Chapter 7

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Alycia POV:

Bella has been acting weird since I got here. I think it has something to do with Tanya. They obviously love each other without a doubt, but she's not telling me something and I can see right through it.

I have been friends with Bella since we were in diapers, we've been through thick and thin together never losing touch. I've always been there for her and her for me... but right now I couldn't help but feel replaced by Tanya. It's a natural feeling right? I don't know, but I do know that I'm happy for Bella and her finding someone here that can help her with whatever she goes through when I'm not there. I just feel like I'm missing so much with her. I mean sure I don't see her everyday or call her as often as I'd like, but I still feel out of the loop he-

My thoughts were interrupted by Bella waving her hand in my face trying to get my attention. I look to her with flushed cheeks, while she had a smug look on her face and Tanya had a matching one to go with it.
"Whatcha thinking about, huh?"
"N-nothing. I was just zoned out... in my own world"
Geez Alycia! You just had to stutter!
"Alright whatever you say, as I was saying... what movie do you want to watch?"
"Oh uh. I'm in the mood for some comedy. What about you Tanya?"
"I'm absolutely fine with comedy."

I look to Tanya and she gives me a warm smile then turns her attention back to Bella. The look in her eyes are so full of love for her. I envy her...For Tanya being able to give that kind of look to Bella and Bella returning the look. I want that kind of love with someone.

"I say we make it like the old days. White chicks, some popcorn and candy!"
" I'll go make the popcorn"
As she was getting up Tanya grabbed her hand and said, "I'll help you." I watch them walk to the kitchen hand in hand. Who needs help making the popcorn? Hint sarcasm.

Bella POV:
Tanya and I walk into the kitchen and as soon as we are out of Alycia's sight, Tanya stops me. She steps closer to me and leans in to where our noses are touching. She then starts to walk forward forcing me to go back. I take a few steps back until I hit the counter top. I look down to her lips, then to her eyes and her eyes are pitch black filled with love and lust. She then reaches behind me pushing her body against me more not losing our eye contact. I go to lean in to kiss her but she pulls away with the popcorn in hand and walks away from me to put it in the microwave. What a fucking tease!! I'm gonna get her back!
After I snap out of my haze, I immediately start to approach Tanya while she had her back turned to me. I knew she heard me, but I could care less because she doesn't know what I am going to do. Once I reach her, I timidly grab onto her hips and i could feel her stiffen. I then decide to push it further by pressing my body against her backside and move my head into the crook of her neck letting out a breath against her cool flesh.
This sparked something inside of her as she is facing me in the blink of an eye, I didn't have time to react. We look at each other for seconds on end until she looks down to my lips hungrily and licks her own. She starts to lean in and I couldn't hold out anymore, I wanted her too badly to say no. So I close the gap and the kiss is not at all slow. The kiss is hungry and full of need. She licks my lips as in to ask permission for her tongue to explore mine, but I deny her. She then grabs my waist and sits me on the counter on the other side of the kitchen so fast I gasp in surprise. Therefore letting her have access to my mouth. I let out a moan when the contact of her tongue meets mine. We fought for dominance, but obviously I don't win. I mean come on, a vampire versus a human.
Everything is getting heated really quickly and I don't mind that it is at all. She slips her hand under my shirt to touch my bare stomach. I don't know why but her touching my skin like that caused me to let out a moan. It caught me by surprise and i think her too when she gives way to a deep possessive growl. At that point i can tell she is letting her instincts take over, but I wasn't ready first of all and second of all Alycia is in the other room.
Oh shit Alycia!

We both snap out of our heated make out session as we hear Alycia calling our names. "Bella? Tanya? You guys alright in there? I'm pretty sure the popcorns done! And uh, I kinda want some!"
"Uh yeah... um we'll be there in a sec."
I hear Tanya giggle at my flustered state and i look back to her rolling my eyes. I whisper yell at her feeling embarrassed. "Shut up and grab the popcorn!"
"Yes ma chérie." She whispers back and kisses my cheek before getting the popcorn. I hop down from the counter and head back into the living room so we could watch the movie with Tanya in tow.

After the movie was done, Alycia ended up falling asleep on me and I am in Tanya's arms. We are sitting here in a comfortable silence as the credits rolled, until Tanya breaks it. "So do you think she likes me?"
I let out a small laugh before I answer her. "Yeah... well I mean she better because I don't think I can get rid of you." I turn my head to her with a smirk on my lips while she pretends to think about my answer. "Well I suppose your right because I'm not leaving anytime soon." 
"I know" I yawn and check the time. Crap it's already almost 12!
"Bella you should get some sleep."  I nod and lay my head back on her shoulder. "Will you stay with me?"
"Of course love, but Alycia is also here."
"And? She's sleeping on the floor so your fine."

I wake up Alycia and say 'Goodbye' to Tanya. While Tanya was leaving, my dads cruiser pulled into the driveway. He greets Tanya and bid her a goodnight, then we went into the house to see that Alycia was standing in the kitchen getting a glass of water. "So Bells, you and Tanya spend most of your time here alone? Or was Alycia here too when you both were together?"
"Uh Alycia was here the whole time dad, don't worry."
"Alright Bells, Alli, goodnight and have a good sleep. See you girls in the morning."
Me and Alycia answer with a simultaneous 'goodnight' and head up to my room.

After I know Alycia is sleeping, go to open my window for Tanya. As soon as it's open, she climbs in with such grace and a warm smile. She's closed the window silently behind her and walks with me over to my bed. I yawn stretching out as i climb under the covers. I cuddle into Tanya's side as she lays down and feel my body relax before i fall asleep.
In the morning, I wake up to an empty bed and Alycia's light snores.  Thank god it's the weekend!
I lay back down and feel my eyes get heavy as i fall back asleep.

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