The truth

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*Mary Star*

  "Cuz why?" My heart starts to race when he cuts himself off. What is he keeping from me? What is it he is trying to keep a secret?

  "I...I fell for you Mary but the thing is I'm cursed to be by myself always. If I had it my way I'd be with you but no girl can be with one can or else I may hurt them more than I can protect them....I'm so sorry Mary. I have to go"

  With that he grabs my hand gently and pulls me off of him he looks really sad and so am I. I am in love with Sonic and he loves me too, but we can't be together because he may or may not cause more pain than protection to me? I don't give a fuck who he is it should be my desicion on whether or not to take risks like that not his.

  While I'm thinking this and on how to tell him it in a nicer way. He walks off. When I realize that he is far away but I can still see him so I run after him. I chase him for about ten blocks my breath finally catching up to me when we stop. I'm Still behind him but I slowly walk up to him. That's when I notice what he is staring at and why he looks so pissed.

  On the other side of the street is a creature. It has dark green skin and its muscles are the size of bowling balls. It has giant yellow teath and horns sprouting all over its arms and head and its eyes were the only nice part of it a sky blue color. It looks like a green demon from hell. Sonic walks up to it.

  "Hey you stupid monster! What do you think your doing huh!?" He sounds furious.

  "Destruction. I must destroy. Destruction. Bring back master. Destroy guardian." The creature just speaks in circles. Its creeping me out. It has a horrible shaky and sharp voice that hurts my ears.

  "I'm the guardian so just fuck off." Sonic is the guardian? What the hell does that mean?

  The monster then let's out a roar that makes me cover my ears and fall down to my knees in pain. When I look up I see the monster trying to slash Sonic's head off with its monstrous claws. However Sonic is dodging them like he sees it coming miles away. Sonic after awhile gets pissed about how long its talking and pins the monster to the ground leaving his neck exposed.

  "Now then I'm going to help cure you whether you like it or not!" With that Sonic opens his mouth wide and I see fangs that scare me. I can't move my legs or turn away I just am forcing myself watch Sonic sink his fangs into this creatures neck. The monster is squirming and screaming then after two or three minutes he calms down. Sonic gets off of the beast and it looks really sad.

  "I'm sorry I did that guardian. I never meant to hurt anyone ever." The creature is on his hands and knees crying. I look at Sonic a black liquid I assume is blood on his face dripping from his chin.

  "It...wasn't...your...fault..." Sonic is breathing heavily. Then he falls over and passes out. I'm so worried about him I forget about everything else.

  "Sonic!" I shout while I run over to him.

  "Oh my god! Quick do you know where he lives?"

  "Yes. Please can you carry him wait I'm sure a hospital will do better than his family."

  "No trust me his family can do more for him than any hospital ever can."

  I'm stubborn but I don't care to argue I just want Sonic to get better. I nod my head and lead the creature to Sonic's house and I knock on the door.

  "Who's there?" An old man speaks.

  "My names Mary..." I'm cut off by the man.

  "Go away Mary and never come back!"

  "Sir please Sonic is hurt badly and is unconscious!" After shouting that I hear footsteps running to the door and it swings wide open.

  "Where's my son!" I point to him on the back of the creature.

  "Jeff bring him inside and change into your human form now!"

  "Ok and I'm sorry Alex I'm the one who gave into my instincts and did this to your son...wait he's your son!? Also this is where you live now!?"

  "Yes and yes now do what I said now!" With that me and Jeff basically run inside with Sonic on Jeff's back. Jeff is now looking like a human and he is kinda small. He is about four five by my guess and he has the same blue eyes but he now has white hair and tan skin and his muscles are practically gone.

  "Excuse me but what is going on?" I ask.

  "Sonic Eternal the best and strongest and fastest vampire in the entire world is passed out on the table. Also it's all my fault some uncle I'm supposed to be. Not by blood but you know what I mean."

  "Ok...wait Sonic is a vampire!?!?!? Also monsters are real!?!?!?" Oh my god Mary what did you do! You feel for a vampire!? Wait...this has got to be a joke...right?

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