Chapter 5

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Tanya POV:

I figured that Bella would like to eat something before we go to see a movie so i drive us to a local restaurant in Port Angeles. I thought that this would be a good getaway for her, a distraction from what she has seen today. I just want to make her feel better, make her feel safe.

We got the restaurant after about a fifteen minute ride there. Once I stop I look at my mate only to see that she was already looking at me. She blushes looking away from me when she was caught staring at me. Then she spoke up, "So this is where you decided to take me?"
I nod along with my response. "I thought you might be hungry since i saw you didn't eat much this morning."
"That's thoughtful, thanks. Um so uh you're just gonna sit there and watch me eat?"
She says it with the cutest chuckle and i just look at her with complete adoration.
"Well, you will be eating alone, yes, but I did want to take you out to get to know you more my love." I grab her hand across the console of the car and she gladly accepts it with a small smile upon her lips.
"Alright let's go in then."
She let go of my hand getting out of the car. I meet her on her side looping my arm though hers as we walk inside.

We were there for a couple of hours, but time flew so quickly talking with her. We talked about the basic necessities about each other and then some. I loved hearing her laugh, and i really enjoyed myself.
I haven't had this much fun in a while and it felt nice.

After we get out of the theater, i see that it's already almost dark. I drive Bella back home from the movie and I could tell that she was becoming tired as I look over to her. I reach out for her hand and lace our fingers together. I could hear her heart speed up as our hands intertwined and i smile to myself loving that i can make my mates heart race from just a touch.
She's so gorgeous and adorable.
Her warmth in my hand practically makes me melt in my seat right then and there. For the rest of the ride back to her house, we steal glances at each other. Then we finally get to her drive way and I got out of the car to open Bella's door for her. She mumbled a shy 'thank you' and I walked her to her door.

We stopped at the foot of the steps staring at each other for a moment before I spoke.
"I had a wonderful time with you today darling, but I'm afraid I have to bid you a goodnight." I see her frown and look down at her feet.
"Looks that way huh?" Then she looked back up at me and I gave her a warm smile. I suddenly saw a spark of confidence flash across her features as she looks down to my lips and bites her own. By now I was leaning in and I can feel my eyes blacken with want for my mate.
She also begins leaning in and I let her come to me to give her control of the situation.

She stops when our noses are touching and her hot breath is hitting my parted lips. I look directly into her eyes until she starts to lean in again closing her eyes. Our lips finally meet for the first time and it makes me feel as if something exploded within me. She gets bold wrapping her arms around my neck and pushes her body into mine as the kiss deepens. I moved my hands to her waist to hold us there and to be in contact with Bella. Our lips explore each other's in sync until we heard someone open the door...
It was her dad I presume and she quickly untangles herself from me blushing with embarrassment.
"Umm... Hey dad. We were- I mean I-I was just gonna head inside an-and umm. I uh."
I smirk at her rambling and then look at her dad who looks just as embarrassed as Bella is.
"Well... Bells why don't you introduce me?"
"Oh uh yeah. Um this is Tanya... Tanya this is my dad, Charlie."
I look at the man in front of me and shake his hand.
"It's a pleasure Mr. Swan."
"Likewise Tanya. I'm gonna wait inside and uh leave you two to say goodbye."

As he walks back into the house I face Bella with a cheeky smile and she just rolls her eyes at me and huffs. Then her face becomes nervous and shy.
"Would you stay with me again? But I mean if you can't I totally get it, I mean I really do I uh... also if you need to hunt cause you eyes are black or were black. Now they are back to normal but I think you should sti-" I cut her off but placing my lips on hers and then whisper in her ear. "I would love to stay again." I felt her body shiver as I pull back. I look over Bella for a moment, before leaning in to give her a soft kiss Goodnight. I say goodbye to her for now and as i walk back to the car, my phone starts ringing. I groan and pull it out of my pocket to see that it's Alice calling me, so I picked it up.


"Tanya! Edwards going to the Volturi! He just decided it! He must have been hiding his decisions from me!"

"Ok Alice what does he plan to do?"

"He plans on taking Bella from you. He's going to convince the Volturi that she knows too much about us and have her either changed or killed!"

"WHAT!?" I growl out through the phone in frustration and anger that he would do that to my mate. I turn to see that Bella is looking at me with confusion and worry. My eyes soften slightly as our eyes connect, but the anger i feel towards Edward for potentially putting my mate in danger is unimaginable.

"I'm sorry Tanya, but I'm going to protect my best friend just as you will protect your mate. Aro is sending out Jane, Alec, Demitri, Felix, and Edward. This could maybe get messy."

"He will not touch my mate! I will kill whoever poses a threat to her!"

"I know I just wanted to tell you. They will be here in a weeks time."

"That gives us time to prepare. Thank you Alice for informing me."

With that, I hang up fully turning to face my mate that looks slightly scared but mostly worried.
"What's going on?"
"I will tell you later my love, but just know that I will always protect you from everything and anyone."
I hug her and she moves her head into the crook of my neck. "I know"

I sigh squeezing her tighter before letting her go. I cup her cheek with my hand in the most gentlest way then lean in to kiss her cheek. "I'll be back." She nods clearing her throat and i leave her there to walk to the car with her heavy gaze on me as i do so. I look back at her right as i got to the car giving her a toothy grin, then get into the car. Right before i got in the car i got a whiff of that same scent from Bella's room. I look around I'm the forestry are next to her house, but i can't see anything so I look around confused as to why i keep smelling this scent. I brush it off for now deciding to hold off and track them down later, i just need to be with my mate right now.

I take the car back to the Cullen's house and immediately run back to Bella. The love and need to protect Bella are beyond what I thought I would feel when I was finally mated. I wouldn't have anyone else as my mate.

I arrive moments later and climb through Bella's open window. I saw her laying in her bed with her headphone things on and she's looking on her phone.
I don't think she knows I'm here.

I walk up to her bed and lay down carefully next to her as to not startle her. She takes her headphones out of her ears and stops her music. She turns to look at me with drowsy eyes. "You should sleep. You have school tomorrow."
"Ugh don't remind me."
I chuckle a little and stop when I notice Bella's eyes are slowly shutting. I pull her close to me and she snuggles into my side already drifting off. I smile and kiss her temple. She's soon asleep, leaving me with my thoughts and her in my arms until dawn.

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