Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Michelle told a joke, and Clara laughed.

She had to.

How else was she supposed to hide the fact that her insides were on fire and she was in the most excruciating pain? Her cheeks hurt from smiling for so long. The corners of her lips fought to fall down and reveal her true feelings, her true pain. But she couldn't let that happen. Her friends knew she was miserable without Percy, but what they didn't know was the physical pain Clara went through every day.

And she couldn't let them know. They would worry too much.

As the four friends sat down at the Hufflepuff long table for their dinner, Clara continued to smile her painful fake smile. Erika chatted away about how well she was doing in her potions class while Niki grumbled with complaints at the mention of Professor Snape. Michelle began poking fun at how awful Niki was doing in Herbology, which did not improve Niki's mood. Exams started tomorrow, and everyone was on edge, either the students were positive about the upcoming examinations, or they were bitter about it. Niki obviously chose the bitter view on exams, but Clara just didn't have enough energy to care anymore.

Instead of worrying or joining in on their conversation, Clara sat with her friends but felt utterly alone. She chewed mindlessly on a piece of toast, staring blankly at her black tea. She hated how awful she felt about leaving Percy, so awful she could barely eat. She often thought what would have happened if she had ignored Penny's pregnancy and continued on with her and Percy's relationship, but she quickly dismissed the thought. Penny needed Percy, and Percy needed to owe up to what he had done. If his mother were to catch wind of Percy knocking up a girl and leaving her to deal with it on her own, Molly might just have a heart attack.

After she neutered her son.

A gasp from Erika yanked Clara from her thoughts. She glanced over at her friend who stopped mid-sentence and stood up from her seat, staring wide eyed at the Grade Hall entrance where Penelope Clearwater stood anxiously.

The four friends stared, as well as more than half the students that showed up for dinner. Clara knew why, because seeing Penny was a rare occasion. The pregnant girl showed up to her classes, but other than that her food was brought to her during mealtimes while she stayed hidden in her room.

Without a word, Erika sprinted forward, her long legs aiding her in reaching Penny quickly. Clara watched as Erika wrapped her arms tightly around Penny, and soft laughter was heard from where Clara sat. As Erika brought Penny over to their table, chatter started up again in the Great Hall.

"Penny!" Michelle sang, smiling brightly. Penny smiled back in return, but Clara could recognized a pain streaked smile from anywhere.

Niki groaned obnoxiously, slamming her forehead against the wooden table and keeping it there as she stewed in her misery.

"Good morning." Penny said in a small voice as she nervously glanced at Niki. Erika rolled her eyes at Niki's dramatics and assisted Penny in sitting down at the table. "I hope you don't mind if I sit with you." Penny said, smoothing out her wrinkled shirt to occupy her hands.

Clara reached out and took hold of Penny's soft hand. Penny looked up, her lips parting as she stared at Clara with wide blue eyes.

"You are always welcome here." Clara said, squeezing Penny's hand in reassurance before she pulled away. Penny smiled, and this time her smile didn't appear to be as pain streaked as before.

"Well. Now that we have all been reunited, let's eat!" Erika said cheerfully, digging into her mountain of mashed potatos. Clara gave Penny a smile of her own before she turned back to her plain toast.

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