Chapter 6

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Bella POV:

I wake up to an annoying alarm and an empty bed. I feel myself pout instantly with the feeling of me missing my Goddess. I reluctantly get out of bed to get ready for school and i spot a note on the night stand.
I pick up the note only to see the beautiful hand writing of my Tanya.

My Bella,
I went hunting and I won't be able to see you this morning but I will call you after school and come over.

Yours truly,

I'm not looking forward to today at all. Not only do I not get to see Tanya this morning, but I just have a feeling that it's not going to be a great day. I head down to the kitchen after i got dressed to grab some breakfast and see a note from Charlie.

I'll be gone all day and Leah, Seth, and Sue are staying on the reservation tonight but will be back tomorrow. Money is on the counter for food. Love ya.
- Dad

That means I'm all alone today. Tanya and I will have the house to ourselves tonight. I'll have to text her later to tell her. I don't plan on doing anything with her, yet. I leave for school after i eat a little something for breakfast, a little more optimistic for today than i was earlier.

I pull up and notice that Alice is there waiting for me with her usual perky self but I could tell something was off. I shrug it off knowing I'll have to ask Tanya about it later. I gather my stuff then get out of the car and I'm suddenly tackled by my best friend.
"Hey Alice, you act like you haven't seen me in forever." I let out a little chuckle hugging her back tightly before letting go.
"I missed you, you dork. Now let's go inside the bells about to ring."
We walk into school with our arms linked together ready to face today.

The day was long and I desperately missed Tanya. I felt I was too needy for this woman and her touch. I guess that's what being mated to a vampire would come with.
They should really have something along the lines of warning or caution that says: ' warning: you will fall in love extremely quick with this person and they will be the only ones you will ever think about and crave'
I'm ridiculous... geez, maybe I am a dork. I roll my eyes at my thoughts as I continue to head to my car.

I'm in my car ready to leave school when I get a phone call. I look to see who it is and I smile as I see it's Alycia.


"BELLA!! Guess what?"

"Uh you finally got a girlfriend?" I say with a smirk.

"Ugh no I wish. But I'm at the airport and I need you to pick me up."


"Yeah I am so hurry up cause I'm cold. I'm at Port Angeles Airport."

"Alright I'll be there in 20 mins"

"Wait!! Don't hang up cause then I'll just be standing here awkwardly looking at my phone."

"Whatever Alycia."

"I can feel your eye roll from here. Don't give me attitude! You know how I am."

"Yeah, yeah I know mom I won't do it again."

"That's right or I'll have to give you a beat down"

"Whatever Alli. I hope you packed so-"
I was cut off by someone calling me and it was Tanya.
"Hey Alycia I gotta take this I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Is that your girlfriend you never told me ab-" I hung up on her and answered Tanya's call.

"Bella? Where are you?"

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