Chapter Sixty

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Love knows no reasons, love know no lies.

Love deifies all reasons, love has no eyes.

But love is not blind, love sees but doesn't mind.


Penelope rubbed her eyes with the palm of her hands, rubbing away the tears as she sat quietly in her Herbology classroom, her final exam. She had written down all she could on the exam paper, but the loud rumble of her swollen stomach and the pounding headache between her eyes kept her from going any further. Now, the pregnant teenager sat impatiently in her desk, anger growing inside her as the time seemed to just crawl by, and the only way Penelope could express her burning desire to leave not only the exam room, but Hogwarts, was to cry silent, angry tears at her desk.

She knew Oliver would be waiting for her in the Great Hall, and that eased some of her emotions, but it wasn't enough. If it had been Percy awaiting her, Penelope would be bursting with tears of joy and her heart would be filled with happiness instead of this dark misery. However, Penelope knew that Percy wasn't waiting for her, and that he never would again wait for her and be the firm embrace she calls home.

She didn't want Oliver Wood, she wanted Percy Weasley.

But Percy was Clara's man, and no one else's. If only, Penelope thought, her hands clenched in tight fists. She wanted nothing more than to go back to the times when Percy smirked at her from behind his books, when he kissed her neck and called her his love, and their after hour adventures through the Hogwarts hallways, harassing the paintings with their bright lights. But then, nothing shined brighter then their love for each other, or so Penny thought.

Penelope sighed, silent tears streaking down her trembling cheeks. She was nothing more than a late night kiss to Percy, someone to keep him company on his lonely study binges in the back of the library, and just another ploy in his plot to reach the top of the ministry. Penny gritted her teeth, she hated Percy, she hated how he took advantage of her, she hated how he used her for his own pleasure, but most of all she hated how he made her fall in love with him.

And now, Penny thought, he must have done the same thing to Clara before she could stop the heartbreaking process. Penny stared down at her swollen belly, new tears flooding her blue eyes. What had she done? She knew exactly what was going to happen when she and Oliver were together, but somehow all sense was gone from the both of them as they were caught in the moment. That stupid, stupid moment. And now, Penelope Clearwater was to walk around the Hogwarts school, with evidence of Oliver's virginity hanging in her front.

She laid her hand gently on her stomach, a small smile reaching her wet face. But it was so beautiful, she thought, so absolutely beautiful. She was horrified when she discovered the small child growing inside of her, Professor Trelawney predicting a healthy girl at the end of their class. Tears had blurred her vision as she stared into the Professor's large, magnified eyes. But now Penny sees a future where she once saw a dead end. She sees a future with a beautiful daughter, her daughter, and Penelope couldn't wait to meet her.

As soon as she could, the blonde girl made a run for the door, taking what she thought was her breath of fresh air. No longer trapped in the hot, stuffy green house. Her rumbling stomach only made her walk faster as she made her way to the Great Hall. Penny swore she could smell the lovely scent of homemade bread and sweet yams as she waddled through the hallways.

She ignored the looks from the students passing by. Penny no longer felt ashamed of the baby growing inside of her. She was damn proud to be a mother in the making, even if Percy wasn't the father. She was looking towards a new beginning, a new path where Percy didn't lurk in the shadows and there was a brilliant light awaiting her. She could see it now, feel it even, the small hand wrapped around her finger and the joyful sound of her child's laughter.

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