Chapter 11

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Hey guys I'm sorry I haven't been able to update in a while. I've been super busy with school and work. Hope you people enjoy! XOXO

Bella POV:
I wish I could think of something other than wanting to claim Tanya as my mate, but I can't. I'm pretty sure everyone could sense my lust after her, especially Tanya. She stood there in front of me with a devilish grin as if she were waiting for me to pounce. As I inhaled, I smelled the most divine thing. All I know is that I wanted this thing as my throat started to burn really badly.

I stood there for a moment, then inhaled again and took off.
"Bella!!" Was all I heard from Tanya as I took off in the direction of the tasteful aroma. I didn't have the patience to take in my surroundings and admire them, I was too focused on getting to the delicious smell.
When I neared to a clearing I slowed down and curiosity started to work its way into my mind. I saw a young girl in the middle of the clearing holding her knee. Seeing this brought me to a complete stop. I can't do this I need to leave, now!!! I can't hurt someone so fragile and innocent! Especially because she's a child!!
I heard someone that was running towards me slow down and slowly approached me from behind. I already knew who it was, I took off running to my right. I heard Tanya follow me, but she kept her distance.
I stopped when I knew I was far away enough from the girl. I heard Tanya walk up behind me and wrap her arms around my waist.
"Som ohromený...Nie novorodenec má tento druh kontroly, a to aj niektoré staršie tiež nie. Som na teba hrdý lásko."
She whispers this into my ear and then kisses my neck. I really need to learn Slovak because I want to know what she's saying.
"I still have no clue what you said, but it sounds good."
She giggle in my ear and nuzzled her nose into my neck.
"I said that I'm amazed. No newborn has that kind of control, even some of the older ones. I'm  proud of you my love."
I turned in her arms and wrapped mine around her neck. We stare at each other until she leans in and looks down to my lips. My eyes flutter closed and let her lips embrace mine.
We kissed in sync and things started to become more heated when she slid her hands under my shirt. I moaned at the contact and slid my tongue into her mouth, which made her gasp with surprise. She lifted my shirt off and I grabbed her hips. I lifted her and pushed her against the nearest tree. The tree ended up falling over from the force, but at some point between then I ripped off Tanya's shirt and pants. I stopped kissing her to admire her beautiful body. She has on a sexy black lingerie thong and bra and it looks divine against her marble white skin. My lust and love for her have never been more than what I feel for her now. I kiss her neck and something came over me  that was strange. I sucked and glided my teeth into her neck while pulling her fully against me. Suddenly i felt the urge to bite her, so i kissed her neck one last time and sunk my teeth into her neck. She let out a loud moan of pleasure and it made me want more. I was about to take the rest of her clothes off until I heard a branch crack. My senses are turned on high alert as I turn around looking for the thing that made the noise and my protective instincts were at its peak for Tanya. I suddenly hear multiple foot prints of what seems to be multiple animals.
Then a smell engulfed my nose that made me cringe. It smelled of wet dog.
You have got to be fucking kidding me!
I hear Tanya let out a protective growl behind me and pushed me behind her. She crouched down in a defensive position while I grab onto her waist.
A auburn wolf aka Jacob, walked through the tree line followed by a smaller gray and russet wolf, Leah and Seth. I stood there not knowing what to expect from the wolves in front of me. Leah and Jacob started growling at Tanya and growled back at them. I tried to step in front of Tanya, but she wouldn't let me. Leah walked back into the forest and came back in human form looking pissed as ever.
"Explain. Now." She said this through her teeth.
"Leah, we had no ch-"
Tanya cut me off, cool and calm.
"Bella, I'll explain to them. Don't worry."
"You did this to her!! How did you know she even wanted that?! You broke our law! I trusted you Tanya! I trusted you with my sister, but you betrayed my trust! You bi-"
"Leah! Let her explain, please! I can assure you that we had no choice! Now please just let her explain!"
That stopped her banter and she looked at Tanya expectantly.
"Thank you, love. As Bella was saying, we had no choice. The thing is that the Volturi said that since she knows of us, we either have to change her or they kill her. There was no other option. I would've let her live as long as she'd like before she decided to be turned. Unfortunately, I was forced to turn her in front of the guard. Believe me Leah, Seth, and Jacob, I wouldn't have changed her."
Leah's facial features seem to become calm and understanding. Seth changed back into human form and walked over to me and Tanya slowly along with Leah while Jacob still is skeptical seeing as he's still in wolf form.
I go pass tanya and pick up my shirt to give to her to cover up and walk over to Seth and Leah who stopped a few feet away.
I walk up to them, then we all paused to look at each other. Then Leah pulled me into a hug.
"I'm glad that she changed you and you're not dead." I laugh at this and shake my head.
"Me too, Leah. Me too." I let go of her and give Seth a hug too.
"I love you guys, you know that."
"We love you too. We should go now. Jake wants us to head back. We'll see you at home, okay?"
"Alright, see you guys later."

I watch them all leave and then I turn to Tanya to see her in my shirt. God she looks amazing!
"Like what you see my love?" She has a sexy smirk played upon her face.
"Definitely, but we should go hunt. I'm thirsty."
"Of course, beautiful." She walks over to me and kisses me then kisses my cheek.
"Let's get going." With that she takes off and I follow her.

My first hunt was completely amazing and thrilling, but it was special too. Tanya and I walk hand in hand back to my house. When we arrive I can tell Charlie and everyone else was home. I walk in with Tanya and we are met with the sight of Charlie, Sue, Leah, Seth, and Alycia. Once they see me and Tanya their eyes go big except for Seth and Leah's.
"Bella, what happened? Are you alright, you look a little I don't know dead-ish?"and then I think realization hit him and hit him hard. He turned pale and looked to Sue.
"Dad... don't freak out."
"You-you're a... a vamp- vampire?"
"Dad please just-"
"Bella we'll talk in the morning. I'm... I'm gonna go sleep this off. I'll uh see you guys in the morning."
"Ok um goodnight dad"

"Tanya and I are gonna go upstairs. See you guys in the morning, Goodnight."
"Goodnight." They all said in unison as me and Tanya walk up stairs.
We laid down in the bed and cuddled. We ended up just talking about mostly everything till the sun came up. I can get used to this.

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