Chapter 9

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WARNING: There will be smut, so if you don't like to read that kinda stuff skip it by all means.
Bella POV:
It's almost time for Tanya to come pick me up and i can feel myself getting more nervous by the minute. I told Sue that me and Alice are having a sleepover. Alycia wanted to stay here with Leah which is no surprise since they've been talking nonstop since this morning. I'm glad both of them are happy, but this is so weird.

I wait on my phone until there's a knock at the front door and I know right away that it's Tanya. I take a deep breath before walking over to open it. Once i see her, I can't help but to think ahead to what's going to happen later. I try to keep the smile from my face as I saw her, but i was unsuccessful and end up smiling like a fool at her.
I yell a goodbye to whoever could hear me and walk out the door to the car with Tanya by my side.
I'm super nervous throughout the duration of the car ride and I think Tanya can tell so she grabs my hand across the console of the car. I'm still a virgin, well until tonight, and I never really thought about how I would lose it.

I get out of the car and she joins my side and offers her hand, I take it instantly.
We walk into the Cullen's house at a slow pace, really not in a hurry to get anywhere. Once we reach her bedroom, I see a beautifully set up king sized bed looking so out of place in a vampires room. I feel myself blush a little and side eye Tanya.
We enter the room and she stops me so she can stand in front of me. She puts a hand up to caress my cheek so gently while her eyes are soft and reassuring. "Are you sure about this Bella? You don't have too." I smile at her shaking my head and then sigh.
"I want too Tanya. Don't worry I'm not changing my mind anytime soon."
She nods and looks at me with lustful, loving eyes. She grabs onto my waist to pull me closer to her to the point where our bodies had no space between them. She looks down for a split second to my lips and we both lean in at the same time for our lips to meet. I instantly moan at the contact of her lips against mine missing her lips. I slowly run my tongue along her bottom lip and she allows me access to her mouth. She smiles into our kiss and bites my bottom lip gently then pulls away, letting my bottom lip snap back to my mouth. I waist no time leaning back in to reattach our lips. Her hands start to rub my waist up and down, until they go down to grip my butt. I smile into our kiss for a moment before pushing my body further into her needing more. I go for the hem of her shirt and tug on it slightly as if to tell her to take it off. She didn't even have to detach our lips because she just tore off her shirt and mine. It's a good thing that was an old shirt. She then detaches our lips and leaves a trail of kisses from my cheek, to my jaw, down to my neck. I tilt my head with a soft moan giving her more access to my neck. I can feel her smirk against my neck and she kisses all over my neck until she hits this spot on my neck that had me involuntarily moaning. She moves her attention to this spot and it feels so good. I'm pretty sure she's left a hickey, but whatever, i could care less at the moment. She growls lowly then grabs my thighs and lifts me up. I hold onto her tighter, but in an instant I was lying on the bed with Tanya hovering above me between my legs with pitch black eyes.

"Si tak krásna, moja láska."
I don't know what she was saying but fuck it sounded sexy. Her voice was huskier and dripping with lust. That must be her native language, i have no clue what it is but it sounds hot. After another moment passes of us just staring at each other, she leans down kisses me with such hunger. She grabs the back of my neck gently and has me sit up so she's straddling my lap. She hums against my lips and reaches around to take off my bra. I can feel myself flush as my new exposed skin is shown to her. I set my hand on her hips slowly working them up her sides to reach around to her bra. As soon as i get her bra off, i realize that my pants are gone leaving me in my underwear...that was fast. I chuckle to myself and Tanya kisses my jaw before she pulls away to look at me. I shake my head at her and pull her into a heated kiss. I lay back down and pull Tanya back on top of me with our lips still attached. I could feel the warmth between my thighs increase when our bodies are flush against each other. I hear her let out another small growl as i feel her aggression build up in the kiss. She begins to leave kisses down my neck, to my collarbone, to my breasts. I moan at just the contact of her lips against my skin, my skin just feels like it's on fire. Once she reaches my breasts, she looks at me for permission and I nod my head as I watch her latch her mouth onto my nipple. I lay my head back and moan out when Tanya starts to play with my sensitive nipple in her mouth. She gives them both the same amount of attention before she stops abruptly and looks at me. I noticed that her hands were caressing my stomach and they started to move closer and closer to my hot spot. At this point I was beyond turned on and needed some friction.
Once she reached that area with her hands she leaned back down to kiss the inside of my thighs while looking up at me only to tease me. "Tanya, please."
Those were the only words that seemed to kick her into gear. She smirked at me and removed my underwear. Once she laid eyes on my bundle of nerves, I think her eyes turned a shade darker if that was even possible.
She slowly ran her finger through my folds until she reached my clit. She starts to rub it slowly and experimentally, but she is gradually building up speed. I let out multiple moans as the pleasure starts to make itself known in my body. She then surprises me and slips a finger in me. She waits until I adjust and starts to move her finger slowly. She then adds another finger to double my moans and the pleasure given to me. She moves to lean over me with her hand by my head to support her body as she hovers over me. She leans down to kiss me and I wrap my legs around her body while she is still pumping her fingers in and out of me slowly increasing her pace. I feel my nerves begin to build up in the pit of my stomach and I know she feels it too when she increases her speed and my moans grow louder. I grip her back with both of my hands tightly with my nails and she groans softly against my neck. She starts to leave a trail of wet kisses down to the base of my neck. I could feel the knot in my stomach grow tighter and tighter with every breath I took until I felt a release. My body was spasming as I reached my climax. As soon as i felt myself release, I feel her bite my neck. "Fuck, Tanya!" I basically scream out from the multiple sensations going on in my body. I try so hard to catch my breath after that, but it seems so difficult. I let out a few more moans as my body twitches. Tanya goes down to clean up my juices after I caught my breath. It feels so nice to feel her and see her between my thighs. Once she is done I grab her face and kiss her passionately wanting to taste myself on her lips. We both separate and she gets off of me to lay next to me. I turn to cuddle into her side and nuzzle her neck.
"That was amazing." She takes a deep breath and runs her fingers through my hair holding me closer to her.
"Yeah it was."
"Tanya?" I moves so I'm basically laying on her chest so i can look up at her.
"Yes my love?"
"What did you say in the beginning? In that language?" She sighs contently while looking at me and playing with my hair.
"It's my original language, Slovak. I said, "You are beautiful, my love.""
I blush bringing my hand to her chest to draw random patterns on her skin.
"I love you Bella and now everyone will know how much."
"How will they know how much I love you?" I give her lazy smile and she chuckles.
"Well once you become a vampire, you will be able to mark me as your mate as well."
"Can't you get like a tattoo or something?" She looked at me for a second, then let out a small giggle and laid her head back against the pillow.
"If that's what will make you feel comfortable."
"Seriously? How would a tattoo work on a vampire."
"I don't know I've never had the desire to ruin my skin."
"So a no on the tattoo thing?"
"Yeah I guess so."
"Dang... that would have been great to see you get a tattoo." I laugh and so does she moving her hand to rub my bare back soothingly.
"You should sleep we have a busy day tomorrow."
"Yeah I guess, goodnight." I feel really comfortable where I'm at on her, so i decide to stay there. I kiss her chest then yawn as she hums.
"Goodnight Bella, I love you."
"Love you too."
I yawn again and comfortably rest my head on Tanya's bare chest and fell asleep instantly.


I woke up the same as i fell asleep, completely laying on top of Tanya. I start to fidget to let her know I was awake, but I guess she already knew.
"dobré ráno kráska."
"I don't know what you just said, but good morning." I lift my head from her chest to look at her. She looks at me with immense love and bliss. She whispers in my ear, "I said 'good morning beautiful'."
"Mmm... I like the sound of it better in your language."
"We should get up so I can make you breakfast and get ready for the day ahead of us." I nod and she kisses my forehead before I roll off of her so she could get up. She heads to the bathroom to get cleaned up I'm assuming, while leaving me on the bed. I huff in annoyance and roll over to close my eyes.
"Bella! Are you gonna join me or not."
With hearing this I jump out of bed and join her in the bathroom.

After about half an hour in the shower, we finally come out of the bathroom to see a surprise sitting on the bed. Alice. She was sitting there with the biggest grin I've ever seen on her. "Um, Alice... How can we help you?"
"Oh nothing. I was just checking up on Bella and to tell her that breakfast is ready." She then speeds out of the room with nothing else to say, which is strange, even for her.

I look to Tanya and walk the short way to her wrapping my arms around her neck. She locks her arms around my waist and looks at me with a warm smile upon her lips.
"I want you to stay near me the whole time this goes down, I mean it. Jane could hurt you and Alec is even worse. I-I can't let-" I cut her off by placing my lips on hers.
"I'll stay by your side, don't worry."
She nods and takes me downstairs for breakfast, good thing too cause I'm hungry.

About 3 hours later I'm on the couch with Tanya, Emmet, Rose, and Jasper. All of a sudden everyone goes stiff and turns off the Tv... Weird, but this must be it... they must be here. Carlisle is at the door in a second, he stands there for a moment and then there was a knock. Carlisle opens the door with a seemingly welcoming smile. Tanya pulls me behind her as we all stand up from the couches. Moments after Carlisle opens the door, 5 cloaked figures enter the threshold in perfect formation.
Oh great...

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