Chapter 14

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Hey guys!!!! I know it's been hella forever and i am soooo sorry. But here it is. It may be a bit shorts and I'm also sorry about that. I'll start writing more to finish this story. Thank you all for reading!!! ❤️ I love all you beautiful humans and i hope you enjoy!!

Bella's POV

*******TIME JUMP**********

It's been almost a year since Tanya, Niko and I moved to Denali. We've settled in great with me and Tanya's coven and we get along wonderfully. Me and Niko have created a wonderful kind of father daughter relationship, it's quite nice. Currently I'm hunting on my own to just clear my head. It's mid day and I was running through the forest looking for something to sink my teeth into to distract me while Tanya was out. That's when i heard the cry of a baby. I stop dead in my tracks and try to listen closely to see if the baby was alone. It was... I carefully approach to where this child was. I moved bushes out of the way to peek at what the child looked like. It was crying uncontrollably, wrapped in a grey blanket and was laying on a bed of leaves. I whisper to myself, "who the hell would leave a child out here to die?" I gently approach the child and as soon as i was in its line of sight it stops crying and looks at me with curiosity. "Well hello there little one." I scan the area again and see nobody. I look back down at the baby and smile softly. I think it's a She. "Hmmm well then little miss, i think i might just have to take ya with me." I bend down looking into her eyes intently and it just clicks with me. I need to protect this baby, I'll do everything and anything she wants. I gently scoop her into my arms and start to walk back to the house since i didn't want to startle her. 'She's So small and adorable. She must've just been born not to long ago.' I walk slowly, admiring the scenery around me and admiring the little girl in my arms. I kiss her forehead gently and she cuddles into my chest. "I think I'll have to name you little one. Something strong cause i want you to grow to be a strong and independent woman. With the help of me of course." I smile to myself and think back to names I've always wanted to name my kids. "Hmm how does Octavia sound? I think it might just suit you little one. Octavia Renee Denali.... I love the sound of that. Butttt i don't know how your other momma's gonna take it." I caress her cheek with my thumb as she closes her eyes and starts to drift off. I smile and wonder how something can ever be so precious. After a few hours of walking. Octavia wakes up with a cute little yawn as we get to the threshold of the house. The next thing i know Tanya is in front of me. She eyes the baby I'm cradling and looks at me with curiosity. "Bella... who's this little one and why do you have it?"
"I was hunting and i heard her cry. She was left alone in the woods to die. I checked everywhere to see if i could find anyone but i couldn't." I paused for a moment and looked to Tanya and she's staring Octavia with love. "Tanya, i felt something when i looked at her." She nods and slowly looks up to me smiling contently. "I know Bella, I feel it too. It's called a bond. We both have a bond with this child." She rests her hands on my cheek rubbing her thumb gently across it. "Did you name her?" I smile softly and looked down to Octavia.
"I did. Her name is Octavia Renee Denali... that is if you like it." She kisses me softly and looks down to the baby. "I love it Bella. Now let's head inside." Octavia laughs and reaches for Tanya. I smile and look to Tanya. "Do you wanna hold her?" She nods timidly and gently scoops Octavia into her arms. "Hello beautiful. I'm your other momma. Welcome to the family Octavia." With saying that, Tanya kisses the top of her head and starts to walk to the house. I wrap my arm around her waist and watch as Octavia yawns again.  "Tanya, we have to buy her clothes and stuff. Maybe a crib or something. Oh and she needs food." She smiles and kisses me. "I know my love, but it's far too late to go and get those things right now. We can go in the morning."
When we get to the house, all eyes are on us. Kate was the first to speak up, "what the fuck is that?"
I look up and roll my eyes at her. "First of all shush, she just fell asleep and second of all, this is Octavia... our daughter."
They all wore huge smiles of joy as they eyed Octavia in Tanya's arms. "We are going upstairs, we'll see you guys in the morning." We walk upstairs and lay Octavia on our bed. I lay down next to Octavia as Tanya laid on the other side of her. I talk softly to Tanya so i don't wake her, "Tanya, I think we found something worth fighting for. Something both of us have to protect. Octavia, our child, will grow to be strong, a fighter, and make men whimper at her feet." I say with a dramatic flare while admiring our child. Tanya laughs at me softly as i crack a smile. "I'll love her forever and I'll never stop loving you. My forever loves." She runs her hand down my side to rub my thigh as she speaks softly.
"My family."

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