"

  "What does that word mean?"

  "Nothing you need to worry about now just eat your ice cream before I decide to eat it myself." I smirk at her. Honestly I wouldn't mind sharing an ice cream with her.

  "I don't think you have the guts to. After all I've eaten almost all of it. So if you had the guts to do that you would have to have the guts to make out with me." She sounds really cocky but honestly I think she is trying to seduce me. At this point I should have used my brain but I didn't.


  I get up and sit down next to her without thinking I make out with Mary. Here in my uncle's shop none the less. I am about to pull away when I feel her wrap her arms around my neck. Her lips tasted like cherries my favorite food besides dear blood. I slowly move my hands down while she runs her hand through my hair. I want to take her home and keep going is what I'm thinking and my body decides to take her home with me. I'm about to grab her ass and pick her up when she pushes me away. To be honest I'm a little sad she pushed me away. While the rest of me is screaming...why the fuck did I just do that!?

  "What the hell was that for Sonic!?"

  "What? You asked for it."

  I am trying my best to keep my cool I don't even look at her I just go to the other side of the table where my ice cream is. It's melting away pretty fast since it's basically empty. I can't look at her I just look at my hands with my face redder than mars. I am trying my best to think of something to say or how to apologize when my uncle comes over and whispers something to me.

  "Sorry Mary but I've got to go now. Uncle here this should cover it and anything else Mary wants from here to eat or drink." I hand my uncle a hundred bucks.

  "I'll give you your change tomorrow. Good luck Sonic and be careful!"

  With that I am almost out the door when the other monsters there start to chear for me. I hate it but they always do that when I leave to do my job. I am officially out the door when someone grabs my hand. I turn around to see Mary grabbing my hand in a death grip.

  "You can't just do that Sonic."

  "I'm sorry about that Mary. Truth is I didn't think I just reacted. You probably didn't like that. I'm sorry."

  "Damn those idiots were wrong about you..."

  "Idiots? What idiots said something wrong about me? Better yet who told you anything about me?"

  "The students and teachers all said your a bad boy who skips school without any warning or reason you just do."

  "I do that Mary. That is true. But the reason I do it is something I can't just tell anyone. Even letting you have a hint might put you in danger. You see Mary my job is one that is active 24/7 all year long. I even have to look death in the face every day when I go to do my job."

  This is the first time I've told anyone shit about my job of being a guardian. She doesn't say anything but when I try to leave again she pushes herself into my chest and hugs me and doesn't let go.

  "Quit then. I don't want you to die Sonic. Also you were dead wrong about the kiss. After I pushed you away I regretted it immediately. Sonic truth is I've never fallen in love before but I think I'm falling for you. Sorry but I just couldn't hold that in any longer."

  "Don't be sorry Mary I'm the one who should be sorry. I've never fallen for any girl. However I can't be with any girl cuz..." I can't hide it anymore from her. I just can't.

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