Chapter 4

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Bella POV:

I wake up in the comfort of someone's arms and then the realization of what had occurred yesterday hits me.
"Good morning my love. How did you sleep?"
I lift my head from Tanya's chest and automatically feel my face start to heat up. I reposition myself to lay on my side so I'm not on her and so i can look at her.
So beautiful.
Then I hear a bell like laugh that i could fall for over and over again, but I look at her confused.
"Thank you, your not so bad yourself."
She winks and has this smirk on her face when I realize I said that out loud. I roll my eyes at myself and blush feeling embarrassed.
"I said that out loud didn't I?"
"Yes you did. So how did you sleep?"
"I slept better than I have in-"
I am cut off by Seth banging on my door.
"Hey! Bella get up I'm hungry and mom won't let us eat until your down because she said we would eat all the food!"
"Alright I'll be down in second!"
I look to Tanya to see she was already looking at me with a warm smile. I sigh knowing that I would have to leave her.
"Don't worry my love, I'll go back to the Cullen's place until your done eating and then I'll come by to pick you up. I was thinking that we could go see a movie or something?"
"Yeah um yeah a movie would be great."
She nods seemingly pleased with my answer and then she leans over kissing my cheek very close to my lips. I can feel myself blush instantly at the thought of her kissing me.
"I'll see you after you eat, but you should get down there, I can tell they are getting restless."
I get out of bed and go to the door, but before I leave i offer her a smile in which she returns. I walk out closing my door behind me with a huff then go to freshen up in the bathroom before taking my time to go down the stairs.
Great. Now I have to deal with Seth and Leah.

I walk down the stairs and I'm met with the smell of bacon and eggs. Mmmm it smells so good. I never realized how hungry I was until now and as soon as that thought pops up, my stomach growls as if on cue.

Once I walked into the kitchen, i load up my plate and thank Sue for making breakfast then sit down at the table with Seth and Leah. I looked to Leah because i caught her stare as soon as i take a bite of food. She gives me the most disgusted look as she finishes up her food. As she gets up, she glares at me for a second then angrily walks to the door to walk out only to run into my beautiful goddess. Leah started shaking with anger and couldn't tell what was happening but by look on Tanya's face it wasn't good. I went to walk over to them but was stopped not only by Seth but by Tanya as well.
"Stay there Bella! Don't come any closer, I don't want you to get hurt."
I stopped moving all together and looked at the pair.
"She should only be concerned about you hurting her leech!"
Leah crouches slightly looking like she's ready to attack Tanya while giving Tanya the death glare.

Tanya looks calm, but ready to fight Leah just in case she does try something. Lean on the other hand, She looks like she's ready to explode. Tanya slowly backs up until they were both outside.
"This is quileute territory. You need to leave!"
"I'm staying with my cousins. The Cullen's."
"Then why are you at my house?"
"I'm at my mates house."

While all this is all going on, Sue is on the phone with Sam telling him what is happening. To be completely honest, I've never been more confused than i am right now as to what the hell is actually happening. It seems like everything is happening all at once.

"Your mates house?!"
"Yes... Bella's my mate"
By this point, Leah is beyond frustrated but i can see that she has calmed down a bit.
"Your lying just to get near her just like that Edward guy."
"Yes Edward believed that Bella was his mate, but she was his singer. Also I set him straight and he will leave her alone. Bella is and always will be my mate so if I can see her that would be a great pleasure."

Leah turned around to look at me and couldn't help but to feel grateful towards her for actually caring about me. Guess i assumed before even giving her a chance to be herself. I gave her nod and she turned to look back at Tanya only to see Sam standing behind my beautiful goddess. Seth let me go and we both head outside hesitantly.

"What's going on here?"
Sam questions us as the rest of his followers come out of the woods behind him in shorts and tank tops.

Tanya answers sam still facing Leah, "It's nothing. Just a simple misunderstanding."
"We haven't seen you in our lands before. Who are you?"

Tanya turned and seemed to be ready to answer Sam, but Leah cut her off.
"She's not a threat Sam, I promise."
"And how would you know that?"
"First of all, her eyes are of the ones the Cullen's have. Second, is that she is cousins of the Cullen's. Lastly, she is Bella's mate."

At Leah saying this, I see one of my old best friends from years ago... Jacob Black. Sam's face contorts with displeasure but nods slowly anyways as if to process and understand the information given. As this was happening I start slowly walking towards Tanya who has now faced Sam and his pack of guys. Once I reach her, I let out a sigh and lace my fingers with hers. Once Jacob sees this he starts shaking with anger just as Leah had been a moment ago, but this time he leaps forward and turns into a giant ass dog! He just turned into a fucking oversized wolf!

Tanya quickly pulls me behind her and as Jake gives Tanya a threatening glare, Leah jumps and shifts into a wolf landing in front of us.
Wow...maybe she doesn't really hate me like I thought.
Jake goes to attack Leah but a black wolf knocks Jake down before he gets the chance to lunge at Leah. The black wolf or who I believe to be is Sam, lets out a deep commanding growl towards Jake and that makes Jake whimper and bow submissively. With this Jake and the rest of them run back into the forest. That left me and Tanya in the front yard of my house. Why would he do that? I hardly know him.
Well I think I must be some sort of supernatural mag-

"Well that was... eventful, but I'm still hungry."
As soon as Seth said that, I had a freaking heart attack! I thought we were alone!

Tanya sees that I was startled by Seth and lets out a small laugh. I looked at her pretending to be hurt and put on my best pout. I let go of her hand and start to walk back inside. She looks so dumbfounded as i left her, I couldn't help but let out a small a laugh. As soon as I laugh, she speeds in front of me making me stop in front of the door way. She grabs onto both my hands with a devilish smirk.
"Why don't we go now. I think you could use some time away from here."
"I agree. Just let me go get my wallet."
She nods and I run into the house to grab my wallet off the counter. Then, we head out in one of the cars that she borrowed from the Cullen's. This reminds me I have to call Alycia. Ugh, later.

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