Chapter 7

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You were woken up the next morning to the sunlight coming from the window. You looked at Harry and he was still sound asleep so you didn't bother him. You decided to get on your phone and check your social media and then the nurse arrived. "Good Morning! I'm just going to take his vitals real quick." "Yeah that's fine." The nurse had to wake up Harry to take his vitals which he probably wasn't too happy about. The nurse said that the doctor would be in soon to check on him. 

About an hour later, the doctor arrived to check on Harry and see if he would be ready to leave. "For the most part, Harry is alright to leave today. "I would take it a little easy for the next 2 weeks and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call us." After the doctor left, you got up and started to gather Harry's things. You helped Harry get out of bed and handed him a change of clothes. After all of his things were gathered, the nurse provided us with a wheelchair and you carted him to the car. 

"If you guys need anything else, don't hesitate to call." said the nurse. "Thank you." You got into the driver's side of the car and put it in reverse. "So how do you feel today?" "I feel much better than yesterday, just a little sore though. "The doctor said that it would go away soon." you replied. "You're probably going to have to take a break from going to the studio for about a week." "As much as I don't want to, it's probably best to." said Harry, shortly after you pulled into the driveway. 

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