Chapter 16

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You got dressed and put some makeup on before heading out the door. You and Jesse decided to meet at a local coffee shop in town. "Hey girl!" said Jesse as she came in for a hug. "How is everything with Harry? I know it's been stressful for you and him." "It's been okay, it's just been hard to come back to reality, after everything." you said as you laughed. You both walked into the coffee shop and took a seat next to the window. "But there's one thing that keeps bothering me: What if Harry has another accident? The doctor at the hospital said he only has 2-3 more years to live and it just worries me a lot," you said as you sighed. "Just remember that I'm always here if you need anything," said Jesse. "I was thinking here lately, do you think we should go on a trip since he doesn't have that long to live?" "I think that's an excellent idea. You might as well make the best of your time while you still have it," replied Jesse. "I'll talk to him about it tonight. I really hope he agrees! I've always wanted to go to Hawaii." It was about 4pm and Jesse said she had to go run some errands. You hugged Jesse and went your separate ways. 

You were driving down Main Street and you saw a travel agency place on the strip mall. You parked your car and went inside. "How may I help you today?" said the man at the reception desk. "Hi there, I was wanting to plan a trip to Hawaii for my husband? I need to know how much it would cost to go." The man led you into his office. "Have a seat. Why are you wanting to visit Hawaii?" asked the man. "Well my husband had a medical accident, and I wanted to spend as much time together before it's too late." "Well, let's take a look and see some prices." said the man as he typed away on his computer. "It looks like if you combined the plane ticket prices and all the other expenses, it would be about $1,000. That's not a bad price if you think about it." said the man. "I'll ask my husband about it tonight, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible." you said as you shook the man's hand and left the travel agency location. 

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