Chapter 17

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Bella's POV:
I sat on me and Tanya's bed  fiddling with the ring on my finger while holding a sleeping Octavia in my arms. I smile as i remember all the events that have happened in the past 24 hours. Tanya is out right now getting food and clothes along with other necessities that our daughter might need. My phone ringing at my bedside snapped me out of my thoughts and i quickly grab it answering the call without even looking. I set Octavia on the bed softly and walk out of the room before i put my phone to my ear.
After i said that, a loud girlish squeal came from the end of the line and i had to pull my head away from it for a second. "Geez"
'Bella! Did you get my invitation?!'
'What invitation?'
'Seriously!? Ah shit... well me and Leah are getting married. She proposed about a month ago!'
'What the fuck!? Why am i just hearing about this now Alycia?'
I'm pretty sure she can feel me scolding her. But to be fair i haven't told her that me and Tanya are engaged and we have a kid, but that kind of all just happened yesterday so I'm in the clear.
'Uh ummm i uh i sent an invitation to the wedding?'
I sigh and hold my head in my hand. Just then i hear someone come though the front door with bags and i know it's Tanya.
'Well i didn't get an invitation so tell me another excuse on why my own SISTER and BEST FRIEND didn't even tell me about any engagement? Am i being cut off hmm?'
Tanya must've heard the stress in my voice and she sped to my side sitting down on the stairs grabbing my hand to pull down to sit with her. She wrapped her arm around my back kissing my forehead.
'Nononono you aren't being cut off Bella i swear! I guess it kinda just slipped my mind to tell you. I'm deeply sorry Bells. Forgive me?'
I can sense the regret and sadness in her voice. I sigh and lean against Tanya.
'You're forgiven... i mean i can't be mad at you cause you're gonna be my future sister-in-law.'
I smirk as she laughs excitedly on the other end. After she's done with that little laughing fit she returns to the convo.
'See i told you we would always be sisters.'
I let out a small laugh and Tanya begins to rub my back. I hum in content and nuzzle my head into the crook of her neck.
'So what's new with you? How's Tanya? How's the sex and st-'
'Woah there, totally inappropriate question.... Tanya is great annnnd i do have a lot of new things that've happened.'
'Ooooo like what? Anal?'
'Oh my gah! Alycia no! Still totally inappropriate.'
I look up at Tanya and she has a huge smile plastered on her face. Then whispers in my ear, "we could try." She smirks and kisses my cheek. Oh if i could blush I'd be as red as a tomato. I put my head back into Tanya's neck and groan.
'Okay Okay Fine what's the new stuff.'
'Tanya proposed to me yesterday... and i found a-'
As if on cue, little Octavia makes her presence known by starting to cry. Tanya gets up and grabs Octavia, then comes out of our room with her cradled in her arms as she makes her way down the stairs to feed her. I stand up and flash to where she was in the kitchen and watched as Tanya prepares Octavia's food with the little one in her arms. Alycia yelling on the other line to get my attention.
'BELLA! Hello?! Was that a baby crying??'
'Oh uh yeah yeah that was a baby. Ha uh i found her yesterday. Me and Tanya are taking her in.'
'Yes! I have a niece! What's her name?'
'Octavia Renee Denali.'
I smile lovingly at my daughter in Tanya's arms and reach out to let her grab onto my fingers with her small little hands. I can see Tanya watching our little interaction and smiling at me. I look up at her smiling and continue talking to Alycia.
'That's a beautiful name Bells. Can i see a picture so i can show the rest of the family?'
'Yeah I'll send it to ya in a bit, we gotta feed this little one.'
I turn to Octavia and see she's already looking at me with the bottle of milk in her mouth as Tanya rocks her slowly holding the bottle up.
'Alright and i do expect a picture soon. Also I'll let you know about the details of the wedding! Bye i love you!'
'Love you too.'
I hang up and move behind Tanya wrapping my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder to look at Octavia. She looks directly at me and i can see the innocence and joy within her eyes. Niko walks in after a weeks trip to see my mom. I convinced him to, but anyways he walks in and his face fills with shock as he lays eyes on Octavia in Tanya's arms. He sped over to where we were in the kitchen looking at the child trying to figure out why she's here. He eyes me then Tanya and finally speaks up.
"Why is this child here?"
I kiss Tanya's neck lightly and speak up.
"I found her while i was hunting in the woods. It's a long story i guess."
I shrug and give my attention back to my mate by kissing her neck a bit rougher. She clears her throat and leans her head towards mine not letting me have access to her neck anymore. I pout and she turns to kiss me.
"Bella, Octavia's getting sleepy again and i have to go change her diaper so I'll go upstairs. Welcome back Niko." She bows her head slightly at Niko and he returns it walking over to me once Tanya walks out of my arms. I watch her walk up the stairs then turn my attention to Niko.
"So how was the trip? Did you enjoy seeing my mom again?" He smiles gratefully at me and nudges my arm. "I enjoyed it a lot. She said she misses you and she also said that she missed me. We should make a stop by her house sometime soon together and bring Tanya and your daughter." He smiles and looks at me thoughtfully and i smirk at him. "Well i mean she will be coming to my wedding... and probably Alycia and Leah's..." He looks surprised and excited. I know he loves my mom but i don't know the extent of his love. "You're getting married? When did this happen?"
"Could you believe that all of this happened yesterday? It was quite an eventful day." That was the biggest understatement of my life. Niko laughs and wraps his arm around my shoulder squeezing lightly. "Congrats! I love both you and Tanya and i wish you both the best." I hug him tightly and a question popped into my head. "Niko? I'm curious."
"Go ahead kid, just ask."
"Do you love my mom?"
He turns his head looking away pondering on how he should answer me. After a few moments of silence he turns back to face me. "Your mother... i do love your mother very much.... in fact she uh she's my mate, i know she is... and i do have to tell you something. I don't want you to freak out about this... but you.." I look at him expecting him to finish but it seems his words are caught in his throat as he tries to explain something else to me.
"You- you were conceived after me and your mother uh um were intimate while she was with Charlie.... I uh i didn't know until you were born and i knew right then and there. I thought you would grow at an abnormal rate because you had my blood in you but your growth rate was normal which was odd so i looked into it and i couldn't find anything. Didn't you notice that you felt more powerful than your peers, maybe strength wise or speed. You were the fastest one on your track team in middle school then you quit...." I stare at him trying to process what he's just told me and i feel like all the info is clogging up my mind. Ugh.
"So you're telling me... that my mom's your mate and that you're my actual father...." He nods slowly and this brings up a million questions. "If my Mom is your mate, how come you aren't with her?" His face drops and he suddenly looks in pain. "I let her be happy... that's all i want for her and my recent visit with her... was because i was going to ask her about her feelings towards me and if she would be with me but it seems she has another husband. Phil, correct?" I nod and i feel terrible for the man in front of me. "I don't particularly like him, but she is happy. But can i be honest with you? She's always looked like she missed someone and i always wondered who that was. Come to find out it's probably you... i say screw it, go for it Niko. If she's your mate, she deserves to be happy just as much as you do. So if you want, me, you, Tanya, and little Octavia could go visit her next week..." His eyes perk up and he suddenly seems excited. I hug him tightly and he hugs back just the same. "Thank you Bella, i needed this motivation." I nod and pat his cheek playfully. "Anytime old man. Now I'm going to go check on Tanya." With saying that, Niko shakes his head smiling at me and i take off to my bedroom. I quietly open the door to see Tanya standing at the window with her arms crossed deep in thought and our daughter sleeping in her new crib. I sigh and slowly make my way to Tanya and stand beside her looking out the window. "What took you so long?" She whispered softly and looked at me calmly. I looked back at her then look back out the window and lay my head on her shoulder. She instantly wraps her arms around my waist pulling me against her sensing something is wrong. She talks softly, "My love? What happened? Did Niko say something to upset you? I will hurt him if he did." I chuckle lightly and lay my hands over where hers were. "No no... I am bothered by the information that Niko has given me. But I'm not upset." She kisses my forehead and swiftly sits down pulling me in her lap. She wraps her arms around me protectively as i lay my head in the crook of her neck playing with her shirt. We sit in silence like that and she waits patiently for me to explain. "He's my dad Tanya. My mom is his mate but he's scared to ruin her happiness, scared that he won't be able to make her happy..." Tanya lets out a long breathe and holds me tighter. "That makes no sense... if he was your father then your growing rate would have been faster than a normal humans... you would've stopped aging at around seven to eight years of age..." I look up to her and i can practically see the wheels turning in her head just trying to figure this out. Then her eyes widen as she shakes her head in disbelief. She whispers to herself, "So stupid, so stupid!" She groans and lets go of me dramatically and lays down fully on the floor with her arms extended. I turn to look at her with a confused look. "What?"
"I think it's possible that your powers have something to do with your growth rate... your shield could have prevented vampire blood from spreading throughout your body or kept it dormant until a certain age. When i bit you, your transformation was ten times quicker then any that I've seen. And the dormant blood could have something to do with that. It's very rare that anything like this has happened, but i only know this information because I've heard of it before from a friend born half vampire half human but his vampire side was dormant for 25 years." I nod trying to understand and i straddle her lap leaning down to where our noses meet. "So this shield power you talked about, what is that?" She places her hands on my hips gripping them then answers. "It means that nobody's powers works on you. There's a shield surrounding that beautiful mind of yours." She smiles and taps my temple with her finger. "That's why Edward couldn't read your mind and why Jane couldn't hurt you, why Aro couldn't see anything." I lean in to kiss her gently and i started to pull away but she held me where i was, trying to deepen the kiss. I give in and tug on her bottom lip with my teeth while putting my body fully against her. She groans and flips us over pinning my hands above my head never disconnecting our lips. She makes her way down to my neck to find my sweet spot and runs her teeth across it increasing the pressure. I muffle a moan because I'm too conscious of our daughter sleeping not even 5 feet away. I whispered in Tanya's ear before this got out of hand. "Tanya, Octavia is still sleeping and i don't think we wanna wake her." She hums to acknowledge me but keeps sucking on my neck then a few seconds later in one swift movement we were out the door with Tanya carrying me and my legs around her waist. She runs for a minute with her head still buried in my neck. She finds a clearing far enough from the house but not to far so we could still hear Octavia's steady heart beat. She throws me against the ground and i end up sliding on my back through the dirt like 10 feet before Tanya pounced on me. She hovered over me for a split second then grabs my hands and pins them above my head again. And with one hand she manages to tear off the shirt and bra i was wearing in one smooth movement. I gasp and suddenly she kisses me with urgency and raw passion. I moan into the kiss then bite her lip roughly and she was taken aback by it but she went back to my neck. She sucked and licked at my sweet spot viciously then bites down on my neck. This brings me immense pleasure causing me to moan out loudly. This sparked something wild in my mate. She stopped for a moment to look at me with her pitch black lustful eyes then down to my pants that still existed on my body. I smirked and she growls roughly at my pants then tears those and my favorite lace underwear off. She kisses down my body but i stop her once she reaches the middle of my stomach. I lean up grabbing the back of her neck and kiss her aggressively. I needed her clothes off, now. I worked my hands down to her sides and with one motion i pulled her pants, underwear, and shirt leaving her in her bra. I take off her bra and throw it away from me. She takes control again and pushes me down by my chest continuing to kiss down my stomach to my hotspot. She reached where she was headed and didn't hesitate at all. She latches her mouth onto my clit flicking it with her tongue causing me to moan and squirm under her touch. She holds my hips down with one of her hands the suddenly inserts two of her fingers in me. She pumps at lightning speed and at this point I'm so lost in the pleasure and my moans, that everything seems to haze together. I put my hand over her hand that's holding my hips down and squeeze it needing something else to keep me from drifting away besides the ground. She adds another finger and i can quickly feel my walls tightening around her fingers. She senses this and goes faster in me but kisses her way up my body knowing i need something to hold onto as i ride out my orgasm. She kisses me aggressively while i moan into her mouth. The kiss was sloppy and all over the place. I wrapped my arms around her back digging my nails into her marble skin as my orgasm nears. She groans from my nails in her skin and buried her face into my neck but still has a steady pace of her fingers going in me. She bites my neck again in the same spot and that sends me over the edge. I yell out loudly cursing her name as my climax hits me hard. I whimper as waves of pleasure keep coming after my orgasm. Tanya slows her pace in me letting me ride out my high. She eventually takes her fingers out of me after the pleasure waves subsided and she kisses me softly as she scoops her arms under my body to hold me. She then lays her head on my chest and i can faintly hear what almost sounds like purring coming from her. I look down at her body confused as it softly vibrates against me.
"Tanya, are you...are you purring?" She nods against my chest keeping her eyes closed as she continues to purr. That's strange... I've never really seen or heard her do that before. I wonder if all vampires do it. As if she heard my question she starts talking with her eyes still closed and her body softly vibrating against mine. "Not all vampires purr. It's usually something that happens if the vampire is in a state of bliss or is beyond happy. Most can't do it because they kill humans.... I've never done it before now, but it feels wonderful." With saying that she buries her head deeper into my chest sighing contently as she continues to purr. I rub her bare back to creat more comfort within her. We lay there in silence for about another hour just listening to the things around us. I could lay here forever with her like this. We suddenly hear loud paw prints and Tanya perks her head up from chest to scan the area. The smell of wet dog fill our noses and we know that it's a LaPush shifter. Tanya doesn't move from me but i struggle to see what or who i should say is coming. Two heart beats came into hearing distance and they were heading towards the house. Tanya and i both took off as fast as we can to get to the house before these strangers do. There was only Niko and Octavia that was currently in the house so if it was an attack we'd have to fight them off naked. That'd be kinda hot but i wouldn't want anybody seeing my mates bare body. We arrive at the house minutes before the strangers did which gave me and Tanya time to put on clothes. We checked on Octavia to see if she was still asleep and she was so we slipped out of the room quietly hand in hand as we headed outside. Once we got there, Tanya put her arm around my waist as we waited for the intruders to cross our line of vision. All of a sudden a grey wolf with a human sitting on top of it came into view. I smiled and loosened my stance as i recognize these strangers to be Alycia and Leah. Tanya still has a rigid stance as they slowly approach us. They stop around 20 feet away from us. Alycia gets off Leah smiling like a fool at me and gets out a towel holding it up blocking our view of Leah. I found it odd at first but then i realized shifters shred their clothes when they shift. After Leah changed back to her human form and was fully clothed, they walked towards us hand in hand. We all greet each other with hugs and i was surprised when Leah reached out to give Tanya a hug.
There was a word just screaming in my mind...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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