New transfer student Trevor Thunder

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*Mary Star*
*the next day*

  When I get to the bus stop I notice Sonic isn't around. I try to look down the road for him. However he is a no show. I am tempted to go down to his house but the bus comes. I have to make the choice between school and my boyfriend.

  I could already hear him next to me saying cockily, "Go to school babe nothing can keep me down!"

  I giggled at that. Just the thought of him saying that is making me crack up.

  "Why are you so happy?" I hear someone say.

  I turn around and see a strange boy. I've never seen him before so I assume he is a new transfer student. He is almost as tall as Sonic but his skin is dark brown. He also has yellow hair. He has bright blue eyes and a smile big white smile. He doesn't notice I can see fangs though.

  "Just a thought. Anyways who are you if you don't mind me asking." I say cheerily.

  "Names Trevor. Trevor Thunder." He reaches out his hand.

  "Nice to meet you Trevor. My names Mary Star." I shake his hand.

  The bus pulls up finally. I decide to do what Sonic would want me to do which is go to school. I sit in my usual seat. The bus isn't very lively. It never is when Sonic isn't on the bus. It was so quite I could have taken a nap.

  A couple of minutes later and we were at the highschool. As soon as the bus stopped I got out. I walk towards my first period. Its been awhile since I came here and I've gotten to know kids but not that many. So I just go into the gym and change. After I'm done changing I put the rest of my stuff in my locker.

  I walk out into the gym. Today we are doing basketball. I get paired up with Trevor Thunder. Everyone by now knows that if me and Sonic pair up we can't be beat. However no one expected Trevvor to be just as good as Sonic when Sonic isn't messing around. After P.E. I ask him where he learned how to play ball. His only response was, "An old friend." That irritated the hell out of me.

  I just shook it off and continued my day. During lunch a bat flew by. I don't know why but I decided to chase it. Glad I did. When I caught up to the bat it transformed into Sonics dad.

  "Hey there Mr. Eternal." I say happily hoping he has some good news about Sonic.

  He turns around to me and I see he has been crying. I start to get worried. Usually people wouldn't worry about things this much but I just know some things wrong.

  "Mary..." He starts.

  "Y.....yes?" I ask with my voice as shaky as jello during a earthquake.

  "Mary Sonic isn't doing well..."

  "What do you mean?" I ask then fears start to get the better of me. "Is Sonic alive!? Is he still breathing!?"

  Mr. Eternal has a sentle down movement with his hands. I try my best to do so.

  "No...he's alive but..." He sighs. "I guess its about time you knew what happened on his first day as a guardian."

"His first day?"

  "Yes...but I won't tell you here. Come to my house after school."

  "Oh.....alright." That's all that I can say. I'm worried about Sonic. However what could have happened years ago that would make him hurt now? Was it an old enemy returning?

  I start to dwell on this until my stomach snaps me out of it and I sit down and eat. When I start to eat Mr. Eternal had left. I'm all alone behind the gym.

  "Mary? What are you doing here?" I hear someone say.

  I get up and see its Trevor. I gulp the last of my sandwich down wondering what he saw.

  "Mary? Why are you all alone back here?"

  I assume he didn't see anything so I play dumb. "Just didn't want to eat in the same old place today I guess."

  "Oh ok."

  "What are you doing?"

  "Thought I saw an old friend of mine. Unfortunately it wasn't him though." He said looking down at the ground a bit sad.

  I pat him on the shoulder while I walk past him. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure you will see your old friend again."

  I get the feeling he watches me while I leave him behind the gym. I just shrug it off and go into the cafeteria.

  School goes by quickly as usual. I'm soon getting off of my bus again and this time I go to Sonics. I approach the front door and knock. Two seconds later Mr. Eternal rushes me inside.

  "I hope your ready. The story I'm about to tell you isn't one for the faint of heart." He says while he takes a seat in his big black chair. It almost looks like a throne.

  I nod my head yes. Then I take a seat on his couch and prepare myself for the story that I'm about to be told.

Hey everyone. Sorry it took so long but I finally finished this chapter. Next chapter you will get the full story of Sonics first day as a guardian. Once again I am sorry it took so long. I hope you can forgive me and enjoyed this chapter. Bye!

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