Chapter 2

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Bella POV:


I groaned as I woke up to such a hellish sound and roll over to make my alarm shut up. Ugh... today's the first day at my new school, great. It's the middle of the school year, I'm going to be the new girl everyone looks at. Ugh I'm not down with that kind of attention, i just want to-... it's raining. Well, the weather does nothing to improve my mood which is unfortunate, i could really use something positive today.

I get dressed and look out my window to see how bad the rain actually is... annnd i dread going outside. This makes me miss Phoenix more than I thought I would, I already miss the warmth.

I head to school in my car that I had my mom ship over here in time so I can have it for school. The way there, the scenery of the forestry surrounding me is beautiful. I don't know, maybe i could get used it.

I pulled up into the school lot and it seemed as if everyone was staring at me, but I brushed it off. As I was looking at my schedule, I hear someone right in front of me that startled me a little before I recover. I look up to see an asian boy smiling at me, I smiled back.
"Hi you must be Isabella Swan! Chief Swan's daughter, right? I'm Eric Yorkie, I'm the head of the newspaper and your news baby, front page."
I look at him dumbfounded before responding.
"Yeah um, I don't really want to be in any news anything really but it's nice meeting you Eric."
"Oh yeah I totally get that! Well you should join me and my friends during lunch we eat in the cafeteria if you wanna meet up?"
"Definitely, I'd love to. See ya later Eric."

It was lunch time and I ended up being led to the table I wanted to go to during lunch. Mike Newton, a guy I met last class, insisted I sit with them during lunch and sure enough I ended up at Eric's table.
"So I see you met my girl Bella"
I hear Eric say to Mike and I looked at Eric and sat down in the seat Mike pulled out for me.
"oh your girl huh?"
Mike is such a typical jock. He wants the new girl to like him? Ha wait till he finds out I swing the other way.
I was introduced to Jessica, Angela, Lauren, and Jesse. They all seemed like cool people but I saw them all as future friends, but I have to say that Lauren was pretty hot not gonna lie.

The day went on and I had biology, I walked to the teacher for him to sign my slip and he told me to take the seat next to this guy that looked like he was dying or something. He acted like I smelled bad or as if I had the most contagious disease and he was forcibly locked in a box with me. But I ignored it, it wasn't like I cared. So I went on with my day, until I accidentally bumped into a seemingly quirky girl a little bit shorter than me with pixie cut hair.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going. I'll pay better attention next time, I-" I was cut short by the shorter pixie giving me smirk and an eyebrow.
"Nothing, it's just adorable when you ramble. I'm Alice. And I can tell we are gonna be great friends."
She said that with the biggest smile I've ever seen on anyone.
"I'm Bella. And if you can see us being great friends then I hope that your right." We both laughed and started walking to the parking lot and started to get to know one another. She's pretty cute. We got to my car and I stopped to say goodbye to my new friend and as I stopped I was pulled into a hug. "It was great meeting you Bella I hope to see you tomorrow?"
"Yeah for sure Alice. I'll see you tomorrow bye!"


It's been weeks and Alice has become my best friend and found out that she and her family are vampires. Weird yet cool, I know. Also within that time frame I became what I presume is friends with her brother Edward Cullen, a.k.a my bio lab partner. It was the weirdest thing, Alice walked up to me yesterday and said that Edward's gonna ask you to come over to our house say yes you'll see why. I was so confused but said yes anyways and sure enough here I am in Edwards car, on the way to his house. I feel uncomfortable with the way he's been trying to touch me. It's not in a friend type way either, and I absolutely don't like it... I'm gonna have to tell him off if he keeps it up.

We arrive at his house moments later and we both get out.
"Welcome to my humble abode."
I looked at his house and it was stunning. It was very open for vampires to live in, I thought they would live in something a little bit more on the darker side. All the walls that you would see on a normal house are replaced with glass and it's a two story home. It looks so cool and open.

We walked in and as I was taking in my surroundings Edward started talking to me. "This is the only place we don't have to hide it's like our secret sanctuary of sorts." I hummed in response and he started leading us upstairs I don't know why but I felt extremely nervous.

As we approached the upper level which was part of the kitchen, I looked at the sight of vampires around me and then my eyes met a certain blonde with curly hair. Once our eyes met I was immediately star struck and speechless, scared to even blink just in case this goddess in front of me wasn't real and would vanish at any moment.

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