11. late

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I woke up by my alarm clock, and luckily not by Alana slapping me awake. I look at the time and see that's only 9 'o clock.
Why did I wake up so early?
And then I remember what happend last night. I look at my messages and see a text from an unknown number.

Dorchester Towers, 155 W 68th St, apartment 9B, don't be late.

I assume that the text was coming from Shawn, a simple hello or goodmorning would've been nice. I step out of bed and my feet hit the cold floor. I make my way to the bathroom and do my morning routine.

After I finished I go to my closet and decide what to wear, but the only problem is that I have nothing to wear.

"Alana!" I scream through the apartment.

No answer.

"Al!" I try again.

I give up on the fifth time and walk towards her bedroom. I fling the door open and to my surprise I see nothing but an empty bed.

Did she.. stay the night at Brian's?

I decide to call her cellphone but she doesn't pick up, I know Al and when she doesn't answer her phone I know there's something wrong. She always has her phone with her and even a powerbank.

I begin to panick a little bit, she was with Brian last night. She should be save right?
I mean it's not like he's a serial killer or a rapist right? I mean how much do I really know about him? Oh god.

I quickly put on some random clothes hoping it will match, grab all my necessities and leave the house.

Once I'm finally in my car I begin to think everything through. I know Al is not stupid and won't make any reckless decisions so I don't need to stress. But she's like my little sister and I need to know where she is. The last time this happend it didn't end well.

I pick up my phone and dial Joe's number while still keeping my eyes on the road, I was heading to the Eleven Madison Park to see if she might be having a early shift today.

"Wassup?" I hear from the other side of the line.

"Joe, have you seen Al?" I question.

"Uhm, no wasn't she with Brian?" He asks with a morning voice.

"Yes but she didn't come back last night, should I be worried?"

"Nah, she probably stayed the night at his place."

"So do you know where he lives?" I ask

"I have no clue Dom, sorry." He says and I groan.

"Can't you use your twin telepathy thingy and locate where she's hiding?" I ask in desperation.

"Dom it doesn't work like that. We'll need some tinfoil and rubbing alcohol for that." He chuckles.

"We need to try that sometime but I got to go now by Jojo." And I end the call.

I arrive at the restaurant and walk in from the back of the kitchen. I look around and spot Tom.

"Hey Tom have you seen Alana today?"

"No, luckily not." He says.

"C'mon she can't be that bad." I lied, I know exactly how bad Alana can get.

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