Chapter 16

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Boo! It's me again. Sorry I'm not consistent about my updates but I'm going to try and keep a steady pace for them. I hope y'all enjoy ❤️😘 i love all ya beautiful hoomans -BXoxO

Bella's POV
I suddenly heard a branch snap in the distance but fully aware that it wasn't an animal nor human. I looked over at Tanya and i can tell she's trying to figure out what made the noise. I cradle Octavia and move to the window of our bedroom to keep a look out. Octavia and all of her cuteness was still asleep in my arms. We've only had her for a few hours but i love her dearly and more than anything, except maybe Tanya. I smile for a second and Tanya comes over to rub my lower back while scanning the area view from our window. "What do you think it is?" I kiss her cheek and look back outside scanning the area again. "I don't know Tanya maybe another vampire or something?"
She shakes her head as to tell me no. "If it was a vampire, the smell would be evident. It's strange. I feel like this creature is watching us, i just can't hear a heart beat nor pick up a Smell. It's very odd." I nod and look back outside and then Tanya takes off to go outside and scouts the area letting her curiosity and protectiveness take control. I stood there and listened to her run and come to constant stops until at one point she went still. I heard nothing at that point, but i could still smell her which meant she was still close. After a minute of silence there was a loud howl that sounded similar to a wolfs but much stronger and powerful. My eyes widen and the howl woke up Octavia causing her to cry. I start rocking her and saying soothing words trying to get her back to sleep and to stop crying. I looked out the window again searching for the creature and for Tanya. I finally heard Tanya, but she seemed panicked. "Bella hun, come here and leave Octavia in the house, she'll be safe i promise but please come out here."
I set down my little angel on the bed and cover her up seeing as she's stopped crying. I kissed her forehead and sped out towards Tanya and what i saw next terrified me. I came to a small clearing and there was a giant wolf like being but they were standing on two legs in front of Tanya with Tanya facing the creature. I stood there shocked just thinking about how I've only heard about these things in old legends. It snarled as i came into its line of sight and crouched defensively. "Bella, come here, i want you close. Just in case." I nod and slowly make my way to Tanya with my eyes never leaving the creature that stands before us. Once i reach her I'm slightly behind her and she grabs my hand gripping it harshly not even bothering to look at me, her eyes solely on the thing i front of us. After several moments of silence Tanya spoke up, "who are you and why are you here? You are in my covens territory so i demand to know who you are. Show yourself." She says this all with a low threatening tone and i have to admit it was hot as hell. I stared at the creature and it seemed to have nodded at Tanya's demands. It starts to shift back to a human form and there stood a beautiful girl with tanned skin and long brown hair and totally exposed. She showed no emotion towards us as she started to walk to where me and Tanya stand. Tanya pulled me fully behind her and grabbed my arm holding me there. This mystery woman spoke up and had almost an angelic voice. "My name is Maric. I am a lycan as you have witnessed and i am here because i need your help also i saw you collect the child i found abandoned in the streets. As for that i thank you for your kind demeanor." Tanya processes whats been said and replies still not letting me move from behind her. "My name is Tanya, leader of the Denali coven and this is my mate, Bella. Why, may i ask, do you need our help? Legends say your kind is the strongest and most powerful of all things supernatural ..."
Manic nods "yes but i am only one against hundreds of your kind... vampires. I need your help to take down the volturi. They stole something from me long ago and I've never had the chance to reclaim what is rightfully mine. That is until I've seen your mate Tanya." She looks over Tanya's shoulder to look at me and smiles softly. Tanya growls lowly and put my arms around her waist to try and calm her down a bit. It worked so now I'm holding Tanya from behind with my chin rested on her shoulder. "Your mate shows restraint that I've never seen before and i quickly came to realize her gift could be very powerful and useful if she harnessed the power correctly. I want to help with that. So will you, Tanya, as coven leader help me take down the volturi?" Tanya turns her head to look at me for a second and then back to Maric. She barely shows a smile, but i know she's going to agree to this... she wants revenge and so does Maric. Maric is giving her the opportunity to avenge her mother. And Tanya is giving Maric the opportunity to collect something of great value we have yet to know of. "Yes.. i will help you. I will gather more vampire because we will need numbers if we are going to take on the guard." Maric smiles brightly and comes to shake Tanya's hand but seeing as she is still naked i growl not letting her touch my mate. Maric nods with understanding and follows us back to the house.
We get back and introduce Maric to everyone and head upstairs to where our little girl is. Once me and Tanya enter the room we find that she's still fast asleep. I smile and turn to Tanya putting my hands on her hips. "You know you just got us into a war right?"
"Yes Bella, I'm well aware of that fact... i need to teach you to fight."
"Who says i can't fight?"
She wraps her arms around my neck and chuckles softly.
"My love, you were a weak fragile human a year ago and i know for a fact you never took any fighting classes so-" i cut her off by kissing her.
"Okay Tanya fine I'll learn to fight, no need to go on about my weak human life." She smiles and kisses me again but more passionately. She suddenly stops and looks over at Octavia then bites her lip in thought. "What're you thinking about?" She looks at me smiling softly but i can tell whatever is on her mind is bothering her. "I'm thinking about how this will play out."
"Tanya, don't even worry about that-" she puts her lips on mine to get me to stop talking.
"Let's go somewhere. I set up a place earlier before everything happened. I let Kate know that we are going out so she'll watch over our baby."
"Where are you gonna take me?"
"That's a surprise, moja láska." I sigh and look at Octavia one more time and then we both leave. We sped out of the house and travel for about a half hour before she told me stop. She gets behind me and puts her hands over my eyes so i can see anything. "Tanya you know i don't like surprises."
"I'm sorry my love but i did want this to be a surprise." She removes her hands from my eyes and i open them immediately taking in my surroundings. I whisper a 'wow' as i admire the lighting that i strung through the trees all around us and there's a blanket on the ground. Tanya has her arms wrapped around my waist and i play with her fingers as i take in what she's done for me. If i could cry, i would right now. I turn in her arms to face her then kiss her passionately wrapping my arms around her neck to her closer to me. I mumbled against her lips, "I love it Tanya." I pull away slightly and look at her. She has this permanent smile on her face. "I'm glad you do." She kisses my cheek and let's go of me but doesn't move. She takes a deep breathe while looking at me with just so much love in her eyes.
"Tanya what's going on? I'm getting nervous." She chuckles slightly and shakes her head.
"My dearest Bella i can promise there is nothing to be nervous about. I've loved you since i first saw you. As soon as your eyes locked with mine i knew you were my mate. I also know that is traditional to show ones amount of love for the other through marriage. Although in this period of time marriage doesn't seem that big of a deal because you can easily get divorced, but Bella, from my day and age anybody would have been so lucky to even hold your hand or even steal a glance at you. My beautiful, kind, strong headed, beloved mate, it would be an honor" i watch her with my mouth slightly ajar as she gets down on one knee presenting me a gorgeous ring as she grabs my hand gently. She looks me in the eyes and continues. "To have you as my wife for the rest of eternity. So will you Isabella Marie Swan, marry me?" I opened an closed my mouth a few times before replying. "Yes!! Yes! Yes, a thousand times yes Tanya!" I start dry sobbing as she slips the ring on my finger and she hugs me tightly spinning me a few times before setting me down. I kiss her roughly and then just hug her tightly taking in everything that just happened. For the rest of the night me and Tanya lay in each others arms under the stars just talking about our future and how we can't wait to start it.

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