Chapter 8

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Bella POV:
    It felt like as soon as i fell back to asleep there is Alycia waking me up. I then realize that Alycia's a morning person when I felt someone jump on the bed. I groan when she jumps again and put my head under my pillow to block out the annoyance.
"Get the fuck up! I'm hungry! Make me breakfast, please?" Oh my god! She's so dramatic!
I can practically feel her pouting through the pillow. I swear she's a pain in the ass sometimes. "You couldn't wait another hour? I like sleeping unlike you!"
"No, I couldn't wait for you to get up because unlike you I like having my breakfast in the morning and not at like 12 o'clock." As she's saying this she's continuously poking the pillow I have over my head, ugh I hate when she pokes me.
"Fine I'm up!"
"Yay! Let's go downstairs and also Charlie left already. So it's just you and me for now." I look at her as I sit up with a look of annoyance while she has a big grin on her face. I roll my eyes at her child-like behavior and get out of bed.
"Alright so french toast and some strawberries?"
"Um, yeah. I love how I don't even have to tell you what I want." I let out a small laugh while we walk down the stairs. When we reached the bottom of the stairs I start hearing hushed voices coming from the kitchen. I peer my head around the corner to see who it is and it's Leah, Sam, Sue, and Seth.
I wonder what they are talking about?
I make an entrance into the kitchen to make my presence known and they all turn to look at me with concern.
"What's going on guys? Is everything alright?"
"Actually no, everything's not alright because vampires are after you." I look at Leah confused as hell and then I realized Tanya said something about Edward going to the Volturi.
"Uh, are you kidding me? Vampires? Is this some kind of joo-" I look to Alycia who stops mid-sentence when she looks at the people behind me. I look over at everyone and notice Leah has that look in her eyes like Tanya did when I first saw her. What did she call it again? Impating? No. Intrating? Nah. Impr-
"Uh, Bella..."
I snap out of my thoughts when Leah says my name while her eyes are still trained on Alycia behind me.
"Um, who's- who's this?"
I look back to Alycia and she's staring at Leah with her tongue practically out her mouth. Oh yeah totally forgot they haven't met yet!
"This is Alycia. Alycia that's Leah and Seth, then Sue and Sam."
Alycia seems to finally snap out of her haze and shyly said a 'hi' to everyone in the kitchen.
"Well Bella we'll keep you informed on what will be happening."
"Thanks Sam."
With that Sam left and the atmosphere became very thick with anticipation and awkwardness.
"We just came down to make some breakfast." I smile sheepishly at Sue and she smiles back at me warmly.
"I'll make it, you girls go relax. Watch some TV or something while I'm making breakfast."
"Thanks Sue!" I turn to Alycia and grab her hand to drag her into the living room. We are about to sit down on the couch when a knock erupted at the door. Leah looks to me as she passes me letting me know who it is. "Your leech is here." I roll my eyes at her and turn around to get the door knowing she wouldn't answer it. I look back to Alycia to see that Leah is quick to sit next to her on the couch. They are getting along quickly. And I still have to ask what that damn word is called.

I answer the door expecting Tanya, but to my surprise, it's Alice. As soon as i process it is Alice, I'm engulfed in a giant hug followed by a girlish squeal.
"Hey Alice! Good to see you too."
"I missed my best friend and Tanya went hunting, but she'll be back by tonight." She follows that up with a suggestive wink. I know she's up to something... I just know it.
"Ok so what do you know that I don't?"
"A lot of things. So can I come in and hang out with you today? I wanna get away from the family today."
"Let me think about it... yeah I mean I guess I have time for you."
"Don't play games with me Bella."
With that she walks past me to greet Sue with a hug, then walks into the living room. The sight before me catches me a little by surprise. Alycia and Leah are all cuddled up and laughing at each other. Wow that was fast...not that i have room to talk.
"Hey guys, this is Alice."
Both Alycia and Leah turn their heads at the same time to look at Alice.
"Hi. I'm Alycia and this is Leah, Bella's sister I guess." Of course Alice being Alice, wants to greet Alycia with a hug. As soon as Alice starts walking towards Alycia, Leah becomes visibly stiff and on edge. Oh no not again.
"Hey Alice I think we should go up stairs and talk, just for a second." She stops and turns to see my nervous face. "Alright if you say so."
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I'm kinda scared that Leah would shift again and maybe attack Alice, I don't want that.

Me and Alice walk upstairs to my room and when we get there I see Tanya sitting on my bed. I look at Tanya with confusion and turn to Alice. "Bella, the vampires we told you about are coming much sooner than I anticipated."
"What?! You said they would be here in a week and that was 3 days ago!"
"They are going to be here tomorrow."
"We don't want to see you hurt. I couldn't forgive myself if you somehow got hurt. I couldn't. And since we aren't technically mated they will question if the bond is real and will side with Edward."
I look at Tanya to see the fear and love reflected in her eyes. This look solidly confirms that she would do anything for me... I think I'm also realizing that I'm in love with her. Holy crap.
I walk over to Tanya and wrap my arms around her neck while she wraps hers around my waist. "How can they tell that we aren't mated? I mean I'm here, your here. Is there something we have to do?" I smirk at her as she looks a little embarrassed and looks to Alice, who I presume is still behind me, with pleading eyes. I guess that was a cue for Alice to leave because she says a goodbye and then I hear the door close. Tanya looks back to me with something in her eyes I've never quite seen before. "To complete the mating bond we have to, uhm, I have to bite you. But not to change you, only to mark you as mine."
"Ok why don't you do it now?"
"Because Bella it has to be during sexual intercourse. I don't want to do anything with you that you aren't ready for."
"Tanya. Look at me. I-I... I love you."
Well we are just jumping right to it, aren't we Bella. Welp it's out there now.
"Shh I'm not finished. If um sex is what it would take for you to mark me and for us to not have more problems with these people, then I'm all for it." She let's out a small laugh followed by a content sigh.
"I love you more than you know Bella." She leans up to capture my lips in hers in most gentlest kiss. Right as our lips touch there was knock at the freakin door. "Ugh are you kidding me!"
"Bella breakfast is ready."
"Thank you Sue."
I look back Tanya and she has a sad expression on her face. I grab her head with both hands to gently make her look up at me. "It will happen tonight. I'm ready Tanya, trust me." She chuckles shaking her head a little at me causing me to smile at her.
"If you say so, beautiful."
I kiss her and she tries to deepen it, but we are interrupted again by someone else knocking on the door. Geez people! "Bella hurry up! You know how I get when I'm hungry!"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming. I'm coming"
"You better be."
I hear her walk back down the stairs and I look back to Tanya. She smiles at me contently reaching her hand up to move a strand of hair behind my ear. I blush and clear my throat as she hums.
"I'll ask if the Cullen's could let us borrow the house tonight."
I smile shyly and nod.
"Sounds like a plan."
"I should go so you can go eat. I'll text you the details. Bye! I love you!" She kisses me again, hugs me, then kisses my forehead and jumps out the window with a huge smile on her face.
I shake my head at her and head down stairs. I get down stairs, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I look at it to see it's Tanya.

Goddess❤️😍🔥: I'll come by to pick you up by 8. I can't wait to see you tonight.

Me: me either! I'll see you at eight!

Goddess❤️😍🔥: yes you will😏. Hope you have a good day! I'm going to go hunt. I love you!

Me: I love you too.

I close my phone and jump backwards because Alycia doesn't know what personal space is.
"Dammit Alycia! You could have given me a heart attack!"
"Oh please. Your old but not that old. Now come, I'm hungry."

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