Chapter 10

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Tanya's POV:
To say I'm scared in this moment would be the understatement of the century. I worry for the Cullen's, but most of all I'm worried for my mate's safety. Once I heard them arrive, the others and myself instantly stand up. I pull Bella behind me as fast as I can without hurting her and she clutches onto my shirt for dear life. When a knock comes from the door, the atmosphere instantly changes. We all are on edge with anticipation and I could feel Bella tighten her grip on my shirt and her heart rate increase dramatically.
Carlisle opens the door in a civil manor to greet the Volturi. When he opened it there is five of them in their infamous black coats. Aro, Felix, Demetri, Alec, and Jane.
They all enter pushing Carlisle out of the way to fixate their eyes on me and my mate behind me. Just as Carlisle was about to close the door, Edward and Caius speed in and join the rest of them.
Selfish little prick. I should have killed you when i had the chance! You intend to bring harm to my mate and now you will die!
  I snarl knowing he's heard my thoughts and Edward growls at me moving towards me, but only a step.
"Hello Tanya. Glad to see you finally found a mate, but unfortunately Edward claims she is his mate. Although, I cannot see that as possible now as she clings to you and it is apparent that you've mated." With Aro saying this, Edward growls furiously and stalks forward but is stopped with a flick of Aro's hand. Edward glares at me while Aro trains his eyes on Bella as he continues to speak.
"...But we didn't come to decide who's mate she is and who's she isn't. We came because you broke a law. You all exposed yourselves to a human therefore putting the chance that this fragile human could expose us. Someone will serve their punishment with joining the Volturi and the human dies or you turn her. If you were to decide to turn her, it will be now in front of us. If you refuse both, then I have no choice but to terminate all of you." He let's out his infamous laughs and looks to Jane.
I suddenly feel the rush of pain spread throughout my whole body in an instant. I drop to the floor writhing and clawing at my skin to make stop, but the immense pain continues. I can vaguely hear Bella yelling, but I can't really hear the words she's saying.

Bella's POV:
Tanya drops to the floor when the devilishly blonde looking girl looks at her. Tanya screams out in pain and i look to the people in front of me, just wanting it to stop.
"Stop! Stop! Please! Your hurting her! Stop it! I'll do anything! Please just stop!"
The guy in the middle, with slick back black hair nods at the platinum blonde to stop and she does. As soon as she looks away,  Tanya finally stops writhing in pain on the floor and just lays there. I drop down to check and see if she's okay, but I'm stopped as soon as I start to bend down by Aro starting to talk to me.
"No, she will be fine in a matter of minutes. But you my dear, I would like to see if you can block all our gifts as you do Edward's. Come."
He holds out his hand as he motions for me to come to him. I start to move towards him slowly and cautiously. Once I reach him, he offers his hand again. I look to his hand for a moment before I put mine in his. He looks down at our hands with his eyes searching for something through his mind. After a moment of complete silence and stillness, he bursts out cackling like a mad man then lets go of my hand. "Marvelous! I see nothing. It's quite intriguing... you are a gifted one my dear. I wonder if you are immune to all our gifts. Jane." He looks to who i now know as Jane and she nods and looks me directly in the eyes. "This will only hurt a little." I hear Tanya speak up sounding in pain. "No!" I keep my eye contact with Jane, who is giving me a sadistic smile with complete and utter joy in her eyes. I stood there waiting for the pain to come, but it never does.
"Extraordinary, she is immune to all our gifts. Maybe we should take the human for ourselves."
"No, you will not. She is a part of my family and my mate. You can't take her away from me. We will turn her and you all will have no purpose for being here." I turn to see Tanya slowly standing up keeping her fiery gaze on the people behind me.
"Fine, but you change her now."
I look to Tanya and she has her arms open for me to go over to her. Once I reach her, she pulls me into a tight hug and i instantly return the hug. "Don't be afraid. I'll be here the whole time. This will be extremely painful and I'm so sorry I have to do this. I love you Bella." I nod in understanding and whisper in her ear.
"I love you too Tanya... Let's just get this over with."
She buries her head in my neck and gently kisses my neck where she marked me last night, right at the base of my neck. She then finally bites me and I could feel the venom enter my blood stream.

I'm in pain almost immediately, but I'm trying to stay strong by being silent. I only hold Tanya closer to me while the pain begins to spread throughout my body. I don't remember how, but at one point I let go of Tanya because the pain was so unbearable and that's when I start to scream out in agony.
I'm so I'm aware of my surrounding as my focus turns to trying to get the pain out of my body. I know I'm on the floor, clawing at my chest to make the burning stop and that's when i think Tanya holds down my arms to keep me from tearing up my skin. I can faintly hear Tanya saying 'I'm sorry' repeatedly. I can't tell how long it's been since this started, but it's felt like days upon days of pain, time seems to bleed together as the pain becomes worse. What I'm feeling right now, I'd have to say is the worst it's been since it started. My heart feels like it beating out of my chest and i feel so claustrophobic in my own skin. I just want to get out... i want it to end.

Then as I feel what I think is my last breath leave me, all of the pain subsides. Like it's all sucked out of my body. I can hear the cars passing on the main road a few miles away from where I am. My senses seems to have come back and I smell the most beautiful, enticing thing. It's a mixture of strawberries, honey, and pine. Smelling this makes me wanna open my eyes to find out who that beautiful aroma belongs to. I open my eyes and the first thing I'm met with is the sight of the 7 vampires that made Tanya change me. I feel arms lightly wrapped around my torso and someone nuzzling my neck. I turn my head into the golden locks that are splayed out across my chest and inhale deeply knowing that beautiful scent is coming from Tanya.
She lifts her head from my neck and I am met with Tanya's breathtaking golden eyes. I feel something click in my mind while my whole body is basically screaming at me, 'mate!'. Seeing her through my new eyes is an unbelievable sight and feeling. I feel so strongly for her, like my body could burst into flames just from a look. Gah if I knew people weren't watching, I'd take her now.
Someone clears their throat behind us which causes us to look away from each other and to the direction it came from.
"Well I believe our business is done here, but we are taking Edward with us as your punishment."
I look to Edward to see he has a look of disbelief and betrayal as he's manhandled into custody.
They all leave in a flash to go back to whatever hell hole they climbed out of.
What am I going to tell Charlie? Oh shit! How would we explain this to Leah, Seth, and the pack? Oh boy, I have a shit load of explaining to do. At least I'll have Tanya with me.

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