Chapter 12

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Bella's POV:

It was an easy task to stay in the house with humans because the smell of wet dog masked everything. Don't get me wrong, I love them, but they smell really bad.
It was dawn now and the sun had just started to peek over the horizon. I thought it looked beautiful. It had a combination of oranges and pinks, with a hint of yellow.

I wanted to watch it from the roof so I pulled Tanya from the bed and we both went to the roof. We got up there and Tanya pulled me into her side and I immediately snaked my arms around her.
"Yes moja láska?"
"What's gonna happen now? Now that I'm practically dead." She rolled her eyes and let out a laugh, then look me in the eyes.
"I don't know my love. It's entirely up too you, but I'll be there for any decision you make."
"Do you think we'll have to move?"
"Possibly but that'll be when people start to notice your not aging. I will say that you should finish high school and then maybe, if you want to, go into college to get a degree."

I look towards the sunrise and start to think of my future, our future together.
"That might just be my plan, but I don't know. I'm graduating this year and still have yet to apply to any college." I looked back at Tanya only to find that she's been staring at me the whole time. She was looking at me with complete love and adoration. I love her so much.

"It's alright Bella, you don't have to make a decision now. We still have time to spare and you don't have to go to college straight out of high school. We can travel, we can do things, or if you would want to come and live with me in Alaska." She started to caress my cheek with her thumb. I lean into her hand, then she kisses my forehead.
"Since you are my mate, you are part of my coven. And I think it's only right that you meet our family. Well, hopefully you can consider them family."
"Who else is in your coven besides Kate?"
"Oh really? I didn't even know." My words dripped with sarcasm. She rolled her eyes with a slight smile on her lips.
"Let me finish. There's, Eleazar and Cameron. They are mates. Then there's, Kate, me, Irina, and now you."
"My other sister. I'm the eldest of us all."
"Hmm maybe i shouldn't be dating such an old woman." I smirk and she playfully pushes me. "The older, the more experienced. So i wouldn't be complaining if i were you." She smirks and rubs my side with a hint of seduction. I smile and kiss her then continue our convo.
"I would love to meet them though. Also, I might just move with you when you go back because I don't wanna be stuck in a house that smells of a really bad wet dog smell and i want to be with you of course." She laughed at me and pulled me closer into her side, if that were even possible.

"We all agreed to meet back up at the house in Alaska in June. Coincidentally right after your graduation."
"Really? How convenient." We look at each other and start to lean in. Right as our lips touch I hear my dad calling for me.
"Bella?... Bella, goddamnit where did you go now?" He was about to walk off and I went back inside through the window with Tanya right behind me.
"Yes dad?"
"Alycia wants you and her to go shopping or whatever together."
"Why didn't she just ask herself?"
"She's too occupied with Leah."
"Oh okay... tell her I'll be down in a sec."
I turn to Tanya and hug her.
"Today's gonna be a long day."

(Time skip)

I'm finally graduating from high school!! I'm so happy! After this my real life begins. And it begins with Tanya. We've already made moving arrangements for me to move in with her in Alaska.

We are at the ceremony for graduation and I'm sitting between Alice and Emmett. I was looking around trying to find Tanya when my eyes locked with someone that looked vaguely familiar. He had an evil look in his eyes and we continued to stare at each other until Alice nudged me. So I looked at her and then looked back and he was gone.
"Bella who was that? Did you know him?"
I shake my head and I try to find Tanya again then I found her. When I did the same guy that was looking at me was talking to her and then he looked over at me with a mischievous grin. As he looked at me Tanya looked to me also and her face dropped, she looked like she was scared.
Why does this look like another problem?
I couldn't exactly hear what they were saying because they were probably whispering and it was loud in here. They looked like they were in a heated argument and it looked like they were going to pounce on each other. Tanya looked to me with anger, then looked back to the guy. The guy looked pissed as he walked out of the auditorium. Tanya started to walk over to me and then the announcer called all the graduates to the stage to receive their diplomas. I knew she wanted to talk, but it's gonna have to wait.

We all file into alphabetical order and receive our diplomas. Once we were done, I found Tanya and she practically dragged me to the forest. Once we reached the forest line she took off still holding me.
"Tanya what the hell?!"
She just growled and kept going. When I, presume, we got far enough she flung me against a tree. I grunted at the impact and then in a split second she had my hands pinned above my head and was looking at me with black lustful eyes. I was immediately turned on but still curious as too why.
"Tanya stop. What are you doing?"
"I need you to mark me as your mate again and I need to remark you because some people don't know their boundaries." She said this through gritted teeth and then she kissed me roughly. I tried to push her back, but failed miserably. She pushed her whole body against me to keep me still and bit my lip. I moan in defeat knowing I couldn't go against her so I gave in. She growled again and started to kiss my neck and by this point I was in complete ecstasy. I moaned out as she reached my sweet spot. Right as I moaned again she sunk her teeth into my marble skin. I let out a loud moan and I growled finding the strength to break free of her hold. I grabbed her shirt and turned us around to push her against the same tree. I started to kiss her with the hunger of wanting more. Then I heard the sound of wood cracking and then I felt the impact of something hit me in the back. The impact threw me and Tanya through the tree we were against.

I growled and turned to see who it was and I was met with the same guy that I saw at the graduation.
"What do you want? Who are you?" I grit my teeth and crouch into a defensive position.
He lets out an evil laugh. "You don't remember me? Oh my dear, how could you forget?" I felt Tanya grab my waist and pull me behind her.
"You need to leave now. Before I end up killing you."
"You could never kill me and you know it."
"Niko... you need to shut up before I make you."
"Niko?" He looks at me and then it clicked. I remember him.

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