2. hair

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"But mom I'm eighteen now." I say through my phone.

"No but's, you may be eighteen but you're still my child and you can't even do your own laundry or cook your own dinner." My mom says.

"Fine then I'll learn how to cook and do my laundry, it can't be that hard." I say.

"Mom, don't do it he'll burn down his apartment. " I hear Aaliyah yell from the background

My mom sighs "Shawn, you know I just want the best for you, you know that right?"

"I know mom, but I think living on my own is for the best. I can get more inspiriation when I'm writing my third album, i'll be fine alone."

"Okay Shawn just think about it, will you sweetheart?" She says.

"Of course I will, but I have to go now mom, talk to you later."

"Bye!" I hear Aaliyah scream.

With that I hang up and put my phone in my back pocket.

Brian stares at me from the rear view mirror. "You ready?" He asks.
I nod my head and open up the car door.
As I walk out I immediately hear fans screaming my name, I walk towards them and take a couple selfies and walk in the restaurant.

I was asked to review food for a famous restaurant in New York, I don't even know why they chose me, probably because they think I have good taste, I mean look at me.

You may think, where did I get this cockiness from, well I've always had it, I just never show it, especially to my fans and family.

As I walk I realize that this restaurant is really classy.
Big chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, white tables with matching chairs and a white piano in the corner of the room for live music.

I get escorted to my table and sit down with Brian across from me.



"Kimberly and Richard will be preparing the Entree, Alana and Tom will be preparing the Main course and Dominique will be preparing the desserts." Chef Michael says.

"Any questions?" He asks

"No, chef!" We all answer in sync.

"Then get to work, everybody."

I was a little bit nervous, even though I prepared this dish many times before, I never did it alone. Each time I had someone to assist me, but this time chef Michael decided to put me to the test,
everything has to be perfect, if you screw up your dish today, it's game over.

I take a deep breath "Come on, Dom it's just a lava cake, easy." I say to myself.
I start making the batter and then I hear chef Michael saying that the guests have arrived.

With my eyes I search the kitchen for Alana's, she's stressing out, I can tell by the way she's yelling at Tom, poor guy.

The entree has been served and chef says there are no complaints, yet.

My lava cakes are in the oven and I'm praying to god that they turn out alright.
I see the waiters coming back again, that means it's time to serve the main course.

After checking my cakes I carefully take them out of the oven. As I delicately place all the lava cakes on each plate, dust the top with some powdered sugar and decorate the plate with some fresh fruit and mint leaves, I hear chef Michael yell Alana's name.
Oh no this can't be good.

"Yes chef?" She says

"Alana there's a guest who likes to speak to you." He says.

She gulps "okay"

They walk out of the kitchen, and I see her standing in front of a table with two men. One has his back turned against me and the other one looks satisfied, maybe it isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I look at Alana, she looks excited and scared at the same time, I decide to walk out the kitchen as well.
She makes eye contact and mouths the words "oh my god" to me, and with that I immediately know who that guy is.
It's the guy who sings "Stitches".
He says something to the chef and he walks away. I come closer and I hear him say something.

"As I was enjoying my meal, I found this rather long, blond hair sticking out of my shrimp" He says while holding the hair with a digusted expression on his face.

"So, I would like to have an explanation,
for why you would serve food so nasty and unappetizing like this, to a superstar like me?" He says annoyed.

"I-I am" Alana says lost for words.

"Well, I'm waiting for an answer?" He says, like he's expecting a real explanation.

And in that moment my opinion towards celebrities has changed.
They're really aren't like I expected them to be, they're even worse.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Alana says but I cut her off before she starts crying.

"Uhm excuse me, but who do you think you are? Do you really think she put a strain of hair on your plate on purpose?"
I say almost screaming.

I mean he may be famous and all but that doesn't give him the right to treat people like this.

I look at him and he just stares at me with an amused grin on his face.
"Well I definitely know who I am, but do you?"

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Authors note
Sup Muggles
I'm a slow writer I know
But please let me know what you think about this book, I'm excited about it but im also scared.
Catch y'all later 🥀

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