Chapter 15

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Hey guys!! I know this is a short ass chapter and I'm sooo sorry about that, but thank you all for reading!💖 i really appreciate all of you beautiful hoomans!!! ;) i hope you guys all enjoy! There will be more soon to come :*

Unknown POV:
I knew when i left the baby in the woods, that someone or something would retrieve her. I sit patiently high in the tree watching down on where the child lays. I heard from the distance something heading this way and stops when the child starts crying. I watch the new stranger appear out from the cover of the trees. She was absolutely beautiful, i hope she takes the child. I watch intently and curiously as the stranger looks around for someone who could've left the child. She never spots me as I'm looking down on her interaction with the child. She then scoops up the child in her arms and hesitantly starts walking in the direction she came from. I follow closely behind this creature. The only reason I'm not visible to this person is because I'm a lycan. I've been alive for over a thousand years and the vampire's Volturi have made sure to kill off every last one of my kind due to fear of us being stronger and faster than they are. I found this baby the same way this woman holding her did. I found the baby girl abandoned in a dark ally in the upper parts of Alaska. I knew if i left it out her too long than the baby would starve and become cold to the point of death. I would take care of the child myself but i cannot. I have much larger and more important things to deal with. I continue to stalk this beautiful vampire to where she was heading for hours until she finally reached her destination. Another beautiful vampire comes to greet the other not letting her eyes off the child in what i assume her lovers arms. I decided to go back to my house to shift back to normal. I wanted to meet up with them but then again will they freak if they knew i was a lycan? I'm a very lonely woman that is scared to do anything that involves interacting with others. I know for a fact i will see them again. I don't feel like taking any vengeance against them, but i want to get to know them and see if they'll help me take down the volturi... for good this time.

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