Chapter 3

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Tanya POV:

My coven and I have been here in Alaska for years on end, but this is our safe haven. Away from all the threats of exposure and the supernatural. But my family and I believe it's around that time to go our own ways for a while. Me and Kate are the only ones without a mate. I've gone too long without a mate and I don't think I can handle much more loneliness. Sure I have my coven but they can't give me the comfort I would need from my mate.

Carmen and Eleazar have already gone to Spain and Irina has gone off with her mate, Laurent, to just travel the world together i guess. That leaves me and Kate. We decided that we would pay a visit to our cousins in Washington for a while. So that's where we are headed now.

When we got there most of the Cullen's were gone to school except Carlisle and Esme whom welcomed us with open arms and a room. We unpacked our things in the room since me and Kate will be sharing it. We don't really need to sleep or anything like that and we would probably be out most of the time. We are both looking for a new start so Kate decided she was going to join the police staff here, which I think is ridiculous, but it's her decision. I'm just going to explore for two reasons and two reasons only... hunting and search for my mate. I've been alone for almost 1,500 years and I have yet to find my mate. But I feel that moving here would give me what I've been looking for all these years.

It's been a few weeks since we got here and Kate and I have gotten to know our cousins very well, except for one. Edward. He seems so egotistical and full of himself because some Bella girl gave him the time of day along with the fact that he can't read her mind.

He believes that she's his mate and is bringing her over later today and I'm absolutely intrigued as to who this girl is and why she takes interest in him.

Soon enough the sound of a car pulling up into the driveway took my attention away from my thoughts. The car doors open and i can hear the heart beat that comes out of the car. They enter the complex and I was engulfed by an aroma the made my eyes roll into the back of my head, I let out a slight moan as it got closer. I heard a giggle and I looked over at my pixie cousin, "Your welcome."
Just loud enough for my ears to hear and she smirked with anticipation.

As Edward and the girl walked up the stairs the scent became mouthwatering but I feel no need to take the life from this human, the feeling I am feeling is love, lust, and the answer to what I've been looking for.
They finally reached the top of the stair case and my whole body froze as I saw her, but when our eyes met I knew that she was mine and mine only.

I let out a territorial growl as if to say 'back off' to Edward, but he didn't listen. I looked back at my beautiful mate and walked to her teasingly not loosing our gaze. At the same time ignoring Edward's glares towards me.
"Hello, I'm Tanya. And you must be the one Edward here has been talking about." I said softly yet with a hint of seductiveness in my voice. I grabbed her hand and gently brushed my lips against her knuckle.

She shivered at my touched and I heard her heart speed up. I smirked as she blushes realizing I was still holding her hand. Edward growled slightly but only loud enough for me to hear.
"It's a p-pleasure to meet you Tanya, I'm Bella and I-I hope you've heard good things about me."
"Only good things."
She is so cute
If she wasn't human, I would claim her right here, right now but I must contain myself because she doesn't exactly know we are mates. She can feel the pull, I know she can and that's why I'm going to go slow, for her, for my Bella.

Bella let go of my hand to say hello to everyone else and I stood there just admiring my mate. As she greeted my cousin Alice, Alice being Alice, she squeals and jumps into Bella's arms engulfing her in a hug. I heard her whisper into Bella's ear, "I told you it was a good idea to come."
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean." With saying that, Alice directed Bella's attention to me and I winked at her. She bites her lip and blushes.
Oh god... that was so hot.

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