Chapter 1

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I've been reading around on other websites because I wanted to read other pairings for twilight. And yes I know I'm like super late with everything like really really late but fuck it. I thought that there wasn't enough Denali parings with Bella so I thought there should be because I found those more enjoyable. So I hope you find this enjoyable! Thanks for reading! P.S: this chapter is pretty much like a filler so it's pretty slow. Bare with me please! Xoxo

Bella's POV:
Im leaving for Washington in a few hours and the only reason I actually am going there is to give my mom, Renee, and her husband, Phil, some space and freedom. With me leaving, mom will be able to travel with Phil and not have to worry about me being alone. I thought it'd be best for me to move to Washington with my dad, Charlie, and his wife, sue, along with my step brother and sister, Seth and Leah.

Oh boy, is that gonna be fun for me. I haven't exactly spent much time with them, but from what I gathered with my short amount of time with them, Seth is a sweet guy that I would get along with without any problems. Leah on the other hand is a bit of a bitch, but there has be a reason behind that. Hopefully we can get along cause I'm not gonna be in the mood to deal with her shit and moving to a new high school in the middle of the year, it just won't work for me.

I was literally snapped of my thoughts by my best friend Alycia snapping at my face. "Wake up Bella, you've got a plane to catch. You can day dream about meeting your future girlfriend on the plane." I smacked her arm and huffed in annoyance, but hell, am I gonna miss my best friend. "Also if you do get a girlfriend you better tell me every single detail! Like what her twitter, instagram, snapchat, gmail, and Tumblr is." I just look at her for a second before i let out a small laugh.
"Yeah Sure Alli. Just promise me you'll call whenever and visit too?" I held out my pinky for her to know i was serious. "I promise Bella. I'll visit sometime during summer and we can have our infamous sleepovers" she grabs my pinky and we both giggle. We engulfed each other in a hug until I heard my mom call to me from out side.

"Bella! Come on sweetie, your plane leaves in an hour and you still have to go through all the procedures and say goodbye to your mother!"
"Alright, alright mom, I'm on my way out right now!"
I grabbed my bags and Alycia grabbed one for me as we headed to load the car. I'm sure gonna miss Phoenix.

As we left the driveway, I waved goodbye to my best friend that I wouldn't be seeing in a while. We got to the airport and I said my heartfelt goodbyes to my mom and a simple goodbye to Phil. Then after a last goodbye, I go to board the plane that's going to take me to my new life.

After i land, I get my luggage from the baggage claim and see my dad standing in front of his police car in his uniform. He looked just as I remember him, being as I haven't seen him in 3 years.
"Hey Bells"
He said as I walked over to him to give him a hug.
"Hey dad" then we packed up my bags in his cruiser and left to go to my new home in forks.

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