Chapter Three

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Percy watched in utter disgust as Oliver Wood scarfed down his plate full of kipper, barely chewing the fish before swallowing.

"Dear Merlin, Oliver, if you keep this up you'll die of a heart attack before this year's Quidditch season." Percy said as Oliver reached for fried tomatoes and added it to the pile of food on his plate. Oliver laughed, food spraying on the table.

"Hardly." He mumbled, swallowing his mouth full of food. "I don't have time to sit around and eat, Perce, I've got to assemble the team for some early practices."

"I don't understand why you have to start practices now--"

"Percy, this is our last chance--my last chance--to win the Quidditch Cup. I'll be leaving at the end of this year. I'll never get another shot at it, you know that. Aren't you aiming for absolutely perfect grades this year?" He asked Percy.

"Well, yeah but--"

"There you have it. I'm sure you would stop at nothing to succeed." Oliver said, turning back to his plate to finish his food. "I have a good feeling about this year."

"If you say so..." Percy muttered, buttering marmalade on his toast before taking a bite.

As usual, Oliver didn't stay long. "Oi, Angelina!" He called, getting up from his seat across from Percy. "Round up the other lads and meet me out on the field." Angeline gave Wood an irritated look before sauntering out of the Great Hall.

And without so much as a goodbye, Oliver left Percy alone at the breakfast table. Sighing, Percy took out his book from his bag and opened it up.

Clara had been passing by the Great Hall entrance for the fourth time that day. Sighing, she looked down at her class schedule, frustrated with the fact that she really had no idea where she was going in this castle.

Turning to go in a different direction than the last, she caught sight of Percy fiddling with his book bag as he left the Great Hall. She smiled, relief flooded over her as she approached the boy with her schedule gripped in her left hand.

"Percy!" She called, skipping over to his side. Percy jumped at the sudden call for his name, and sighed when he realized it was Clara.

"Oh...hello Clara." He greeted halfheartedly, continuing to walk down the corridor. With a bounce in her step, she followed him. "Can I help you with something?" He asked, eyeing the girl. Clara's smile widened and she nodded.

"Oui. That would be nice." She said, handing the boy her school scheduled who hesitantly took it in his hand. "I can not seem to find Against the Dark Arts classroom." She told him.

"You're...You're a seventh year?" Percy observed.

"Oui." She answered simply, and sighing Percy scanned through her classes. Clara waited for the boy to say something as he reached into his bag and pulled out another sheet, comparing the two.

"We have the same classes in the mornings today." He said, and Clara let out a breath of relief.

"That is good, oui?" She said, glad she had someone she already knew in her first classes of the school year. However, Percy didn't seem to agree with her as he handed Clara back her schedule and looked blankly ahead.

Clara tried to have a decent conversation with the boy as he led her to their first class, however after not getting more than one-worded responses from Percy, Clara eventually took the hint that he did not want to talk and stayed quiet the rest of the way.

When they finally reached DADA, Clara stayed close beside Percy as the students filled into the large classroom. Despite Percy's aggravated looks, Clara made sure to find a seat right next to the boy. She wanted to at least be seated beside someone she somewhat knew.

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